JQuery Plugin for remote form validation to show errors and highlight errors without refreshing page.
Download remote_validation.js into your public/javascripts
Add script tag for your view
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/remote_validation.js"></script>
add error section into your form tag. i.e. error_messages
<%= form_for @post do |f| %> <div id="error_messages"></div> ... <% end %>
Modifiy your controller to respond to json type. In example,
# POST /posts # POST /posts.json def create @post = Post.new(params[:post]) respond_to do |format| if @post.save format.html { redirect_to @post } format.json { render json: {:location=> url_for(@post)} , status: 302 } else format.html { render action: "new" } format.json { render json: {:errors => @post.errors}, status: 422 } end end end
Finally, apply jquery plugin to your form
$( function() { $("form[data-remote='true']").remoteValidation(); });
If you may want to pass your own options for remote form valiation, you can pass options as;
var options= {
messageContainer : '#error_messages',
messageHtml : "<div id='error_explanation'><h2>{{NUM_ERRORS}} errors prohibited this post from being saved:</h2>{{ERRORS}}</div>",
errorClass : 'field_with_errors',
beforeSend: beforeSend: function(xhr) { console.log("sending request",xhr) },
success: function(data, status, xhr) { console.log("received response", data, status, xhr) },
error: function(xhr, status, error) { console.log("received error", xhr, status, error) },
complete: function(xhr, status) { console.log("complete ", xhr, status) },
JQuery expression of selector that shows errors after error validation example : ".error_messages", "div#errros", etc
htmls to be filled in to message container {{NUM_ERRORS}} : will be replaced with number of errors {{ERRORS}} : will be replaced with list of errors
will wrap the field of errors with div set by this class name
callback function for before ajax call is made
callback function when validation has successful response(i.e, 200)
callback function when validation has error response(i.e. 422)
callback function when ajax call is finished.
To run this example application
1. $ git clone https://github.com/bighostkim/remoteValidation.git
2. $ cd remoteValidation/example
3. $ bundle install
4. $ rails server
open url, http://localhost:3000/blogs/new
For the exact implementation of this in example, please check the following files
1. app/controllers/blogs_controller.rb
2. app/views/blogs/_form.rb
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