Very basic and experimental watcher for ProxySQL:
Watcher monitors changes to specific Etcd prefix and populates those changes to ProxySQL.
For now a lot of values are hardcoded.
Use at your own risk!
Create k8s configmap percona-config
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: percona-config
mysql-root-password: "JdUDnZyTsL"
discovery-service: "etcd-client:2379"
cluster-name: "k8scluster"
xtrabackup-password: "p9jwtcv3WX"
mysql-proxy-user: "proxyuser"
mysql-proxy-password: "XTg1o9g8aP"
Create proxysql-watcher replication controller: kubectl create -f proxysql-watcher.yaml
Run tests (using sysbench):
sysbench --num-threads=4 --max-time=20 --test=oltp --db-ps-mode=disable
--mysql-user='proxyuser' --mysql-password='XTg1o9g8aP' --oltp-table-size=10000
--mysql-host=pxc-service --mysql-port=3306 prepare
sysbench --num-threads=4 --max-time=20 --test=oltp --db-ps-mode=disable
--mysql-user='proxyuser' --mysql-password='XTg1o9g8aP' --oltp-table-size=10000
--mysql-host=pxc-service --mysql-port=3306 run
Watcher monitors prefix in Etcd, where Percona nodes store their status. After
the node is created and started, watcher configures permissions for
and adds new server to ProxySQL.
I've included
which is able to randomly destroy pods. Use it on
your own risk!