- Node.js/ExpressJS
- Socket.IO
- PassportJS
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Redis
- Google Cloud Storage (Firebase Admin SDK)
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
- SendGrid
- Sentry
- Postman
- Docker
- Documented with JsDoc
An overview of the LMS API.
Note: This is not all the API endpints but the most important features. A postman documentaion is available at the end of this document.
Authentication & Authorization:
- Sessions handling with express-session using Redis as a session store
- Facebook authentication OAuth2.0
- PassportJS for authentication
- Signup
- Login
- Logout
- Forgot Password
- Password Reset
User Management:
- Roles
- Role 1: Student
- Role 2: Assistant
- Role 3: Instructor
- User Profile
- User Profile Update
- Filter/Search Users
- Handle FCM Tokens and topics
- Roles
- Create Grade
- Get Grades
- Create Lesson
- Update Lesson
- Publish/Unpublish Lesson and send notifications & emails to students
- Attend Lesson
- Filter/Search Lessons
- Attend Lessons By access codes
- Stream videos with the Node.js server to prevent file link access
Quizes (Exams unrelated to lessons):
- Create Quiz
- Update Questions
- Publish/Unpublish Quiz and send notifications & emails to students
- Filter/Search Quizes
- Take Quizzes By access codes
Access codes:
- Create Access Codes for grades
- Access Codes Types (Lessons - Quizzes)
- Track admin actions (generate access codes) by role 3 (Instructor)
Realtime chat with admins
- Ask/Chat with admins about lessons if attended
- Redis Pub/Sub as a Socket.IO Adapter for horizontal scaling (multiple servers communication)
- Dependency Injection for Socket.IO structure
Notification/Email Service
- SendGrid as an Email service
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) as a Notification service
- Node.js EventEmitter Pub/Sub as a Notification service emitter
The app is scalable horizontally and can be deployed to multiple servers and/or multiple instances as it is stateless and WebSockets servers communicate through redis to preserve state.
Design Patterns:
I used the Strategy deisgn pattern to implement multiple authentication strategies (Session-based and OAuth2.0 Facebook authentication). I used the Observer design pattern (with Node.js EventEmitter) to asynchronously subscribe to events like published lessons and notify students.
Database Performance:
Due to the fact that the app load will be mainly from reads so I could use indexes freely so I used sutible indexes like compound indexes & text indexes for the database queries/sorts and I could track query optimizer usage by MongoDB Compass Explain plain and Apply what I've learned in the MongoDB Performance course from MongoDB University.
File Upload:
- Multer as a streaming middleware between client and Google Cloud Storage as I built a custom storage class and factory for it for uploading profile pictures
- Google Cloud Storage Signed URLs for uploading lessons/videos
- Logging with WinstonJS
- Error Reporting with Sentry
- Logging Requests with Morgan
Error Handling:
- Error Handling with @Hapi/Boom for error responses
- Custom middleware for sending error responses
- Asyncronous error catching with a wrapped function for all controllers
- Report unexpected errors to sentry
- Rate Limiting with Token Bucket Algorithm (Redis as Token Store)
- XSS Protection (HelmetJS)
- CORS Protection
Code Style:
- Code Style with Prettier
- Hsuky & lint-staged as a pre-commit hook to automatically format code using prettier
- Postman collection for the API endpoints:
- Postman collection for the Socket.IO events:
- Unavilable as WebSockets at postman was still in beta version and couldn't be exported
I restrict any individual or company to use this project commercially. Its source is available for reviewing by potential recruiters or clients and developers/students who find the project useful to learn from.
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