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Astro Blog with Simply Theme

A starter template to build lightning fast websites with Astro, using the excellent Simply Ghost Theme rewritten from Handlebars theme to Astro/React with some features added from Ghost CMS itself.

After porting the Simply Ghost Theme to Gatsby with Ghost and then later to Astro with Ghost, this repo is for using only Astro, without Ghost as CMS. Just the regular md/mdx files.




🚀 Features


  • The whole re-used CSS is a mess and would need a proper rewrite.
  • Astro view transistions
  • Contact Page
  • Search
  • Comments

🏗 Installing

The easiest way to run this project locally is to run the following command in your desired directory.

# npm 6.x
npm create astro@latest --template anarion80/astro-simply

# npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
npm create astro@latest -- --template anarion80/astro-simply

# yarn
yarn create astro --template anarion80/astro-simply


🏃‍♂️ Running

Configure your site in src/config/config.ts including site title, description, logo, url, navigation menu structure, social media links, etc.

Update SITE_URL environment variable in .env file or in your deployment environment.

    title: `Astro Blog`,
    shortTitle: `Astro Blog`,
    siteDescriptionMeta: 'My personal blog',
    logo: '/src/assets/images/logo_black.svg', // must be referenced from /src
    logoDarkMode: '/src/assets/images/logo_white.svg', // must be referenced from /src
    siteIcon: 'favicon.svg',
    siteUrl: '',
    postsPerPage: 12,
    shareImage: '/images/share_image.svg',
    shareImageWidth: 258,
    shareImageHeight: 1024,
    accentColor: '#d0000fff',
    lang: 'en',
    locale: 'en',
    viewTransitions: true, // set to true to enable Astro view transitions
    navigation: [
            label: 'Blog',
            url: '/blog/',
            label: 'Authors',
            url: '/blog/author/',
    menuDropdown: [
            label: `About`,
            url: `/about`,
    followSocialMedia: [
            service: `youtube`,
            icon: 'fa6-brands:square-youtube',
            title: `YOUR_TITLE`,
            url: `YOUR_URL`,
    giscus: true,
    giscusConfig: {
        repo: 'anarion80/astro-simply',
        repoId: '[REPO ID]',
        category: 'General',
        categoryId: '[CATEGORY ID]',
        mapping: 'pathname',
        reactionsEnabled: '1',
        emitMetadata: '0',
        inputPosition: 'bottom',
        lang: 'en',
        loading: 'lazy',

Demo and the repo is the "maximum version" with all possible types of Home Page variants, Post Templates, Portfolio, Podcasts, etc. Adjust/remove as needed.

Install the dependencies using the following command:

npm install

Start the development server using the following command:

npm run dev


✈ Deploying with Netlify

Click this button and it will help you create a new repo, create a new Netlify project, and deploy!

Deploy to Netlify Button


🛠 Extra options

# Run a production build, locally
npm run build

# Preview a production build, locally
npm run preview


🙏 Credits

📝 Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2024 anarion80 - Released under the GPLv3 license.