##setup ?
- put
and put it inside application/core. - change your controllers class to extend MY_controller
- make sure you autoload session,database,html helper
- create model User with required login functions.login(),in_group(),pwd_has_changed()
###Dependecies :
- models/user.php : an example is provided
- helpers/MY_html_helper.php : depend on alerts() function and some javascript for proper alerts showing.
first you need to edit $body to point to your base template; default location is views/base/body.php
###example of body.php
<div class='sidebar'>
/*-----------example using jquery alertify plugin of how i use function alerts()-----------*/
function alertFeed(){
$.get("<?=base_url($this->router->fetch_class())?>/alerts", function(data){
$.each(data, function(i) {alertify.log(data[i].msg, data[i].type);});
/*-----------END alertify-----------*/
$(function (){
alertify.set({ delay: 10000 });
/* please note that inline_js need to be inside <script> tags */
###example of controller
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Welcome extends MY_Controller {
public function __construct()
//$this->auth(); //uncomment and controller will require a loged in user !
$this ->_asset('jquery-2.0.3.min.js') //will detect that file is js and loadit into $js
->_asset('style.css') //will add link tag for it and assign it to $css file auto
->_asset('alert("hello folks");','js');//will add this like of js to $inline_js
public function index(){
$data = $this->user->get_profile();
$this->outv('user/profile',$data) //This will load views/table_views.php into $content variable
->out('<hr>'); // === > $content .= '<hr>';
$data = $this->user->get_friends_list();
$this->outv('users/list',$data); // loading another view into $content
$data = $this->user->online_friends();
$this->outv('chat/online_chats',$data,'sidebar'); //will load views/chat/online_chats.php into $sidebar
///.... after u load what every part of the page that i want into each section of page u can simply run
###Avaliable auth ::
;CI rocks;
##NOTE this is still a concept under testing.
this is just a demonstration of how u can forget about the need for a templating lib. that will slow you down.
read the code.. understand the concept and ty :).