Dynamic Dice Roll with two dices with user input and the distribution of the resulting rolls to their respective dice values. Adds the value of the throw pairs and shows distribution fo resulting values.
Project name: dice_distribution
Description: The user inputs how many sides the dices should have between 1 and 20. If the input is not a number from 1 to 20, or not a number at all the user is prompted again. then the user is prompted how many rolls the dice should perform. Again the user is prompted for input until a number is given. The user input is processed and stored in a dictonaire that finally holds the dice value and the associated number of rolls. Then the user will get a printed statement with a summary of his or her input and below that the results of the dice rolls with their corrensponding numbers. Furthermore the values will be added and stored in another dictionaire that holds the added values for each dice roll and distributes them to a ordered dictonaire.
License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007