This simple script enables you to post a message into slack from the command line without the need to install a Ruby, Node, PHP application with their boatload of dependencies. It's not magic!
Create an Incoming Webhook on your Slack channel (
(Optional) Copy to your path.
Set the environment variable SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL to the url of your Incoming Webhook. Optionally set the environment variables SLACK_CHANNEL and SLACK_USERNAME to the channel and username of the channel to post to and username to post as.
The message to send is passed as the parameter to the script.
Sending "Hello, Slack"
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="" "Hello, Slack"
Sending "Hello random Channel" to the channel 'random' with the username 'Ran Dom'
SLACK_CHANNEL="random" SLACK_USERNAME="Ran Dom" SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="" "Hello random Channel"
Sending the amount of free space on the boot partition
FREE_SPACE=`df -h --output=used /boot | tail -n 1` SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="" "Boot partition has $FREESPACE free space"