- As a user, I want to be able to log out of my account [def logout()]
- As a user, I want to be able to log into my account [def login()]
- As a job-seeking client, I would like to create an account. [def create_user()]
- As a dirty-house owner, I would like to post a “job” so that others can view it. [def create_job()]
##Project 3 user stories
- As a job-seeking client, I would like to find a job close to me from a list by seeing their locations. [def get_all_jobs()]
- As a job-seeking client, I'd like to get a list of more details about a job. [def getJob()]
- As a dirty-house owner, I would like to get the pricing of all the jobs around me so I can know how to price my job competitively. [def get_all_jobs()]
- As a job-seeking client, I want to know who my other competitors are. [def get_all_jobs()]
- As a dirty-house owner, I want to compare all prices of all available jobs easily by seeing all the prices at once. [def get_all_jobs()]
##User stories in development
- As a job-seeking client, I would like to update my existing account details *because I found an error. [def update-user()]
- As a dirty-house owner, I would like to update my existing jobs because I found errors in my initial description. [def update_job()]