This is sample project which uses sahi pro for automating the following flow
Go to
Search for "bose", which will show a page like this.
Click on the first product that comes up. This will take you to a product page, that looks like this.
Use the Share by email to send a mail to your gmail.
Login to your Gmail and verify if the right product information has been to your email. Use different techniques such as comparison of information present in the email versus what's present in the actual page to validate the information.
Pre -requsities
- Sahi pro
- Ant
Steps to run the scripts
- Install Sahi pro
- Copy "AmazonDemo" folder and place them under /userdata/scripts folder
- Place "" file in /userdata/config
- Place "build.xml" file under the sahi folder
- Copy the AmazonDemo and place it under /userdata/scripts folder
- Go to AmazonDemo/PageObjects/CommonPageObjects/config.sah , provide the valid credentials for testing the code
- Now cd to sahi folder and run the command ant -f build.xml