Release 5.2.4 π¦
- 5.2.4 π¦
- Update animeflix video playback
- Fix MAL updating on android
- Fix mac reinit window
- Autohide cursor on playback
- 5.2.0 π§Έ
- Update vidplay & myclod rebranding to vidstream and MegaF
- Update mobile portrait ui
- Implement search history on touch device
- UI: Change all confirm dialog with async html based dialog
- Priority video loading rather than interface initializing
- Update source 1/2 streaming server for faster loading time
- Switch user who's login will highlight last user
- Move playback genres below title, and make sure right masking enable
- Using for generating qr - fix QR code bug
- Minimize slideshow effect for better performance
- Fix search key navigation for touch device
- Improve significant performance by using transition property selection rather than all
- Add space key as play/pause on playback
- Fix cannot click on skip intro button
- Add click sound to confirm dialog left/right keys
- Add back button in settings on portrait mode
- Tweak list arrow styling
- Add playback close confirmation settings
- Improve some anime source matching
- Fix double back to close playback
- Change splash background to black
- Add image cdn from in settings for better cache & image loading performance
- Add more subtitle font family selection
- Add extra large subtitle font size
- Reduce slideshow items to 10 from 15
- Add large ui style settings
- Fix anilist avatar not shown when image cdn active
- Subtitle: separate multiple conversation vertically.
- Fix playback back button not visible on loading
- Fix seeking progress
- Update android intercept connection sequences
- Tweak ui and gradient
- use -webkit-mask-image for slideshow image gradient
- remove gradient from wallpaper
- set black as default background
- Tweak for darker backgrounds
- Add some text-shadow on anime list
- Fix add to watchlist on popup only saved romanji title only
- Tweak styling and text shadow on header
- Fix animeflix subtitle not shown
- Fix Anilist button on detail popup
- Set non Large UI slideshow full width
- Use -webkit-mask-image only when wallpaper selected to improve performance on slideshow when wallpaper is disabled
- Reenable source 1 futoken (faster) method for loading video - new key repository now works again.
- Make sure Image CDN for wallpaper set for best quality
- Disable all html autocomplete on input element
- Github-Action Autobuild
- Desktop:
- Add input dialog support for change display name and PIN
- Implement stream type selection - hardsub, softsub, dub dialog
- Implement buffer indicator
- Implement navigator.mediaSession.metadata for videoSetMeta replacement
- Use axios for http client
- Add Dns over HTTPS support for connection
- using axios instance
- Add DoH provider settings
- set maxSockets per domain to 30
- remove http log for source 3-4 stream
- Interceptor pass response headers
- add support for proxy x-post-prox
- player update dash support
- fix skip time indicator
- Player don't send play before duration available
- Add fullscreen support for macos
- source 6 mirror url fix
- Add support for custom source domain name
- Add toast replacement
- Disable mouse move prevent playback control autohide
- fix bypass request on vidplay(source 1/2) streaming
- remove setContentSize - causing window not launch
- add app icons
- Version configure from gradle
- Add debian package for linux-x64
- Add fullscreen button
- Add window installer build
- Add rpm build for linux
- Remove text-shadow on header item when mouse over
- disable preload next episode video stream on electron
- Change preload path script
- set sandbox parameter
- run update-version before building
- Github-Action Autobuild
- Fix vidplay server
- Auto load server data from github server.json
Desktop Version Download:
Autobuild Artifacts