This is a toy project to play with Zig Programming Language and have fun with Blockchain.
I have limited experience with Zig and even less experience with Blockchain.
Get yourself Zig >= 0.9.1.
I can't have this running properly on Windows.
> zig run src/main.zig
= Zig Blockchain =
list - list all the blocks
new <data> - store data in a new block
last - get the last block
get <i> - get block at index i, starting from 0.
quit - quit
Let's create some blocks with some data
> new "hello world"
=== Block
data: "hello world"
hash: 00008f59b1349d545f7366539fb101c559a135de963514f42f6ea89083d26a90
prev_hash: 00000551fb3e39f4f36d2121a6043c71999059f733ab13561539ebfe57f85961
> new "foobar"
=== Block
data: "foobar"
hash: 00008421e3c5676e634f1cfe4f427dd24043179df679fe7c72889659e2fb99d8
prev_hash: 00008f59b1349d545f7366539fb101c559a135de963514f42f6ea89083d26a90
Let's see all our blocks, including block 0 which get automatically created at startup.
> list
Index: 0
=== Genesis Block
data: Genesis
hash: 00000551fb3e39f4f36d2121a6043c71999059f733ab13561539ebfe57f85961
Index: 1
=== Block
data: "hello world"
hash: 00008f59b1349d545f7366539fb101c559a135de963514f42f6ea89083d26a90
prev_hash: 00000551fb3e39f4f36d2121a6043c71999059f733ab13561539ebfe57f85961
Index: 2
=== Block
data: "foobar"
hash: 00008421e3c5676e634f1cfe4f427dd24043179df679fe7c72889659e2fb99d8
prev_hash: 00008f59b1349d545f7366539fb101c559a135de963514f42f6ea89083d26a90
> zig test .\src\blockchain.zig
Test [0/2] test "it creates a blockchain genesis bloTest [0/2] test "it creates a blockchain genesis block"... OK
Test [1/2] test "it appends a block to the blockchaTest [1/2] test "it appends a block to the blockchain"... OK