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Software Environment Concepts

Understand Software Concepts

powered by vercel


If you are new to software engineering or you are working in a software company (Manager, HR, Product Manager, etc..) and you want to understand what the engineers are talking about and lead them or you are Busines man/woman and you want to build a software product but you don't have experience in the field of software engineering then you should read this book. This eBook is like a glossary for software expressions or concepts where you can carry everywhere offline and online.

Software Environment Concepts App was built using:

  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • TailwindCSS


Software Environment Concepts is open to contributions, but first go to the discusions and let me know what you are working on first that way we don't overwrite each other.

What can you do to help:

  • Reporting an issue or a misleading concept

  • Fix an issue or a misleading concept

  • Add New Concepts and Modules

  • Suggest Changes and Feature request

  • etc...


You can fork and write in each module file without setting the environment using Markdown

Our Development Process

All changes happen through pull requests. Pull requests are the best way to propose changes. We actively welcome your pull requests and invite you to submit pull requests directly here, and after review, these can be merged into the project.

Using the Project's Standard Commit Messages

This project is using the conventional commits standard. Please follow these steps to ensure your commit messages are standardized:


Module Status

How to run locally

Fork the repo then install localy then Run:

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production, generate static project and launch server
$ npm run generate
$ npm run start

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

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