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[DRAFT] CI experiments #21

[DRAFT] CI experiments

[DRAFT] CI experiments #21

Workflow file for this run

# # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# #
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# # You may obtain a copy of the License at
# #
# #
# #
# # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# # limitations under the License.
# # This is the main workflow that runs on every PR and push to main
# name: pr
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: bash -euo pipefail {0}
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - "pull-request/[0-9]+"
# # Only runs one instance of this workflow at a time for a given PR and cancels any in-progress runs when a new one starts.
# concurrency:
# group: ${{ github.workflow }}-on-${{ github.event_name }}-from-${{ github.ref_name }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# permissions:
# contents: read
# pull-requests: read
# jobs:
# inspect-changes:
# name: "Inspect Changes"
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# outputs:
# LIBCUDACXX_DIRTY: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.LIBCUDACXX_DIRTY }}
# CUB_DIRTY: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.CUB_DIRTY }}
# THRUST_DIRTY: ${{ steps.set-outputs.outputs.THRUST_DIRTY }}
# steps:
# - name: Get Base Branch from PR
# id: get-pr-info
# uses: nv-gha-runners/get-pr-info@main
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Identify dirty subprojects
# id: set-outputs
# run: |
# ./ci/ ${BASE_SHA} ${GITHUB_SHA}
# env:
# BASE_SHA: ${{ fromJSON( }}
# compute-matrix:
# name: Compute matrix
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs:
# - inspect-changes
# outputs:
# PER_CUDA_COMPILER_KEYS: ${{steps.set-outputs.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_KEYS}}
# NVRTC_MATRIX: ${{steps.set-outputs.outputs.NVRTC_MATRIX}}
# CLANG_CUDA_MATRIX: ${{steps.set-outputs.outputs.CLANG_CUDA_MATRIX}}
# CCCL_INFRA_MATRIX: ${{steps.set-outputs.outputs.CCCL_INFRA_MATRIX}}
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Compute matrix outputs
# id: set-outputs
# run: |
# .github/actions/compute-matrix/ ci/matrix.yaml pull_request
# env:
# THRUST_DIRTY: ${{ needs.inspect-changes.outputs.THRUST_DIRTY }}
# CUB_DIRTY: ${{ needs.inspect-changes.outputs.CUB_DIRTY }}
# LIBCUDACXX_DIRTY: ${{ needs.inspect-changes.outputs.LIBCUDACXX_DIRTY }}
# nvrtc:
# name: libcudacxx NVRTC CUDA${{matrix.cuda}}
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# needs:
# - compute-matrix
# - inspect-changes
# if: ${{ !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip-tests') && needs.inspect-changes.outputs.LIBCUDACXX_DIRTY == 'true' }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/run-as-coder.yml
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include: ${{ fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.NVRTC_MATRIX) }}
# with:
# name: Build and Test libcudacxx CUDA${{matrix.cuda}} C++${{matrix.std}}
# runner: linux-${{matrix.cpu}}-gpu-v100-latest-1
# image: rapidsai/devcontainers:${{needs.compute-matrix.outputs.DEVCONTAINER_VERSION}}-cpp-gcc12-cuda${{matrix.cuda}}-${{matrix.os}}
# command: |
# ./ci/ -cxx g++ -std ${{matrix.std}}
# thrust:
# name: Thrust CUDA${{ matrix.cuda_host_combination }}
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# needs:
# - compute-matrix
# - inspect-changes
# if: ${{ needs.inspect-changes.outputs.THRUST_DIRTY == 'true' }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/dispatch-build-and-test.yml
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cuda_host_combination: ${{ fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_KEYS) }}
# with:
# project_name: "thrust"
# per_cuda_compiler_matrix: ${{ toJSON(fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_MATRIX)[ matrix.cuda_host_combination ]) }}
# devcontainer_version: ${{ needs.compute-matrix.outputs.DEVCONTAINER_VERSION }}
# is_windows: ${{ contains(matrix.cuda_host_combination, 'cl') }}
# cub:
# name: CUB CUDA${{ matrix.cuda_host_combination }}
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# needs:
# - compute-matrix
# - inspect-changes
# if: ${{ needs.inspect-changes.outputs.CUB_DIRTY == 'true' }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/dispatch-build-and-test.yml
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cuda_host_combination: ${{ fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_KEYS) }}
# with:
# project_name: "cub"
# per_cuda_compiler_matrix: ${{ toJSON(fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_MATRIX)[ matrix.cuda_host_combination ]) }}
# devcontainer_version: ${{ needs.compute-matrix.outputs.DEVCONTAINER_VERSION }}
# is_windows: ${{ contains(matrix.cuda_host_combination, 'cl') }}
# libcudacxx:
# name: libcudacxx CUDA${{ matrix.cuda_host_combination }}
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# needs:
# - compute-matrix
# - inspect-changes
# if: ${{ needs.inspect-changes.outputs.LIBCUDACXX_DIRTY == 'true' }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/dispatch-build-and-test.yml
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# cuda_host_combination: ${{ fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_KEYS) }}
# with:
# project_name: "libcudacxx"
# per_cuda_compiler_matrix: ${{ toJSON(fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.PER_CUDA_COMPILER_MATRIX)[ matrix.cuda_host_combination ]) }}
# devcontainer_version: ${{ needs.compute-matrix.outputs.DEVCONTAINER_VERSION }}
# is_windows: ${{ contains(matrix.cuda_host_combination, 'cl') }}
# clang-cuda:
# name: ${{matrix.lib}} Clang CUDA
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# needs: compute-matrix
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include: ${{ fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.CLANG_CUDA_MATRIX) }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/run-as-coder.yml
# with:
# name: Build ${{matrix.lib}} ${{matrix.cpu}}/clang-cuda${{matrix.compiler.version}}/C++${{matrix.std}}
# runner: linux-${{matrix.cpu}}-cpu16
# image: rapidsai/devcontainers:${{needs.compute-matrix.outputs.DEVCONTAINER_VERSION}}-cpp-${{}}${{matrix.compiler.version}}-cuda${{matrix.cuda}}-${{matrix.os}}
# command: |
# ./ci/build_${{matrix.lib}}.sh -cxx "${{matrix.compiler.exe}}" -cuda "${{matrix.compiler.exe}}" -std "${{matrix.std}}"
# cccl-infra:
# name: CCCL Infrastructure
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# needs: compute-matrix
# if: ${{ !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip-tests') }}
# strategy:
# fail-fast: false
# matrix:
# include: ${{ fromJSON(needs.compute-matrix.outputs.CCCL_INFRA_MATRIX) }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/run-as-coder.yml
# with:
# name: CCCL Examples CUDA${{matrix.cuda}} ${{}}${{matrix.compiler.version}}
# runner: linux-${{matrix.cpu}}-gpu-v100-latest-1
# image: rapidsai/devcontainers:${{needs.compute-matrix.outputs.DEVCONTAINER_VERSION}}-cpp-${{}}${{matrix.compiler.version}}-cuda${{matrix.cuda}}-${{matrix.os}}
# command: |
# cmake -S . --preset=cccl-infra -DCCCL_EXAMPLE_CPM_TAG=${GITHUB_SHA}
# ctest --preset=cccl-infra
# verify-devcontainers:
# name: Verify Dev Containers
# permissions:
# id-token: write
# contents: read
# uses: ./.github/workflows/verify-devcontainers.yml
# verify-codegen:
# name: Verify Codegen in libcudacxx
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Run libcudacxx codegen verification
# id: verify-codegen
# run: |
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install ninja-build
# export CXX="g++"
# ./ci/
# # This job is the final job that runs after all other jobs and is used for branch protection status checks.
# # See:
# #
# ci:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# name: CI
# if: ${{ always() }} # need to use always() instead of !cancelled() because skipped jobs count as success
# needs:
# - clang-cuda
# - cub
# - libcudacxx
# - nvrtc
# - thrust
# - cccl-infra
# - verify-devcontainers
# - verify-codegen
# steps:
# - name: Check status of all precursor jobs
# if: >-
# ${{contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled')}}
# run: exit 1