A simple CLI tool to discover and write new model.json and model.js files by using loopback's datasource.discoverSchema API
$ npm install adamlutz/loopback-discover-models --save
Options: --serverPath [PATH]Path to server.js (relative to CWD). (Default is /server/server.js) --modelConfigPath [PATH]Path to model-config.json (relative to CWD). (Default is /server/model-config.json) --modelDir [PATH] Path to models folder (relative to CWD). (Default is /common/models) --dataSource [STRING]Name of the data source from data sources.json (required). (Default is db) --allNewModels [BOOLEAN]Discover and create all models not in modelDir. (Default is false) --modelName STRING Name of a single model/table/collection to create. --owner STRING Name of owner/schema/database for the models. --relations [BOOLEAN]Include relations. (Default is false) --allOwners [BOOLEAN]Include All Owners. (Default is false) --views [BOOLEAN] Include views. (Default is false) --skip STRING Comma seperate model names to skip when discovering new models. -h, --help Display help and usage details
<h5>Generate Models for all tables in the database that don't already exist as models.</h5>
./node_modules/.bin/loopback-discover-models --allNewModels
<h5>generate new models, but skip the tables 'migrations' and 'some_other_table'</h5>
./node_modules/.bin/loopback-discover-models --allNewModels --skip migrations,some_other_table
<h5>Generate new models and put them in a different folder</h5>
./node_modules/.bin/loopback-discover-models --allNewModels --modelDir /server/models
<h5>Use prompts instead of cli flags (good for use with npm run).</h5>
./node_modules/.bin/loopback-discover-models --prompt
<h5>Generate Model for a specific table/collectiom (modelName should be the table/collection name).</h5>
./node_modules/.bin/loopback-discover-models --modelName some_table
<h5>Generate Model for a specific table/collectiom (modelName should be the table/collection name).</h5>
./node_modules/.bin/loopback-discover-models --modelName some_table