Original Website: https://www.berkshirehathaway.com/
Redesigned Website: https://andresbeckruiz.github.io/Berkshire-Hathaway-Full-Redesign/index.html
In this project, I extended my initial redesign of Berkshire Hathaway’s website that I built for CS1300: User Interfaces and User Experience. In the original project, I analyzed issues with the current Berkshire Hathaway website and then prototyped and built a new responsive homepage. The interface was designed for use on phones (~375x667px), tablets (~768x1024px), and computers (~3840x2160px), as well as layouts with dimensions within that range.
The most salient piece of feedback I received on my original project was that I should include more introductory information about the company on the homepage. Therefore, I brainstormed and constructed an improved homepage for my extended redesign. I decided that including quick links to the most important information and subsidiary companies would give users a good overview of Berkshire Hathaway. I also spent time reorganizing how information was stored in the navigation bar and built several other responsive pages. Further work can be done to implement search functionality and develop a backend to retrieve current company news and reports to display on the website.
Navbar adapted from (https://www.codingnepalweb.com/responsive-navbar-with-search-box-html-css/)
Buttons and sidebar adapted from personal portfolio (https://excitedpenguin777.github.io/Portfolio/index.html)
Table adapted from (https://dev.to/dcodeyt/creating-beautiful-html-tables-with-css-428l)