This project sets out to analyze the Ames Housing datasets, which are provided as part of a Kaggle competition available here:
The project aims to answer the following main questions:
- What different segments of residential houses can be identified in Ames, Iowa?
- How accurately can supervised machine learning models predict house prices in Ames, Iowa?
- What are the top 5 important attributes that influence the house prices in Ames, Iowa?
The Ames Housing dataset was compiled by Dean De Cock for use in data science education. The following are the datasets used in this project:
- train.csv - the training set
- test.csv - the test set
- data_description.txt - full description of each column, originally prepared by Dean De Cock but lightly edited to match the column names used here
To begin with, attributes with high percentage of values missing are identified and removed. Next, the preprocessing of data is done in two main parts: preprocessing of categorical attributes and numerical attributes:
- categorical attributes: first, the categorical attributes are imputed using the most frequent value strategy. Next, dummy variables are created. To do this, categories are identified using a combined dataset of the train and test datasets.
- numerical attributes: numerical attributes are preprocessed in two steps. In the first step, only continuous features are dealt with. To do this, new features are created using the existing features. After that, the continuous attributes are imputed using KNN imputer, which is fit on the combined dataset of the train and test sets. In the next stage, ordinal attributes are preprocessed. First, the ordinal attributes are imputed using the most frequent value strategy. Next, ordinal encoding is applied to the ordinal attributes. To achieve the desired order values, dictionaries of values are created and fit into OrdinalEncoder.
The train and test datasets are preprocessed simultaneously to ensure consistency in their structures and features.
The project has two main models: unsupervised ML and supervised ML.
Unsupervised ML: Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to the training dataset to reduce the dimensionality. Next, k-means clustering is conducted uing the selected components from the PCA analysis. Using the elbow method, four main clusters are identified and analyzed.
Supervised ML: first, the number of features are reduced using recursive feature elimination (RFE). To do this, a Gradient Boosting Regressor model is evaluated with different numbers of features. The number of features that yield the smallest root mean squared error is selected for the next phase. Using the selected features, Bayes Search optimization is used to tune hyperparameters of the model and to evaluate different models using cross-validation. Next, XGB Regressor trained and tested. Finally, feature importances of the selected regression models are evaluated.
The final Gradient Boosting Regressor model yields cross-validation RMSE score of 21990.30 and R-square value of 0.9821 on the training set.
The final XGBX Regressor model yields a cross-validation RMSE score of 21068.05 and R-square value of 0.9965 on the training set.
The following are the components of the project:
- Data
|- train.csv |- test.csv |- data_description.txt
|- Udacity_capstone.ipynb
Prerequisite modules for the notebook can be installed as follows: !pip install plotly !pip install --upgrade setuptools !pip install --upgrade pip !pip install xgboost !pip install scikit-optimize
- Documentation:
|- |- Udacity_Data_Scientist_Capstone.pdf
- What different segments of residential houses can be identified in Ames, Iowa?
- Four clusters of residential houses are identified. Two of them feature more expensive, bigger, and better quality houses. The remaining two are less expensive, small, and comparatively inferior quality houses.
- How accurately can supervised machine learning models predict house prices in Ames, Iowa?
- This project test two models. The best scoring model yielded and RMSE score of 21068.05 and R-square score of 0.9965. The model also performed relatively well on unseen data from the Kaggle competition. It scored 0.12724, which is the RMSE between the logarithm of the predicted value and the logarithm of the unseen sales price. At the time of writing, this score was ranked in top 25% among submissions by 4724 competing teams.
- What are the top 5 important attributes that influence the house prices in Ames, Iowa?
- According to the model with the best performance, the top 5 important attributes that influence house prices are as follows:
- total area
- overall quality
- total indoor area
- external quality
- basement quality
Author Umrbek Allakulov