Clone repo and use your favorite editor
- Rider + .NET Core 3.1
- VSCode
- VS Code > Terminal > Run Task > test
-VS Code > Terminal > New Terminal and then
dotnet test -v=n
- VS Code > Terminal > Run Task > test
-VS Code > Terminal > New Terminal and then
- Editor will assign article to copy writers to review
- Events won't not have aggregateID within themselves; but it is with envelope.
- Imagine events are personal letter and aggregateId as communication address and other details on envelope.
- EventStore is implemented in memory and each Aggregate will share same EventStore
- As an editor in chief, I add a list of topics for the new edition of a magazine.
- As a journalist, I submit a draft article for publishing to a given topic
- As a copywriter, I suggest changes to the draft article I'm assigned to
- As a journalist, I respond to suggestions by making the suggested changes
- As a copywriter, I resolve suggestions that the journalist applied
- As a journalist, I can publish the article after all suggestions are resolved
- Replace string to
type from domain (article, message, commands..etc) - move out Event Producer from Article file.
- Integrate with in memory store..