This provides an experimental 3D virtual space using node.js, webgl, redis, My goal is something like UGC web space, for example Minecraft :)
- checkout this repository
- npm install
- install redis(use deps/redis-*.tar.gz)
- run redis-server with default setting(no argument)
- sh scripts/
- access http://localhost:8080/
- now using Redis
- only 3 schemas
- room:default:room key contains active users in the room
- room:default:chat key contains chat log
- account:[user-id]:entity key contains last status of user
- store as JSON string
- server.js: server entry point
- public: client side static files
- room.html: core html
- js
- controller.js: core logic of client
- src: server side codes
- room.js: core logic of server
- test: test codes
- now using mocha
- browser side test is also mocha based (but it's tricky. see test/browser.js)
- experimental redis mock
Technical details will be writen here in Japanese.