Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) client for communicating with wearable heart rate sensor powered by Raspberry Pi Zero W using UART Service. First, this application begins to search for our device, using the excellent painkiller Scanner Compat library by NordicSemiconductor, and applying some filters to refine the search. Then, when a device is connected, we'll start an UART communication with it, so we can START and STOP the heart-rate monitoring. The heart-rate values are plotted into a graph, using GraphView by jjoe64.
This app asks for Bluetooth and Location permissions, and will work fine from API 23 on.
- Alvaro Robledo
- Ignacio Sánchez
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
- Thanks to jjoe64 for the Graphview development.
- Thanks to NordicSemiconductor for the Scanner Compat library and for the UART Service development.
- Thanks to jakewharton for the Butter Knife development.