Provision workstations and servers using Ansible.
Create a file in the project root named "hosts":
example ansible_connection=local ansible_user=andornaut ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
sudo apt remove ansible --purge
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible
make homeassistant-frigate
make rsnapshot
make upgrade
make webservers
make workstation
The make workstation
target will run the workstation playbook.
This playbook will prompt you to choose which of its roles to include.
Each role defines default Ansible variables that can be overidden in ./host_vars
- ansible-role-base (variables)
- ansible-role-bspwm (variables)
- ansible-role-desktop (variables)
- ansible-role-dev (variables)
- ansible-role-docker (variables)
- ansible-role-homeassistant-frigate (variables)
- ansible-role-letsencrypt-nginx (variables)
- ansible-role-msmtp (variables)
- ansible-role-nas (variables)
- ansible-role-rsnapshot (variables)
If there's a bug in a community module, then try --force
ansible-galaxy collection install --force community.general