Optimizing SOQL queries with a selector framework.
This is by no means a perfect tool, rather just something small I developed for myself to make SOQL queries a bit more maintainable. You are free to use this / make it better.
public class AccountSelector extends AbstractSelector {
// Constructor is private to control instantiation
private AccountSelector() {
private AccountSelector(String fields) {
protected override Schema.SObjectType getSObjectType() {
return Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Account');
// Static factory method to instantiate AccountSelector
public static AccountSelector fetch() {
return new AccountSelector();
public static AccountSelector fetch(String fields) {
return new AccountSelector(fields);
List<Account> results = (List<Account>) AccountSelector.fetch().executeQuery();
List<Account> results = (List<Account>) AccountSelector.fetch()
.filter('Id = :accountId')
.bindParams(new Map<String, Object> {
'accountId' => accountId
List<Account> results = (List<Account>) AccountSelector.fetch()
Account result = (Account) AccountSelector.fetch().setLimit(1).executeQuery();
Account result = (Account) AccountSelector.fetch('Name, Parent.Name').setLimit(1).executeQuery();