The goal of this repo is simple: Run a simple flask app on Lagoon using a "productionish" approach to demo how a Python app would work on Lagoon.
- There is a cli container that does the "heavy lifting" of creating a Python venv and installing Flask
- There is a gunicorn container that runs the flask app, binding to
- There is a nginx container with a Server and Location stanza to send http traffic to the gunicorn container
- The above runs with
docker-compose up
and plays nicely with Pygmy for local development
- This is only "productionish" and a lot is missing to make a production grade setup
- The Flask app itself is insanely basic - the SECRET_KEY isn't even set
- Incase the above is not clear, this is not a production grade setup, but is rather an indicator of how one might go about running a Flask app in Lagoon
- Prerequisite:
- This repo assumes Pygmy:
- Once all setup, git clone this repo, and run
docker-compose up
- A live demo lives on Lagoon: