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Releases: alterNERDtive/VoiceAttack-profiles

4.5 (2022-09-19)

19 Sep 16:23
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You will have to update the bindED plugin to the latest version after installing/updating the profiles. They come with an outdated version of bindED that will not work properly with current “live” versions of Elite. If you are playing “legacy”, you are fine with the old version (and the current version will break for you).

This might very well be the last release of this. With how the “Horizons 4.0” launch went, Frontier’s communication around it, and just how horrible 4.0 is, I currently do not see me being motivated to actually port stuff to 4.0. And, let’s face it, 3.8 will go EoL eventually.

Anyway, I still have some programming pet projects around this stuff that I might continue with and adapt this for, so I might sneak some fixes / updates in, and I’m not going to say never because who knows how I’ll feel about this in the future. Obviously there’s also still the option to pay me to do stuff =p


  • Race condition in all plugins that might lead to commands using command-scoped variables (~<name>) not working as intended. This was introduced in refactoring work that was done for 4.4.
  • Documentation proof read and fixed by @ACyprus. Thanks!


  • Some behind the scenes things regarding how builds work. This will make it possible to build this entirely on Github (= less potential for human error) once I have dealt with #62 (see #143 as well).

EliteAttack 8.5


  • target nearest […] commands now log the result (with log level “INFO”).
  • include outdated settlements option: Include Odyssey settlements in the outdated stations list. Default: true.


  • Docked event now handles Odyssey settlements properly (they have no hangar). (#145)
  • Fixed potential race condition with the discovery scan event command queue. Might have an impact on #64.

RatAttack 6.4


  • Support for new Horizons 3 / Horizons 4 / Odyssey RATSIGNALs. (#159)
  • Made case list thread safe. Probably only ever impacted my own specific setup, but still a huge 🤦.
  • Apparently ^ can be part of both CMDR names and IRC nicks (fixed RATSIGNAL regex).

4.4 (2022-05-31)

31 May 17:31
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  • The Configuration GUI now has an “Apply” button.


  • Configuration GUI now .Activate()s immediately to prevent it from hiding behind other windows.

EliteAttack 8.4


  • auto retract landing gear setting: Automatically retract landing gear when lifting off a planet / undocking from a station. Default: true. (#133)
  • auto disable s r v lights setting: Automatically turn SRV lights off when deploying one. Default: true. (#133)


  • auto enter station services option. (#142)

RatAttack 6.3.1

  • Added error message to the CLI tool for running VoiceAttack with elevated privileges which will cause an UnAuthorizedAccessException trying to communicate with the plugin. (#138)
  • Added warning to VoiceAttack when running it with elevated privileges. (#138)

SpashAttack 7.2.2

  • Fixed getting current jump range from EDDI; no longer fails on the first try, no longer sometimes reports the last requested range instead of current.

4.3 (2022-05-19)

19 May 10:54
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NOTE: Further development is on hold and Odyssey compatibility will not be worked on for the time being. See the corresponding issue on Github. Feel free to file issues for anything that is broken on Odyssey and it will be worked on when it is worked on.

That said, there is now a settings UI! It’s not pretty, it’s basic, but it does the job.

  • Updated documentation for the switch to 64-bit as the standard VoiceAttack distribution format.
  • Updated included bindED plugin.


  • customize settings command: Brings up a rudimentary settings UI. (#80)
  • open documentation command: Opens the profile’s documentatin in your default browser.
  • Section about HCS compatibility in “Troubleshooting” documentation (#130).


  • Log level settings description no longer contains literal \ns.
  • Documentation now mentions that you have to reload your custom profile after creating the startup command for the first time. (#129)
  • Clarified not having to install bundled dependencies manually. (#127)
  • Reordered setup instructions to clarify that the profile example already comes with a startup command. (#126)
  • No longer cuts off EDDI’s “update available” TTS on VoiceAttack start. (#120)
  • Implemented workaround for EDDI’s Body scanned event sometimes not setting variables correctly. Might drop some events, will log to DEBUG. (#121)

EliteAttack 8.3


  • INFO logging for carrier events.
  • auto refuel setting: Automatically refuel after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133)
  • auto repair setting: Automatically repair after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133)
  • auto move to hangar setting: Automatically move the ship to the hanger after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133)
  • auto enter station services: Automatically enter the Station Services menu after docking at a station. Default: true. (#133)
  • find nearest […] command now logs the result to the VoiceAttack log (log level INFO). (#96)

RatAttack 6.3


  • Now gives feedback after asking for call confirmation: “Call aborted.” / “Calling <…>.”.
  • auto copy rat case system setting: Automatically copy the client’s system to the clipboard when you open a rat case. Default: true.
  • Now asks for call confirmation more clearly: “send call <call> to fuel rats?” instead of an easily misinterpreted “call <call>?”. The question inflection is more or less pronounced depending on the TTS voice used and has led to confusion. (#101)


  • No longer trying to get nearest CMDR for the new “Unconfirmed” system info.
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for locales containing &.
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for system information containing / (e.g. “Herbig AE/BE star”).
  • “Not Set” case number when asking for details about an invalid case.
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for locales containing ,.
  • No longer determines (nor logs) nearest CMDR if announcing nearest CMDR is turned off while also being off duty.
  • No longer silently swallows calls if call confirmation is disabled. (#128)

SpanshAttack 7.2.1


  • OBOE on last jump.
  • Moved jumps left announcement from getting the next waypoint (now happens at the start of a jump) to the Jumped event (happens after a jump). (#124)
  • Will no longer go to neutron jump mode if no route has been found (= there is only a single waypoint). (#104)

4.2.3 (2021-05-23)

23 May 18:36
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Updated included bindED plugin to version 4.1 that fixes Odyssey compatibility.

No actual code / profile changes.

4.2.2 (2021-05-19)

19 May 15:48
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Now comes with Odyssey-compatible bindED.

DO read the release notes on that before upgrading!

RatAttack 6.2.2


  • Added handling for Odyssey clients. (#114)
  • Correctly setting system for manual Ratsignals ("") to None now. IMO a Mecha bug, but whatever.
  • Code reds are now correctly detected again with the new case announcement format. (#115)

4.2.1 (2021-05-03)

03 May 08:35
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IMPORTANT: I did an oopsie building the package, it was actually the 4.2.0 one. Corrected now.

This will probably be the last pre-Odyssey release. I am not in the Odyssey alpha, and I have no ETA on a compatibility release. Please do file issues you encounter regardless.

Changes to the RATSIGNAL produced by Swiftsqueak broke not only the parsing, but also the default string used to detect them in AdiIRC. You’ll need to listen to on *:TEXT:*RATSIGNAL*(??_SIGNAL):#fuelrats: instead.


  • Reworded the 32- vs. 64-bit part of the VoiceAttack installation instructions. Some scenarios require one or the other, otherwise it probably doesn’t matter which you pick.

EliteAttack 8.2.1


  • No longer tries to auto-honk after a hyperdiction event. (#105) Sadly doesn’t quite work, yet.
  • On-demand outdated station check works again. (#108)

RatAttack 6.2.1


  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for new format. Needs adjusting your IRC client, see above. IRC formatting will now be stripped before sending to VoiceAttack. (#111)
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for language strings that contain numbers (e.g. “es-419”).
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for “unknown system” (which contains a zero-width space …)
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for procedually generated landmark systems.
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing landmark systems with alternate names.


  • Removed the TTS prompt and logging from incoming invalid RATSIGNALs by default, for real this time. See the ((RatAttack.invalidRatsignal)) command for info on how to re-enable for yourself.

4.2 (2021-03-09)

09 Mar 19:17
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EliteAttack 8.2


  • "limpet check" configuration option: Do a limpet check when undocking, reminding you if you forgot to buy some. Default: true. (see discussion on #86)

RatAttack 6.2


  • distance to latest rat case command: gives you you current distance to the latest rat case.


  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for “Sagittarius A*” landmark.
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for new wording of injected cases with no system given.
  • Fixed RATSIGNAL parsing for “cardinal direction” addition to distance estimates for proc gen systems.

SpanshAttack 7.2


  • Moved EDTS system coordinate estimation code from Python script to the VoiceAttack plugin.


  • edts.exe Python script.

4.1 (2021-02-19)

19 Feb 22:17
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EliteAttack 8.1


  • how many jumps left command: Announces the jumps left on a neutron trip (requires SpanshAttack) or a course plotted via the galaxy map.
  • route jump count configuration option: Give a jump count on plotting a route. Default: true.
  • Now reports on AFMU repairs.
  • repair reports configuration option: Report on AFMU repairs. Default: true.
  • Now reports on Synthesis.
  • synthesis reports configuration option: Report on synthesis. Default: true.


  • Restricted outdated stations check to systems with stations again.
  • Material Threshold event should no longer cause logging errors.

RatAttack 6.1


  • call jumps [left;] command: Calls jumps for the currently open case based on a neutron trip (requires Spanshattack) or a plotted ingame route.
  • Now uses Mecha’s system information in the RATSIGNAL in case announcements.
  • system information for fuel rat case configuration option: System information provided by Mecha. Default: true.
  • latest rat case details command: : Will give you the case data for the latest incoming case.


  • Removed TTS prompt from the invalid RATSIGNAL trigger. It’s still in the log, but you won’t get spammed in voice every time the format changes before an update to the profiles is out.
  • No longer looks up your nearest CMDR to a rat case if the system is neither in Mecha’s galaxy database nor a potentially valid system name. (#89)


  • Updated RATSIGNAL parsing to correctly handle new format for landmark systems.
  • Updated RATSIGNAL parsing to accomodate new “Invalid system name” info and colouration.
  • Updated RATSIGNAL parsing for new nick announcement (if different than CMDR name)

SpanshAttack 7.1


  • skip [this;current] neutron waypoint command: Skips the next neutron waypoint. (#94)
  • Now also announces the actual jump count with the trip time.

4.0.2 (2021-02-04)

04 Feb 05:16
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If you have skipped 4.0: This version introduces huge (and breaking) changes. Make sure to refer to the “Upgrading” section in the documentation if you are upgrading from an older version!

RatAttack 6.0.1


  • RATSIGNAL parsing updated for latest Mecha3 changes.

4.0.1 (2021-01-30)

30 Jan 17:50
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If you have skipped 4.0: This version introduces huge (and breaking) changes. Make sure to refer to the “Upgrading” section in the documentation if you are upgrading from an older version!

SpanshAttack 7.0.1


  • Now correctly getting the next neutron waypoint again after reaching the current one.