Abstract: There are different images whenever people read a magazine, browse the Internet, or use social media. While humans can recall thousands of images in everyday life along with their visual details, not all images in their memory are the same, even though they have access to an abundance of visual information daily. Other researchers have examined how image features affect perception. In our study, we explore how local images affect image memorability. First, we introduce new datasets with local images. Secondly, we design a visual memory game that utilizes a human agent to quantify image memorability. Finally, we predict memorability scores with ResNet 50 and ResNet 101. The result was that local images impacted image memorability.
Keywords: Visual memory, Memorability, Image memorability, Recognition memory, Quantifying image memorability.
Author: Amir Shokri - Farzin Yaghmaee
author = {Amir Shokri and Farzin Yaghmaee},
email = {[email protected], [email protected]}
title = {Understanding Image Memorability through Localized Stimuli},
journal = {Journal of Modeling & Simulation in Electrical & Electronics Engineering},
year = {2024},
url = {https://journals.semnan.ac.ir/article_8803.html},