- employs a familiar, frugal, and powerful API that includes declarative composition as well as traditional type specialization.
- small--about 2000 lines of pure, modern JavaScript
- faster than almost all and as fast as any component-construction library
- no compilation step required
- zero external dependencies in the library code
- FreeBSD licensed
Backdraft is extensively documented at backdraftjs.org
Note: master is under dev; if you want a working version, use npm.
With npm
npm install bd-core
With yarn
yarn add bd-core
With bower
bower install --save bd-core
For more details see http://backdraftjs.org/install.html
The Backdraft library makes no judgement about how you condition your code for production. Further, the library was designed from the ground up to avoid the need for extra code (and, therefore, complexity) in a "development" version. Therefore, simply include Backdraft in your build as if it was your own code; there is nothing more to it than that.
The GitHub repo altoviso/backdraft-examples includes several examples including all tutorial code, the todomvc example, and the js-framework-benchmark example.
To run the tests, start a http server that can serve the project directory and navigate to
If you have a usage question, please open an issue on stackoverflow; please tag the question with "backdraft".
If you've found a bug, please open an issue in this repository. Your chances of getting attention are much higher if you provide a reproducible test case.
You may also request an enhancement by opening an issue. Again, your chances of getting that enhancement incorporated into future releases are much higher if you provide a pull request with a test.
Commercial support and program design and construction services are available from ALTOVISO LLC. You may email requests to [email protected] or contact us directly at 925.229.0667 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M., Pacific Time Zone.