Search Index & Delivery Content 2 support
2.0.0 (2020-07-22)
- search results: moved the declaration of the number of search results into a environment variable
Co-authored-by: paulgturner [email protected]
- blog page: loading linked blog pages dynamically (#30) (59430d0)
- index page: using instant search to populate the index blog list (#26) (d84ac4e)
- index search: algolia sort by dropdown (#33) (3d23ec1)
- keyword search: added search box into the header (#31) (8a7d060)
- pages/index.tsx: load the algolia index client side on load (#29) (27fc551)
- preview/visualization: updated to use a staging index data and restructured components (#32) (e7cc19e)
- schemas: add delivery key to the content form to enable validation (#54) (bec6552)
- search faceting: added facet selection to the header bar (#46) (f113642)
- search list: hero card no longer shown on search results (#49) (d843650)
- search list pagination: adding index page pagination to the search list (#34) (47f44c0)
- search urls: adding search state to url query string (#44) (96f3ddf)
- tag facets: added chip style facetable tags to blog posts and cards (#59) (067924d)
- content delivery 2 support (#25) (15ad88f)
- content-delivery-2 - part 2, clean up (#28) (c0c3a73)
Bug Fixes
hero banner: adding additional spacing to elements in the hero banner (#71) (2112e50)
custom payload limit has been reduced to support large blog posts (#70) (fef2061)
blog card: fixing the width of blog card tags (#67) (353c922)
blog post: updating build process and blog links to fallback to object id on missing key (#52) (492575d)
default layout: moving font import into the document header to avoid 404 (#50) (bc3f4f1)
header facet bar: adding media query styles to facet bar for smaller devices (#60) (b59cd66)
header search: adding media query smaller device styles for search box and sort by (#42) (fe62206)
header search box: removing search input box shadow to resolve chrome bug (#45) (51cfde3)
index: preventing flicker by only using build time data server-side (#66) (40ae891)
index: scrolling to page top when tag chips are clicked (#68) (5769308)
keyword search: added the default refinement to the sortby (#38) (a9d70cc)
menu select component: updated the styling to match across browsers (#53) (acf7ae3)
pagination: scroll to top of page when pagination link clicked (#43) (adf1615)
pagination: set correct number of blog articles to show on listing page and when searching (#58) (70bd898)
preview: checking for vse via router aspath to construct next links for preview (#48) (6ee2521)
search box: fixed input/button styles in chrome, safari & ie (#37) (c8fced1)
search-list: filters out any non blog-post items (#35) (63f3aaa)
sort by: updated the sort by to show the main index by default (#63) (b6bfe8a)
sortby menu: updates default sort options and labels (#57) (a716b6c)
tag chips: adding overflow ellipsis and setting a max width for tag chips (#61) (937c2e2)
tag chips: corrected the cursor property value to be a pointer (#64) (cef8837)
search results: removed hero card component and added hits per page as configurable (#62) (a80d53b)