Extensible responsive/fluid/sass grid system based on csswizardry-grids
- Using numbers instead of words (desk-2-6 instead of desk-two-sixes).
- Grid explosion & media queries via functions- easily extensible.
- Addition of 16, 24 grids.
- Addition of visible/hidden imitating bootstrap.
- Media queries via phone, device (phones+tablets), laptop, desktop.
- Changing font size percentage for media queries.
- Using sass silent-classes by default (as the explosion generates a lot of classes)
- Using em/percentage for spacing
<div class="navigation" />
<div class="page">
<div class="main" />
<div class="side" />
.navigation { @extend %phone-hidden; }
.page { @extend .grid; }
.main {
@extend .gi;
@extend %s-2-3;
@extend %phone-full;
.main {
@extend .gi;
@extend %s-1-3;
@extend %phone-full;
- Will hide navigation on phones
- Will make the side below the main on phones
- Will make the main twice as big as the side (side by side) on everything else
- I wanted to play with semantic/responsive/fluid grid system for RiddleDribble
- Found Responsive grid systems; a solution?
- Harry choose the path of numbers-as-words (which I find too verbose) and gave his blessing to fork the project to change it.
- On the way I've changed the scss to be more "codeable", and added responsive font sizing from handling-typography-responsive-design
- Make it mobile first by default?
- Check usage of floats/margins instead of inline-blocks/padding