Generates DiscoJuice JSON from SAML 2.0 XML Metadata, and pushes to a mongodb storage.
Install php5 and more
apt-get install php5-cli php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-gd
apt-get install php5-mysql mysql-client
Download and locate DiscoJuice-Backend in /var/DiscoJuice-Backend
Install composer
cd /var/DiscoJuice-Backend
curl -sS | php
Install external libraries
./composer.phar install
Prepare cache directories:
mkdir -p /tmp/discojuice/
mkdir -p /tmp/discojuice/logos/
To handle large metadatafiles, and get around a bug in php, patch xmlseclibs.
Configure MongoDB database in etc/config.json
Configure which metadata feeds to parse in etc/feeds.js
Run update.
Run update for a specific feed:
bin/update.php -f kalmar
Do not download metadata file, but operate on cached file:
bin/update.php -f kalmar --cache-only