- beginning of the book should be a thank you to Krista and Erika for giving me and other authors an opportunity to be a part of the cultivation of the book
This is a file to record ideas for book content (very preliminary at this point).
- introduce readers to the site
- why they should care
- location, how long it's been running, acres, work that is being done, who is doing the work (briefly - will be going more in depths in methods)
- introduce readers to the site
- field methods: describe site specifics, multistesm issues, person-hours.
- data management:
- Double data entry efforts, volunteer force: XXX hours (cite data managment CTFS guide)
- Data review before being entered. We invested xx of hrs to check xxxxx records and cough XXX of errors
- Data quality assessment: In-house curation before submitting to CTFS
- Regular data backup, requested backups from central data manager, wrote R script for quick DQA
physical environemnt
- climate
- topography
- soils
tree species (largest portion of book)
- maps
- plant ranges
- stats and simple graphs on abundance, growth, mortality (by size)
- architecture (e.g., allometries for height, biomass, sapwood,...)
- leaf traits
- age distribution from cores
- climate sensitivity from cores ("quilt" showing multiple climate variables)
- mortality rates through time & drivers of mortality
- maps
biotic drivers of change (anthropogenic)
- invasive plants
- deer
- invasive pests & pathogens -abiotic drivers of change
- increased amount of rain
- sudden change in temperature (was 70° one week and then 30° the next)
carbon cycling
- reiterate why the general population should care
- include causes that are already put into place for forestry protection
- set forth a cause on how to better care