Data structures and Algorithms Matcher
Building a search engine that matches the problem with the suitable algorithm/ data structures to be used.
To grasp a bit of the concepts used in search engines, I've chosen this idea to be the purpose of creating a website. The finished website should contain the following:
- As a user I can create/update/delete an account.
- As a user I can sign in.
- As a user I can create a post
- As a User I can comment on a post
- As a user I can search for a DataStructure based on its name or description.
- As a User I can view posts.
- As a User I can view comments.
- As a User I can favourite/unfavourite posts.
- As a User I can view my own favourite posts.
- As a User I can search for an Algorithm/Data Structure and see the results based on that.
- As a User I can create a post regarding an Algorithm or DataStructure from the search results or an independant post.
- As a User I can favourite an algorithm or datastructure
- Describe any prerequisites, libraries, OS version, etc., needed before installing program.
- A code editor (ruby mine or VScode).
- Ruby installed on the machine version version 2.7.0
- Rails version
- postgresql installed locally
- How/where to download your program
- Any modifications needed to be made to files/folders
It gets triggered on the first time of running the server
- How to run the program
- Step-by-step bullets
- ensure that postgres is installed locally
- Clone the repository
- Change the username in the development environment in the database.yml file under config then run rails db:migrate
- Run bundle install command from terminal
- start the server using rails s command
- The Website Link for heroku:
## Version History
* 0.2
* Optimize the crawler
* Make the crawler run indenfinetely.
* Optimize extracting Data from HTML (Instead of extracting data from HTML find other alternatives like extracting data from Databases instead).
* Add an Admin role to approve posts.
* Add feature to favourite comments.
* Add replying feature to comments.
* Allow users to upload their pictures
* 0.1
* Initial Release