The SimulationCSharpClient is a client for the 3DSIM simulation API. The model and client objects are auto generated using NSwag and the swagger 2.0 API Specification from
MacOS, Windows, and Linux
See simulation-api-specification repo for constructor values:
var simulationClient = new SimulationClient(Credentials.BaseURL, <Auth0TokenURL>, <Client ID>, <UserName>, <Password>, <connection>);
var simulations = this.simulationClient.AssumedStrainSimulationsGetAsync(2, null, null, 0, 10).Result;
foreach(var simulation in simulations)
// do stuff with simulations
nswag -
nswag can be installed using npm
npm install nswag -g
Currently using nswag version to generate client:
NSwag version: v11.12.7
NJsonSchema version: v9.10.6.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v9.0.0.0)
To install specific version
npm install -g [email protected]
Goto and open the online editor. Paste the swagger.yaml from the project. In the file menu, select "Convert and Save as Json"
Reference this created json file in the next section
To generate the client, run nswag in the project root folder using the swagger specification converted to json. You can convert the yaml file at by pasting the text into the editor window then downloading as json.
If converting from local file, copy json version of spec, swagger.json
in this case, into root folder then run:
nswag swagger2csclient /input:swagger.json /classname:SimulationClient /namespace:SimulationCSharpClient.Client /output:src/SimulationCSharpClient/Client/SimulationClientGenerated.cs /generateclientinterfaces:true /injecthttpclient:true /ResponseArrayType:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection
Read this article and follow the steps they outline:
- Tim Sublette
- Ryan Walls
- Chad Queen
- Pete Krull
- Alex Drinkwater
- Justin Jensen
September 2017