Followed this tutorial:
- a bundle of an app's dependencies (apache, sql, redis, etc) and configuration
- made up of layers of other images (linux image, then applications (sql image, php image, etc))
- the artifact that can be moved around (put in repo, deployed) is the image
- makes development easier
- makes deployment easier
- live in a "container repository" (a private one, or a public one like DockerHub)
- not running
- the running intance of an image. ie. when pull an image to your machine and start it, it creates the container environment
- when you restart it, everything within it is gone
`docker pull apache:8.04` Download an image of a specific version
`docker images` Lists all downloaded images
`docker rmi abc123` Delete image abc123
`docker run apache` Download apache image (if dont have it yet), creates a container and runs the container.
-d run in detached mode (just so dont have to open new terminal)
-p8000:80 use host port 8000 to access port 80 in the container
--name give it a name so can refer to it by name instead of id
--net my-name which docker network to use
`docker ps` List running containers
`docker ps -a` List running and stopped containers
`docker start abc123` Start container abc123 (does not create it)
`docker stop abc123` Stop container abc123
`docker rm abc123` Remove container abc123
`docker exec -it abc123` Access the `interactive terminal` inside the container (not all terminal commands exist, though)
`docker logs abc123` Show the logs for container abc123
`docker network create my-name` Create a docker network (so two apps on different ports in the container can talk to each other natively, i think)
`docker network ls` List the docker networks
`docker-compose up` Start all the containers defined in docker-compose.yml (so dont have to run one for each service). It automatically creates the docker network, so we dont have to do it manually.
`docker-compose down` Stop all the containers defined in docker-compose.yml and the network.
`docker-compose run` ...
blueprint for building an image. eg install debian, php, mysql, pdo, imagemagick, copy in these files
It defines your app's environment so it can be reproduced anywhere.
so Dockerfile installs the dependecies/services, docker-compose.yml configures them and makes them communicate with each other...?
useful for deployment
i believe Dockerfile creates an image, then you consume it in
withbuild: .
. If images already exist in the docker registry, just use it -
whenever you change, you have to delete and re-create the images and containers
FROM apache:8.16.2 // must be based off a single image. this one installs a specific version of apache
ENV DB_USERNAME=admin \ // can set up environment variables
RUN mkdir /my/path // run any linux command WITHIN the container
COPY . /my/path // "COPY" copies from HOST machine into the container
CMD ["node", "server.js"] // entrypoint command; only one can exist. runs "node server.js" at command line in container
docker build -t my-app .
Builds an image called my-app
from a Dockerfile
(which is in current directory).