The eBird microservice receives a latitude and longitude and returns a JSON array of all birds recorded in the area from the past 30 days.
Go to root microserviceProject directory. Run each command below.
pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
pip install requests
pip install django-filter
To run the service, in the root directory of the microserviceProject, type in the command below.
python runserver
Request: In your Python code, you can call the microservice where latitude and longitude are specified accordingly and the url is the local server domain where you would like to run the service. Below is at the local domain and port # that Django defaults to. *Note that the location JSON keys will always be "lat" and "lng".
Response: The microservice will return a JSON of all the birds in this location from the last 30 days.
import requests
def call_microservice():
endpoint= ""
latitude = 45.121
longitude = -89.4873172
location = [{"lat": latitude, "lng": longitude}]
jsonresponse =, json = location)
myjson = jsonresponse.json()
return myjson
if __name__ == '__main__':
response = call_microservice()
Or you can use the Django Rest Framework UI. Go to your local browser and navigate to the microservice endpoint:
Request: Post your latitude and longitude JSON in the Content text field and select POST.
Response: The microservice will return a JSON of all the birds in this location from the last 30 days.
There is no limitation to the amount of requests one can make. If any modifications need to be made, please reach out to [email protected]