This is a script that installs all the libraries, software, programs, and geostatic data to run the Weather Research Forecast Model (WRFCHEM-4.4.1) in 64bit with KPP installed. Script assumes a clean directory with no other WRF configure files in the directory. This script does not install NETCDF4 to write compressed NetCDF4 files in parallel
(Make sure to download folder into your Home Directory): $HOME
git clone
cd $HOME/WRFCHEM-Install-Script-Linux-64bit
chmod 775 *.sh
I have provided comments on what the script is doing and information on configuration files.
Must be installed with GNU compiler, it will not work with other compilers.
- Built in 64-bit system.
- Tested with current available libraries on 08/01/2022, execptions have been noted in the script documentation.
- If newer libraries exist edit script paths for changes in future.
User Guide:
User Guide:
Added to $PATH and ~/.bashrc for easy access
Added to $PATH and ~./bashrc for easy access Users Guide (MET): Users Guide (MET Plus):
Added to $PATH and ~/.bashrc for easy access Users Guide:
Installed via CONDA package using miniconda3 Conda environment ncl_stable Users Guide:
Installed via CONDA package using miniconda3 Conda environment wrf-python Users Guide:
We ask users of the WRF-Chem preprocessor tools to include in any publications the following acknowledgement: "We acknowledge use of the WRF-Chem preprocessor tool {mozbc, fire_emiss, etc.} provided by the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Lab (ACOM) of NCAR."
User Guide: