A command line tool to return a random, non-repeating person from an available pool.
The purpose of this tool is to randomly generate a name from a list of students. The name returned will not be repeated until all names in the pool have been called. Once all names have been called, the memory is reset and all names become available again. The memory persists between use.
Clone the repo and do an 'npm i -g <absolute path to this root of this installation>
Names have been pre-loaded into the lib/random-generator.js. If you would like to use a different set of names, you will need to add the names that you would like to use into the nameArray. Next you will need to set the STORAGE_PATH to the absolute path to the assets/array.json in this project directory. Save the random-generator.js with the following where indicated:
'STORAGE_PATH=<route app's root directory on your machine>/assets/array.json'
Open a new terminal window (or tab if you are already running terminal). Type 'callrandomstudent' in the command line, and a random name from your list will be returned.
Created by Andrew Bloom. Using node, npm and 'fs-extra'.