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# Name Description Repositories Packages
1 pywatchman Watchman client for python 3M 212
2 XStatic-moment moment 2.8.4 (XStatic packaging standard) 2M 47.8k
3 pysocketio Socket.IO compatible server with Gevent support 2M 9.3k
4 XStatic-underscore underscore 1.7.0 (XStatic packaging standard) 1M 25k
5 django-bsync browser-sync with the Django development server 866k 10k
6 requests Python HTTP for Humans. 839k 51.1k
7 six Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities 791k 15.6k
8 Flask A simple framework for building complex web applications. 679k 6.6k
9 pytz World timezone definitions, modern and historical 667k 4.8k
10 Django A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development an... 616k 9.8k
11 numpy NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python. 615k 32.3k
12 Jinja2 A very fast and expressive template engine. 580k 6.1k
13 MarkupSafe Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. 530k 1.2k
14 urllib3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. 499k 4.4k
15 pyilt2 A library to access the ILThermo v2.0 database. 499k 4.4k
16 pyrti RTIntegration (rti) - Python interface to Request Tracker API REST 2.0 499k 4.4k
17 certifi Python package for providing Mozillas CA Bundle. 495k 3.2k
18 Werkzeug The comprehensive WSGI web application library. 468k 1.6k
19 XStatic-Moment-Timezone Moment-Timezone 0.5.22 (XStatic packaging standard) 466k 5k
20 chardet Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3 459k 2.6k
21 click Composable command line interface toolkit 456k 13.8k
22 Pillow Python Imaging Library (Fork) 412k 6.7k
23 properties-image properties_image 412k 6.7k
24 gunicorn WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX 409k 988
25 itsdangerous Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and back. 386k 679
26 matplotlib Python plotting package 325k 13.2k
27 cssbeautifier CSS unobfuscator and beautifier. 320k 3.4k
28 psycopg2 psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter 306k 2.2k
29 scipy SciPy: Scientific Library for Python 300k 13.8k
30 pyparsing Python parsing module 282k 1.8k
31 PyYAML YAML parser and emitter for Python 278k 13.5k
32 pytest pytest: simple powerful testing with Python 274k 19.4k
33 SQLAlchemy Database Abstraction Library 242k 4.7k
34 pymongosl MongoDB DBAPI Driver 242k 4.7k
35 attrs Classes Without Boilerplate 207k 2.4k
36 djangorestframework Web APIs for Django, made easy. 202k 1.7k
37 Pygments Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. 201k 2.6k
38 decorator Decorators for Humans 192k 1k
39 pylint python code static checker 182k 2.6k
40 ipython IPython: Productive Interactive Computing 180k 2.8k
41 packaging Core utilities for Python packages 180k 1.6k
42 pycparser C parser in Python 180k 612
43 mccabe McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 179k 416
44 Flask-SQLAlchemy Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application. 171k 705
45 wcwidth Measures the displayed width of unicode strings in a terminal 169k 528
46 colorama Cross-platform colored terminal text. 168k 3.6k
47 isort A Python utility / library to sort Python imports. 158k 2k
48 lxml Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt... 154k 5.9k
49 cryptography cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and pri... 151k 2.7k
50 cryptography-vectors Test vectors for the cryptography package. 151k 2.7k
51 tornado Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library,... 149k 2.1k
52 tqdm Fast, Extensible Progress Meter 148k 6.5k
53 lazy-object-proxy A fast and thorough lazy object proxy. 142k 252
54 traitlets Traitlets Python configuration system 142k 469
55 astroid An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support. 141k 361
56 Cycler Composable style cycles 141k 440
57 whitenoise Radically simplified static file serving for WSGI applications 140k 148
58 pickleshare Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support 139k 239
59 jsonschema An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python 136k 2.2k
60 prompt-toolkit Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python 135k 739
61 coverage Code coverage measurement for Python 133k 7.6k
62 defusedxml XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules 133k 417
63 oauthlib A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth reques... 129k 493
64 future Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 127k 3.9k
65 pycodestyle Python style guide checker 124k 792
66 Sphinx Python documentation generator 123k 8.2k
67 sphinxcontrib-devhelp sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp docu... 123k 8.2k
68 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a sphinx extension which renders HTML help f... 123k 8.2k
69 sphinxcontrib-jsmath A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript 123k 8.2k
70 sphinxcontrib-qthelp sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp docume... 123k 8.2k
71 sphinxcontrib-applehelp sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help... 123k 8.2k
72 sphinxcontrib-serializing... sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs seri... 123k 8.2k
73 tensorflow TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone. 123k 2.7k
74 intel-tensorflow TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone. 123k 2.7k
75 pexpect Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications. 123k 681
76 Markdown Python implementation of Markdown. 121k 1.8k
77 protobuf Protocol Buffers 121k 1.7k
78 protobuf-distutils This is a distutils extension to generate Python code for .proto files... 121k 1.7k
79 dj-database-url Use Database URLs in your Django Application. 120k 176
80 py library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities 117k 810
81 kiwisolver A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver 113k 349
82 parso A Python Parser 113k 243
83 pyasn1 ASN.1 types and codecs 112k 771
84 pyzmq Python bindings for 0MQ 111k 963
85 zmq You are probably looking for pyzmq. 111k 963
86 pyzmq-static Obsolete fork of pyzmq 111k 963
87 bleach An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool. 110k 639
88 soupsieve A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup. 107k 254
89 pluggy plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python 106k 570
90 h5py Read and write HDF5 files from Python 103k 2.2k
91 mockito Spying framework 103k 0
92 PyJWT JSON Web Token implementation in Python 103k 1.4k
93 toml Python Library for Toms Obvious, Minimal Language 102k 1.7k
94 nose nose extends unittest to make testing easier 100k 4.8k
95 nbformat The Jupyter Notebook format 98.4k 478
96 boto3 The AWS SDK for Python 98.3k 4.2k
97 more-itertools More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools 97.6k 748
98 appdirs A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific di... 97.3k 1.7k
99 mistune The fastest markdown parser in pure Python 97.3k 334
100 Flask-WTF Simple integration of Flask and WTForms. 94.4k 444
101 nbconvert Converting Jupyter Notebooks 93.3k 523
102 Flask-Cors A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support 92.3k 669
103 nltk Natural Language Toolkit 90.7k 1.3k
104 pymongo Python driver for MongoDB 87.5k 2k
105 WTForms A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python web devel... 87.1k 353
106 joblib Lightweight pipelining with Python functions 85.7k 1.5k
107 pandocfilters Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python 85.5k 145
108 html5lib HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification 83.7k 675
109 html5 HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification 83.7k 675
110 seaborn seaborn: statistical data visualization 82.8k 2.3k
111 setuptools Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python package... 80.6k 12.7k
112 pyflakes passive checker of Python programs 80.3k 592
113 PyFlakesBear PyFlakesBear bear for coala ( 80.3k 592
114 PyMySQL Pure Python MySQL Driver 76k 1.3k
115 PyMySQLPlus Fix bug base on Pure Python MySQL Driver and Inception 76k 1.3k
116 aiohttp Async http client/server framework (asyncio) 75k 3.7k
117 pyrsistent Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures 74.4k 293
118 asn1crypto Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private keys, pu... 74.2k 304
119 asn1crypto-tests Test suite for asn1crypto, separated due to file size 74.2k 304
120 jmespath JSON Matching Expressions 74k 507
121 Babel Internationalization utilities 73.9k 977
122 psutil Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. 73.7k 3.2k
123 qtconsole Jupyter Qt console 71.6k 108
124 Cython The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language. 70.1k 2.3k
125 httplib2 A comprehensive HTTP client library. 68.1k 825
126 autopep8 A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 ... 67.3k 576
127 Flask-Migrate SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic 66.7k 236
128 networkx Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks 66.1k 2.7k
129 xlrd Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) .xls ... 64.5k 1.5k
130 caffe2 Caffe2 63.6k 2.6k
131 torch Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU accelera... 63.6k 2.6k
132 atomicwrites Atomic file writes. 63.5k 302
133 s3transfer An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager 63.4k 240
134 blinker Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling 63.2k 460
135 skimage Dummy package that points to scikit-image 61.2k 1.6k
136 django-cors-headers django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server he... 61.1k 166
137 uritemplate URI templates 59.8k 210
138 boto Amazon Web Services Library 59.6k 1.1k
139 python3-openid OpenID support for modern servers and consumers. 58.4k 36
140 django-allauth Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, regis... 57.7k 120
141 gevent Coroutine-based network library 57.4k 1.3k
142 django-crispy-forms Best way to have Django DRY forms 57.3k 243
143 simplejson Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 56.7k 2.2k
144 tensorboard TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow 56.4k 377
145 tensorboard-data-server Fast data loading for TensorBoard 56.4k 377
146 tensorflow-tensorboard TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow 56.4k 377
147 tb-nightly TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow 56.4k 377
148 appnope Disable App Nap on macOS >= 10.9 55k 93
149 absl-py Abseil Python Common Libraries, see 54.6k 380
150 google-api-python-client Google API Client Library for Python 53.2k 993
151 Flask-RESTful Simple framework for creating REST APIs 53.1k 411
152 django-filter Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to f... 52.6k 398
153 django-filter-ex Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to f... 52.6k 398
154 greenlet Lightweight in-process concurrent programming 52.4k 337
155 olefile Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (Structur... 52.3k 113
156 google-auth Google Authentication Library 51.7k 512
157 filelock A platform independent file lock. 51.5k 361
158 django-heroku This is a Django library for Heroku apps. 50.4k 6
159 gast Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version 49.5k 180
160 celery Distributed Task Queue. 48.8k 1.1k
161 argparse Python command-line parsing library 48.6k 2.4k
162 Flask-Script Scripting support for Flask 48.4k 239
163 PySocks A Python SOCKS client module. See fo... 46.9k 353
164 present A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects. 46.7k 2.7k
165 black The uncompromising code formatter. 46.7k 2.7k
166 blacker The uncompromising code formatter that respects PEP8. 46.7k 2.7k
167 async-timeout Timeout context manager for asyncio programs 46.1k 383
168 dnspython DNS toolkit 45.8k 657
169 snowballstemmer This package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snow... 45.3k 194
170 django-environ Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment var... 45.3k 121
171 pip The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages. 43.5k 1.2k
172 docopt Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 42.9k 2.5k
173 torchvision image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning 42.8k 956
174 pep8 Python style guide checker 42.1k 694
175 coreapi Python client library for Core API. 41.6k 127
176 alabaster A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme 41k 320
177 google-auth-oauthlib Google Authentication Library 40.6k 357
178 django-bootstrap4 Bootstrap support for Django projects 40.4k 36
179 django-bs4 simple bootstrap4 support for django 40.4k 36
180 itypes Simple immutable types for python. 39k 19
181 coreschema Core Schema. 38.9k 30
182 tox tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool 38.6k 3.2k
183 xlwt Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/X... 38.4k 421
184 imagesize Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file 38.1k 168
185 paramiko SSH2 protocol library 37.7k 1.4k
186 statsmodels Statistical computations and models for Python 37.5k 1.1k
187 Twisted An asynchronous networking framework written in Python 37.4k 1k
188 imageio Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientif... 37k 601
189 inflection A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python 37k 422
190 tabulate Pretty-print tabular data 36.6k 2.3k
191 msgpack MessagePack (de)serializer. 36.4k 639
192 msgpack-python MessagePack (de)serializer. 36.4k 639
193 django-debug-toolbar A configurable set of panels that display various debug information ab... 36.4k 160
194 Flask-Mail Flask extension for sending email 36.4k 154
195 QtPy Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5... 35.9k 219
196 jupyterlab The JupyterLab server extension. 35.6k 402
197 toolz List processing tools and functional utilities 35.5k 569
198 pywin32 Python for Window Extensions 35.3k 510
199 pathlib2 Object-oriented filesystem paths 34.3k 488
200 websocket-client WebSocket client for Python with low level API options 33.7k 906
201 frac Rational approximations to numbers 33.1k 6
202 twine Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI 33k 3.2k
203 publish Publish python package to PyPI and Github 33k 3.2k
204 cloudpickle Extended pickling support for Python objects 32.9k 418
205 XlsxWriter A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files. 32.3k 619
206 xlrd-with-formulas Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) sprea... 32.3k 619
207 XlsxWriterChan A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files. 32.3k 619
208 kombu Messaging library for Python. 32.3k 294
209 numba compiling Python code using LLVM 32.1k 1.3k
210 google-pasta pasta is an AST-based Python refactoring library 32k 99
211 PyWavelets PyWavelets, wavelet transform module 31.6k 154
212 drf-yasg Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django R... 31.6k 61
213 drf-yasg-kauffman Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django R... 31.6k 61
214 Flask-Bootstrap An extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boil... 31.3k 90
215 patsy A Python package for describing statistical models and for building de... 31k 222
216 bokeh Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python 30.7k 526
217 GitPython Python Git Library 30.5k 1.8k
218 A Python wrapper for the Discord API 30.2k 3
219 discord A mirror package for Please install that instead. 30.2k 3
220 Unidecode ASCII transliterations of Unicode text 30.1k 819
221 amqp Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib). 30k 138
222 contextlib2 Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module 30k 284
223 pycurl PycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library 29.9k 322
224 watchdog Filesystem events monitoring 29.9k 1k
225 cssselect cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0 29.7k 370
226 websockets An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455 & 7692) 29.6k 816
227 sympy Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python 28.8k 852
228 incremental A small library that versions your Python projects. 28.6k 101
229 mypy Optional static typing for Python 28k 1.9k
230 constantly Symbolic constants in Python 27.9k 58
231 pygame Python Game Development 27.6k 683
232 typing Type Hints for Python 27.2k 1.5k
233 unicodecsv Python2s stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesnt support unicode. Thi... 27.1k 332
234 hyperlink A featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python. 26.8k 75
235 dominate Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML docume... 26.3k 55
236 pyy Python library for creating (X)HTML pages with the use of objects. 26.3k 55
237 rope a python refactoring library... 26.3k 116
238 llvmlite lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality 26k 128
239 pyserial Python Serial Port Extension 25.4k 1.5k
240 pywinpty Python bindings for the winpty library 25.4k 20
241 ipaddress IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library 25.2k 451
242 dask Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling 25.1k 767
243 futures Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3 25.1k 889
244 google-cloud-storage Google Cloud Storage API client library 24.9k 488
245 fcm-django Send push notifications to mobile devices & browsers through FCM in Dj... 24.8k 3
246 marshmallow A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from nat... 24.6k 879
247 ipdb IPython-enabled pdb 24.5k 554
248 visitor A tiny pythonic visitor implementation. 24.4k 14
249 virtualenv-clone script to clone virtualenvs. 24.1k 31
250 text-unidecode The most basic Text::Unidecode port 24k 81
251 Faker Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. 23.8k 422
252 cytoolz Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities 23.7k 177
253 Flask-Bcrypt Brcrypt hashing for Flask. 23.6k 53
254 vine Promises, promises, promises. 23.6k 74
255 numpydoc Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format 23.5k 681
256 googleapis-common-protos Common protobufs used in Google APIs 23.5k 300
257 astropy Astronomy and astrophysics core library 23.3k 1.1k
258 tweepy Twitter library for Python 23k 264
259 Scrapy A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework 22.7k 414
260 pycryptodome Cryptographic library for Python 22.4k 1.2k
261 pycryptodomex Cryptographic library for Python 22.4k 1.2k
262 spacy Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python 21.7k 684
263 google-auth-httplib2 Google Authentication Library: httplib2 transport 21.7k 285
264 dj-static Serve production static files with Django. 21.5k 27
265 xmltodict Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON 21.3k 1.1k
266 gensim Python framework for fast Vector Space Modelling 21k 488
267 pycosat bindings to picosat (a SAT solver) 21k 19
268 ujson Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 20.3k 935
269 uvloop Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv 19.9k 405
270 json5 A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format. 19.8k 56
271 elasticsearch Python client for Elasticsearch 19.7k 723
272 HeapDict a heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations 19.7k 34
273 botocore Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. 19.6k 304
274 awscli Universal Command Line Environment for AWS. 19.6k 304
275 Bottleneck Fast NumPy array functions written in C 19.6k 107
276 tblib Traceback serialization library. 19.2k 120
277 google-api-core Google API client core library 19.2k 240
278 partd Appendable key-value storage 19k 34
279 pyxdg PyXDG contains implementations of standards in python. 19k 155
280 locket File-based locks for Python for Linux and Windows 18.9k 33
281 glob2 Version of the glob module that can capture patterns and supports recu... 18.8k 121
282 multipledispatch Multiple dispatch 18.6k 112
283 uvicorn The lightning-fast ASGI server. 18.6k 425
284 QtAwesome FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications 18.5k 53
285 docker A Python library for the Docker Engine API. 18.5k 1.1k
286 docker-py Python client for Docker. 18.5k 1.1k
287 zict Mutable mapping tools 18.2k 34
288 fastcache C implementation of Python 3 functools.lru_cache 18.2k 46
289 dash A Python framework for building reactive web-apps. Developed by Plotly... 18k 247
290 dash-tokamak Dash without the annoying bits. Main goals of this fork are (1) to ena... 18k 247
291 gym The OpenAI Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcem... 17.9k 614
292 mkl-service MKL Support Functions 17.8k 15
293 w3lib Library of web-related functions 17.8k 103
294 pathtools File system general utilities 17.6k 78
295 graphviz Simple Python interface for Graphviz 17.6k 701
296 spyder The Scientific Python Development Environment 17.6k 33
297 arrow Better dates & times for Python 17.3k 906
298 yapf A formatter for Python code. 17.3k 459
299 geopy Python Geocoding Toolbox 17.3k 299
300 bitarray efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension 17.2k 169
301 bitarray-hardbyte efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension 17.2k 169
302 pipenv Python Development Workflow for Humans. 17k 120
303 DateTime This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope. Unless... 17k 692
304 distributed Distributed scheduler for Dask 16.9k 235
305 Flask-SocketIO Socket.IO integration for Flask applications 16.8k 163
306 django-widget-tweaks Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form ... 16.5k 71
307 static3 A really simple WSGI way to serve static (or mixed) content. 16.3k 12
308 djangorestframework-jwt JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework 16.2k 76
309 drf-jwt-db-enabled JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework 16.2k 76
310 emoji Emoji for Python 16.1k 241
311 sortedcollections Python Sorted Collections 16k 47
312 Shapely Geometric objects, predicates, and operations 15.9k 962
313 eventlet Highly concurrent networking library 15.8k 425
314 ecdsa ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python) 15.8k 396
315 ansible Radically simple IT automation 15.7k 312
316 ansible-core Radically simple IT automation 15.7k 312
317 ansible-base Radically simple IT automation 15.7k 312
318 django-appconf A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gr... 15.6k 307
319 coveralls Show coverage stats online via 15.5k 1.2k
320 bkcharts High level chart types built on top of Bokeh 15.5k 14
321 netifaces Portable network interface information. 15.3k 471
322 twilio Twilio API client and TwiML generator 15k 186
323 pyinstaller PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into... 15k 170
324 bottle Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications. 14.9k 520
325 Flask-PyMongo PyMongo support for Flask applications 14.8k 40
326 PyPDF2 PDF toolkit 14.8k 383
327 python-socketio Socket.IO server 14.7k 181
328 conda-build tools for building conda packages 14.7k 22
329 django-bootstrap3 Bootstrap 3 support for Django projects 14.6k 76
330 python-slugify A Python Slugify application that handles Unicode 14.5k 485
331 pydocstyle Python docstring style checker 14.4k 561
332 pep257 Python docstring style checker 14.4k 561
333 queuelib Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues 14.4k 24
334 PyGithub Use the full Github API v3 14.2k 538
335 astunparse An AST unparser for Python 14.2k 159
336 xgboost XGBoost Python Package 14.2k 400
337 parsel Parsel is a library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and ... 14.2k 93
338 wikipedia Wikipedia API for Python 14.1k 104
339 Flask-Session Adds server-side session support to your Flask application 14.1k 56
340 libsass Sass for Python: A straightforward binding of libsass for Python. 14k 135
341 prettytable A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visual... 14k 954
342 pydot Python interface to Graphvizs Dot 13.9k 358
343 xlwings Make Excel fly: Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa. 13.9k 54
344 aiodns Simple DNS resolver for asyncio 13.8k 247
345 argh An unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax 13.8k 237
346 aiofiles File support for asyncio. 13.7k 472
347 stripe Python bindings for the Stripe API 13.3k 78
348 raven Raven is a client for Sentry ( 13.1k 428
349 pydantic Data validation and settings management using python 3.6 type hinting 13.1k 1.2k
350 pyTelegramBotAPI Python Telegram bot api. 13k 49
351 django-model-utils Django model mixins and utilities 12.9k 327
352 googletrans Free Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charg... 12.8k 96
353 h11 A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 12.8k 78
354 imutils A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing funct... 12.7k 162
355 google-cloud-core Google Cloud API client core library 12.5k 121
356 Authlib The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect serve... 12.2k 82
357 distro Distro - an OS platform information API 12.1k 230
358 configobj Config file reading, writing and validation. 12.1k 445
359 plac The smartest command line arguments parser in the world 12.1k 98
360 python-magic File type identification using libmagic 11.9k 557
361 parsimonious (Soon to be) the fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster 11.9k 98
362 google-cloud-logging Stackdriver Logging API client library 11.8k 75
363 peewee a little orm 11.8k 460
364 murmurhash Cython bindings for MurmurHash 11.8k 36
365 preshed Cython hash table that trusts the keys are pre-hashed 11.8k 38
366 cymem Manage calls to calloc/free through Cython 11.8k 44
367 social-auth-app-django Python Social Authentication, Django integration. 11.8k 69
368 Flask-Testing Unit testing for Flask 11.7k 116
369 aiomysql MySQL driver for asyncio. 11.7k 89
370 thinc A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your fa... 11.7k 40
371 cached-property A decorator for caching properties in classes. 11.7k 486
372 python-engineio-client Engine.IO client 11.7k 78
373 starlette The little ASGI library that shines. 11.6k 237
374 marshmallow-sqlalchemy SQLAlchemy integration with the marshmallow (de)serialization library 11.6k 92
375 scandir scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk() 11.6k 147
376 mongoengine MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoD... 11.5k 281
377 flask-marshmallow Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs 11.5k 66
378 validators Python Data Validation for Humans™. 11.4k 555
379 libarchive-c Python interface to libarchive 11.4k 18
380 monotonic An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3 11.4k 122
381 dataclasses A backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6 11.4k 1.2k
382 nbclient A client library for executing notebooks. Formerly nbconverts ExecuteP... 11.3k 36
383 Flask-JWT-Extended Extended JWT integration with Flask 11.1k 67
384 Flask-Sockets Elegant WebSockets for your Flask apps. 11.1k 33
385 gcsfs Convenient Filesystem interface over GCS 11.1k 71
386 comtypes Pure Python COM package 11.1k 74
387 aioredis asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support 11.1k 289
388 pika Pika Python AMQP Client Library 11k 628
389 Flask-HTTPAuth Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes 11k 89
390 channels Brings async, event-driven capabilities to Django. Django 2.2 and up o... 10.9k 128
391 netaddr A network address manipulation library for Python 10.8k 462
392 isodate An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter 10.7k 308
393 pefile Python PE parsing module 10.6k 105
394 textblob Simple, Pythonic text processing. Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech t... 10.6k 148
395 mkdocs Project documentation with Markdown. 10.5k 484
396 Flask-Babel Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications 10.5k 131
397 tensorboardX TensorBoardX lets you watch Tensors Flow without Tensorflow 10.5k 197
398 recommonmark A docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark, enabling you to write C... 10.4k 685
399 pyperclip A cross-platform clipboard module for Python. (Only handles plain text... 10.3k 516
400 pyglet Cross-platform windowing and multimedia library 10.2k 193
401 txaio Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius 10.2k 36
402 google-resumable-media Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads 10.2k 55
403 Flask-Admin Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask 10.2k 116
404 schedule Job scheduling for humans. 10.1k 215
405 python-memcached Pure python memcached client 10.1k 223
406 gidgethub An async GitHub API library 10k 8
407 bar Configurable progress bars/status monitors for Python console applicat... 10k 3
408 django-braces Reusable, generic mixins for Django 9.9k 97
409 Telethon Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3 9.9k 59
410 pyquery A jquery-like library for python 9.9k 366
411 XStatic-Dagre Dagre 0.6.4 (XStatic packaging standard) 9.8k 283
412 aiodocker Docker API client for asyncio 9.8k 15
413 prometheus-async Async helpers for prometheus_client. 9.8k 7
414 CacheControl httplib2 caching for requests 9.7k 385
415 promise Promises/A+ implementation for Python 9.6k 52
416 gnureadline The standard Python readline extension statically linked against the G... 9.6k 51
417 librosa Python module for audio and music processing 9.5k 259
418 django-import-export Django application and library for importing and exporting data with i... 9.5k 67
419 tablib Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV) 9.5k 125
420 hiredis Python wrapper for hiredis 9.3k 206
421 iso8601 Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates 9.3k 545
422 fsspec File-system specification 9.3k 144
423 dropboxdrivefs Dropbox implementation for fsspec module 9.3k 144
424 wordcloud A little word cloud generator 9.3k 128
425 sentry A realtime logging and aggregation server. 9.2k 383
426 jieba Chinese Words Segmentation Utilities 9.2k 307
427 gspread Google Spreadsheets Python API 9.1k 175
428 subprocess32 A backport of the subprocess module from Python 3 for use on 2.x. 9.1k 189
429 kubernetes Kubernetes python client 9.1k 373
430 wasabi A lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit 9.1k 52
431 flask-restplus Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development... 9.1k 117
432 django-static-arrive Django application contain arrive js files. And arrive js is absorbed ... 9k 28
433 gmpy2 GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python 2.6+ and 3.x 9k 48
434 srsly Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python 8.9k 41
435 WebOb WSGI request and response object 8.9k 531
436 paho-mqtt MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client class 8.9k 498
437 blis The Blis BLAS-like linear algebra library, as a self-contained C-exten... 8.8k 26
438 folium Make beautiful maps with Leaflet.js & Python 8.8k 123
439 altair Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python. 8.7k 145
440 django-celery Old django celery integration project. 8.7k 169
441 django-celery-quickfix Old django celery integration project. 8.7k 169
442 duc Module for validating and transforming data 8.7k 298
443 systemd-python Python interface for libsystemd 8.7k 29
444 markdown2 A fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown 8.6k 190
445 dlib A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis app... 8.6k 78
446 django-mptt Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your ... 8.6k 215
447 texttable module for creating simple ASCII tables 8.5k 253
448 argcomplete Bash tab completion for argparse 8.5k 456
449 daphne Django ASGI (HTTP/WebSocket) server 8.5k 19
450 colorlog Log formatting with colors! 8.5k 573
451 pyproj Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate tran... 8.4k 423
452 gitdb Git Object Database 8.3k 73
453 pyramid The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project 8.3k 694
454 smmap A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager 8.3k 57
455 TgCrypto Fast Telegram Crypto Library for Python 8.2k 14
456 pandas-datareader Data readers extracted from the pandas codebase,should be compatible w... 8.2k 88
457 responses A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library. 8.1k 577
458 transformers State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and Py... 8.1k 401
459 pytorch-transformers Repository of pre-trained NLP Transformer models: BERT & RoBERTa, GPT ... 8.1k 401
460 onnxruntime-tools Transformers Model Optimization Tool of ONNXRuntime 8.1k 401
461 httpie HTTPie: command-line HTTP client for the API era. 8.1k 66
462 nodeenv Node.js virtual environment builder 8.1k 57
463 odfpy Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files 8k 40
464 google-cloud-profiler Google Cloud Profiler Python Agent 8k 3
465 fake-useragent Up to date simple useragent faker with real world database 8k 192
466 progress Easy to use progress bars 8k 246
467 DataShape A data description language. 7.9k 19
468 idna_ssl Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support 7.9k 38
469 oauth2 library for OAuth version 1.9 7.9k 192
470 pyfiglet Pure-python FIGlet implementation 7.9k 364
471 rfc3986 Validating URI References per RFC 3986 7.9k 161
472 praw PRAW, an acronym for Python Reddit API Wrapper, is a python package ... 7.8k 112
473 graphql-core GraphQL implementation for Python, a port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScrip... 7.8k 130
474 Rtree R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS 7.8k 88
475 fuzzywuzzy Fuzzy string matching in python 7.7k 397
476 gTTS-token Calculates a token to run the Google Translate text to speech 7.7k 14
477 WebTest Helper to test WSGI applications 7.7k 487
478 Flask-JWT JWT token authentication for Flask apps 7.7k 23
479 odo Data migration utilities 7.6k 19
480 progressbar2 A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progre... 7.6k 463
481 blaze Blaze 7.5k 15
482 hypothesis A library for property-based testing 7.4k 555
483 hypothesis-django Adds support for Django testing to Hypothesis 7.4k 555
484 httptools A collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils. 7.4k 85
485 cookiecutter A command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e... 7.4k 264
486 rq RQ is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and... 7.4k 120
487 telegraph Telegraph API wrapper 7.3k 5
488 django-nose Makes your Django tests simple and snappy 7.2k 160
489 public replace all with @public.add decorator 7.1k 239
490 SpeechRecognition Library for performing speech recognition, with support for several en... 7.1k 127
491 pocketsphinx-fork Forked version of [pocketsphinx-python]( 7.1k 127
492 geopandas Geographic pandas extensions 7.1k 436
493 docker-pycreds Python bindings for the docker credentials store API 7.1k 34
494 line-bot-sdk LINE Messaging API SDK for Python 7.1k 10
495 freezegun Let your Python tests travel through time 7.1k 360
496 django-registration An extensible user-registration application for Django 7k 51
497 py-identity-model OIDC helper library 7k 614
498 sendgrid Twilio SendGrid library for Python 7k 92
499 sendgrid-python SendGrid client 7k 92
500 parse parse() is the opposite of format() 7k 243
501 pySmartDL A Smart Download Manager for Python 7k 22
502 python-Levenshtein Python extension for computing string edit distances and similarities. 6.9k 374
503 pymacaroons Macaroon library for Python 6.9k 16
504 pyRFC3339 Generate and parse RFC 3339 timestamps 6.9k 35
505 QDarkStyle The most complete dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications 6.8k 65
506 jsonfield A reusable Django field that allows you to store validated JSON in you... 6.8k 240
507 django-haystack Pluggable search for Django. 6.7k 94
508 django-tinymce A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as ... 6.7k 67
509 google-cloud-bigquery Google BigQuery API client library 6.7k 233
510 easy-thumbnails Easy thumbnails for Django 6.7k 123
511 CherryPy Object-Oriented HTTP framework 6.7k 307
512 jsonpointer Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901) 6.6k 104
513 Brotli Python bindings for the Brotli compression library 6.6k 97
514 Flask-Uploads Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask 6.6k 15
515 setproctitle A Python module to customize the process title 6.6k 304
516 pybase64 Fast Base64 encoding/decoding 6.6k 33
517 openapi-codec An OpenAPI codec for Core API. 6.5k 20
518 pytest-sugar-bugfix159 Workaround for Teemu/pytest-sugar#159 6.5k 421
519 Flask-Caching Adds caching support to your Flask application 6.5k 122
520 graphql-relay Relay library for graphql-core 6.5k 23
521 python-mimeparse A module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matc... 6.4k 60
522 django-formtools A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms 6.3k 58
523 click-plugins An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via s... 6.3k 99
524 python-multipart A streaming multipart parser for Python 6.3k 103
525 PyAutoGUI PyAutoGUI lets Python control the mouse and keyboard, and other GUI au... 6.3k 175
526 pytoml A parser for TOML-0.4.0 6.3k 106
527 dockerpty Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container 6.3k 53
528 coloredlogs Colored terminal output for Pythons logging module 6.3k 709
529 moviepy Video editing with Python 6.3k 163
530 django-webpack-loader Transparently use webpack with django 6.2k 26
531 sh Python subprocess replacement 6.2k 520
532 macaroonbakery A Python library port for bakery, higher level operation to work with ... 6.2k 5
533 urbandict CLI client and a library for 6.2k 2
534 fire A library for automatically generating command line interfaces. 6.1k 632
535 sentencepiece SentencePiece python wrapper 6.1k 151
536 CairoSVG A Simple SVG Converter based on Cairo 6.1k 113
537 docker-compose Multi-container orchestration for Docker 6.1k 137
538 aws-cdk.lambda-layer-awsc... An AWS Lambda layer that contains the AWS CLI 6.1k 270
539 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DataBrew 6.1k 270
540 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Amplify 6.1k 270
541 Integrations for AWS APIGateway V2 6.1k 270
542 aws-cdk.lambda-layer-kube... An AWS Lambda layer that contains the kubectl and helm 6.1k 270
543 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTSiteWise 6.1k 270
544 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IVS 6.1k 270
545 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DevOpsGuru 6.1k 270
546 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::GreengrassV2 6.1k 270
547 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTWireless 6.1k 270
548 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MWAA 6.1k 270
549 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LicenseManager 6.1k 270
550 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AuditManager 6.1k 270
551 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DataSync 6.1k 270
552 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EMRContainers 6.1k 270
553 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaConnect 6.1k 270
554 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::QuickSight 6.1k 270
555 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry 6.1k 270
556 monocdk.experiment An experiment to bundle the entire CDK into a single module 6.1k 270
557 aws-cdk-lib The AWS Cloud Development Kit library 6.1k 270
558 aws-cdk.alexa-ask The CDK Construct Library for Alexa::ASK 6.1k 270
559 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AccessAnalyzer 6.1k 270
560 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ApiGateway 6.1k 270
561 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::APIGatewayv2 6.1k 270
562 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppConfig 6.1k 270
563 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling 6.1k 270
564 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppStream 6.1k 270
565 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppSync 6.1k 270
566 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AutoScaling 6.1k 270
567 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AutoScalingPlans 6.1k 270
568 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Cassandra 6.1k 270
569 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CertificateManager 6.1k 270
570 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Cloud9 6.1k 270
571 The CDK Construct Library for AWS CloudFront Origins 6.1k 270
572 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudTrail 6.1k 270
573 Alarm Actions for AWS CloudWatch CDK library 6.1k 270
574 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeBuild 6.1k 270
575 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeCommit 6.1k 270
576 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeDeploy 6.1k 270
577 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Cognito 6.1k 270
578 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Config 6.1k 270
579 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DataPipeline 6.1k 270
580 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Detective 6.1k 270
581 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DirectoryService 6.1k 270
582 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DMS 6.1k 270
583 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ECR 6.1k 270
584 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EFS 6.1k 270
585 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EKS 6.1k 270
586 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ElastiCache 6.1k 270
587 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Elasticsearch 6.1k 270
588 Event targets for Amazon EventBridge 6.1k 270
589 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EventSchemas 6.1k 270
590 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::GuardDuty 6.1k 270
591 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Inspector 6.1k 270
592 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::KinesisFirehose 6.1k 270
593 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::KMS 6.1k 270
594 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Lambda 6.1k 270
595 The CDK Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Node.js 6.1k 270
596 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Logs 6.1k 270
597 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaLive 6.1k 270
598 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaStore 6.1k 270
599 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::RAM 6.1k 270
600 The CDK Construct Library for AWS Route53 patterns 6.1k 270
601 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::S3Outposts 6.1k 270
602 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SDB 6.1k 270
603 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SecretsManager 6.1k 270
604 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ServiceCatalog 6.1k 270
605 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ServiceDiscovery 6.1k 270
606 CDK Subscription Constructs for AWS SNS 6.1k 270
607 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SSM 6.1k 270
608 Task integrations for AWS StepFunctions 6.1k 270
609 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Timestream 6.1k 270
610 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::WAFRegional 6.1k 270
611 The CDK Construct Library for AWS::WAFv2 6.1k 270
612 Cloud Assembly Schema 6.1k 270
613 aws-cdk.custom-resources Constructs for implementing CDK custom resources 6.1k 270
614 Cloud executable protocol 6.1k 270
615 aws-cdk.region-info AWS region information, such as service principal names 6.1k 270
616 python-language-server Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol 6k 53
617 jsonpatch Apply JSON-Patches (RFC 6902) 6k 109
618 catalogue Super lightweight function registries for your library 6k 19
619 python-gflags Obsolete. Please migrate to absl-py instead. 6k 78
620 jsmin JavaScript minifier. 6k 141
621 livereload Python LiveReload is an awesome tool for web developers 5.9k 82
622 image Django application that provides cropping, resizing, thumbnailing, ove... 5.9k 60
623 cowpy A cowsay clone for python in one file. 5.9k 10
624 enum-compat enum/enum34 compatibility package 5.9k 99
625 intervaltree Editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3 5.9k 157
626 kafka-python Pure Python client for Apache Kafka 5.9k 278
627 kafka Pure Python client for Apache Kafka 5.9k 278
628 geojson Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON 5.8k 219
629 jinja2-time Jinja2 Extension for Dates and Times 5.8k 31
630 bandit Security oriented static analyser for python code. 5.7k 363
631 bz2file Read and write bzip2-compressed files. 5.7k 51
632 lightgbm LightGBM Python Package 5.7k 252
633 ipaddr Googles IP address manipulation library 5.6k 115
634 pep8-naming Check PEP-8 naming conventions, plugin for flake8 5.6k 270
635 supervisor A system for controlling process state under UNIX 5.6k 90
636 biopython Freely available tools for computational molecular biology. 5.6k 1k
637 poyo A lightweight YAML Parser for Python. 🐓 5.6k 23
638 django-reversion An extension to the Django web framework that provides version control... 5.6k 93
639 tf-hub-nightly TensorFlow Hub is a library to foster the publication, discovery, and ... 5.6k 129
640 cement Application Framework for Python 5.5k 121
641 imgaug Image augmentation library for deep neural networks 5.5k 84
642 pylast A Python interface to and 5.5k 33
643 flower Celery Flower 5.5k 80
644 python-jsonrpc-server JSON RPC 2.0 server library 5.5k 13
645 flask-mongoengine Flask-MongoEngine is a Flask extension that provides integration with ... 5.5k 49
646 mkdocs-material A Material Design theme for MkDocs 5.4k 220
647 easydict Access dict values as attributes (works recursively). 5.4k 102
648 Flask-Assets Asset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript f... 5.4k 88
649 humanfriendly Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python 5.4k 249
650 pycocotools Official APIs for the MS-COCO dataset 5.3k 88
651 googlemaps Python client library for Google Maps Platform 5.3k 52
652 dateparser Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages 5.3k 340
653 django-treebeard Efficient tree implementations for Django 5.2k 39
654 python-twitter A Python wrapper around the Twitter API 5.2k 91
655 fasteners A python package that provides useful locks. 5.2k 93
656 shared_lock A python package that provides useful locks. 5.2k 93
657 tldextract Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains ... 5.2k 226
658 django-bootstrap-form django-bootstrap-form 5.2k 46
659 Flask-Principal Identity management for flask 5.2k 49
660 Flask-MySQLdb MySQLdb extension for Flask 5.2k 5
661 py4j Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects 5.1k 104
662 pyaml PyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized dat... 5.1k 385
663 speaklater implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext 5.1k 41
664 wurlitzer Capture C-level output in context managers 5.1k 28
665 graphene-django Graphene Django integration 5.1k 78
666 loguru Python logging made (stupidly) simple 5k 695
667 h2 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation 5k 74
668 falcon An unladen web framework for building APIs and app backends. 5k 227
669 python-barcode Create standard barcodes with Python. No external modules needed. (opt... 5k 18
670 Flask-Security Simple security for Flask apps. 5k 50
671 Fiona Fiona reads and writes spatial data files 5k 196
672 pyinotify Linux filesystem events monitoring 5k 117
673 django-rest-knox Authentication for django rest framework 4.9k 12
674 hyperframe HTTP/2 framing layer for Python 4.9k 36
675 Unipath Object-oriented alternative to os/os.path/shutil 4.9k 57
676 google-cloud-firestore Google Cloud Firestore API client library 4.9k 62
677 virtualenvwrapper-win Port of Doug Hellmanns virtualenvwrapper to Windows batch scripts 4.9k 0
678 cryptg Cryptographic utilities for Telegram. 4.9k 18
679 hpack Pure-Python HPACK header compression 4.9k 34
680 rdflib RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful... 4.9k 474
681 heroku3 Heroku API Wrapper. 4.8k 8
682 wagtail A Django content management system. 4.8k 274
683 django-imagekit Automated image processing for Django models. 4.8k 47
684 xarray N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python 4.7k 681
685 xray N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python 4.7k 681
686 Pyrogram Telegram MTProto API Client Library and Framework for Python 4.7k 19
687 python-social-auth Python social authentication made simple. 4.7k 47
688 heroku Heroku API Wrapper. 4.7k 3
689 kaggle Kaggle API 4.7k 44
690 pelican Static site generator supporting Markdown and reStructuredText 4.7k 102
691 python-utils Python Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included w... 4.7k 30
692 webassets Media asset management for Python, with glue code for various web fram... 4.7k 87
693 httpx The next generation HTTP client. 4.6k 557
694 Pyphen Pure Python module to hyphenate text 4.6k 37
695 connexion Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask 4.6k 96
696 natsort Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python. 4.5k 319
697 blessings A thin, practical wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and posit... 4.5k 292
698 pydotplus Python interface to Graphvizs Dot language 4.5k 104
699 ConfigArgParse A drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set ... 4.5k 241
700 behave behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style 4.5k 118
701 branca Generate complex HTML+JS pages with Python 4.5k 20
702 pystache Mustache for Python 4.5k 220
703 Flask-MySQL Flask simple mysql client 4.5k 2
704 python-ldap Python modules for implementing LDAP clients 4.5k 212
705 pycountry ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions an... 4.5k 223
706 constructs A programming model for composable configuration 4.5k 390
707 PasteDeploy Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers 4.5k 178
708 django-registration-redux An extensible user-registration application for Django 4.5k 11
709 frappe Frappe is recommendation system backend. 4.4k 0
710 sniffio Sniff out which async library your code is running under 4.4k 33
711 xhtml2pdf PDF generator using HTML and CSS 4.4k 53
712 pipreqs Pip requirements.txt generator based on imports in project 4.3k 66
713 splinter browser abstraction for web acceptance testing 4.3k 59
714 shortuuid A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs. 4.3k 163
715 audioread multi-library, cross-platform audio decoding 4.3k 35
716 scapy Scapy: interactive packet manipulation tool 4.3k 158
717 imbalanced-learn Toolbox for imbalanced dataset in machine learning. 4.3k 85
718 resampy Efficient signal resampling 4.3k 39
719 Flask-OpenID OpenID support for Flask 4.3k 26
720 pyusb Python USB access module 4.3k 224
721 cligj Click params for commmand line interfaces to GeoJSON 4.2k 32
722 django-tastypie A flexible & capable API layer for Django. 4.2k 101
723 django-kvtags Extensible key-value tagging for Django 4.2k 101
724 cssmin A Python port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm. 4.2k 113
725 cmake CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to bu... 4.2k 89
726 netCDF4 Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 l... 4.2k 552
727 cftime Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python 4.2k 552
728 django-cleanup Deletes old files. 4.2k 10
729 asyncpg An asyncio PostgreSQL driver 4.2k 197
730 sanic A web server and web framework thats written to go fast. Build fast. R... 4.2k 321
731 elasticsearch-dsl Python client for Elasticsearch 4.2k 175
732 XStatic-BootstrapTagsInpu... BootstrapTagsInput 0.5 (XStatic packaging standard) 4.2k 32
733 twython Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports... 4.2k 58
734 django-classy-tags Class based template tags for Django 4.1k 88
735 spotipy A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API 4.1k 99
736 breathe Sphinx Doxygen renderer 4.1k 24
737 Flask-Cache Adds cache support to your Flask application 4.1k 81
738 bump2version Version-bump your software with a single command! 4.1k 317
739 blessed Easy, practical library for making terminal apps, by providing an eleg... 4k 116
740 pyee A port of node.jss EventEmitter to python. 4k 95
741 dictdiffer Dictdiffer is a library that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries. 4k 77
742 httpretty HTTP client mock for Python 4k 250
743 mutagen read and write audio tags for many formats 4k 261
744 flasgger Extract swagger specs from your flask project 4k 65
745 pypng Pure Python PNG image encoder/decoder 4k 93
746 pygraphviz Python interface to Graphviz 4k 191
747 PyTweening A collection of tweening / easing functions. 4k 27
748 transaction Transaction management for Python 3.9k 304
749 PyScreeze A simple, cross-platform screenshot module for Python 2 and 3. 3.9k 27
750 django-grappelli A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface. 3.9k 46
751 influxdb InfluxDB client 3.9k 209
752 icu Integrated Cognitive User Assistance 3.9k 3
753 torchtext Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch 3.9k 77
754 cchardet cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector. 3.9k 255
755 mechanize Stateful programmatic web browsing. 3.8k 117
756 tfds-nightly tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorF... 3.8k 62
757 pilkit A collection of utilities and processors for the Python Imaging Libary... 3.8k 14
758 nbsphinx Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx 3.8k 541
759 msrest AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. 3.8k 280
760 django-guardian Implementation of per object permissions for Django. 3.8k 67
761 pyaes Pure-Python Implementation of the AES block-cipher and common modes of... 3.8k 89
762 mysql Virtual package for MySQL-python 3.8k 35
763 google-cloud-datastore Google Cloud Datastore API client library 3.7k 84
764 Deprecated Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, function... 3.7k 236
765 motor Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio 3.7k 177
766 pypandoc Thin wrapper for pandoc. 3.7k 448
767 django-tables2 Table/data-grid framework for Django 3.7k 48
768 django-tables3 Table/data-grid framework for Django 3.7k 48
769 pypiezo Tools for controlling piezoelectric actuators. 3.7k 48
770 django-tables2-wsgi-fix Table/data-grid framework for Django 3.7k 48
771 PyQRCode A QR code generator written purely in Python with SVG, EPS, PNG and te... 3.7k 81
772 django-autoslug An automated slug field for Django. 3.7k 64
773 django-sekizai Django Sekizai 3.7k 67
774 pyttsx3 Text to Speech (TTS) library for Python 2 and 3. Works without interne... 3.7k 84
775 sacremoses SacreMoses 3.7k 41
776 django-simple-captcha A very simple, yet powerful, Django captcha application 3.7k 33
777 Paste Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack 3.6k 294
778 msgpack-numpy Numpy data serialization using msgpack 3.6k 63
779 py2app Create standalone Mac OS X applications with Python 3.6k 9
780 nibabel Access a multitude of neuroimaging data formats 3.5k 341
781 testfixtures A collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests. 3.5k 252
782 pytest-timeout py.test plugin to abort hanging tests 3.5k 331
783 pynput Monitor and control user input devices 3.5k 161
784 bson BSON codec for Python 3.5k 144
785 php Handle some of the strange standards in PHP projects 3.5k 1
786 django-forms-bootstrap a simple form filter for using Django forms with Bootstrap 3.4k 8
787 cloudinary Python and Django SDK for Cloudinary 3.4k 18
788 moto A library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto li... 3.4k 230
789 Wand Ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python 3.4k 124
790 google-cloud-pubsub Google Cloud Pub/Sub API client library 3.4k 135
791 prawcore Low-level communication layer for PRAW 4+. 3.3k 10
792 yfinance Yahoo! Finance market data downloader 3.3k 57
793 fix-yahoo-finance Yahoo! Finance market data downloader +fix for Pandas Datareaders get_... 3.3k 57
794 nose2 unittest2 with plugins, the succesor to nose 3.3k 208
795 crayons TextUI colors for Python. 3.3k 168
796 django-anymail Django email integration for Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, S... 3.3k 13
797 Flask-PageDown Implementation of StackOverflows PageDown markdown editor for Flask-WT... 3.3k 11
798 parameterized Parameterized testing with any Python test framework 3.3k 167
799 pandas-profiling Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame 3.3k 70
800 gsearch Google Search unofficial API for Python with no external dependencies 3.2k 2
801 cs50 CS50 library for Python 3.2k 1
802 Flask-OAuthlib OAuthlib for Flask 3.2k 61
803 voila Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications 3.2k 33
804 ChatterBot ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine. 3.2k 17
805 pylibmc Quick and small memcached client for Python 3.2k 93
806 htmlmin An HTML Minifier 3.2k 84
807 ddt Data-Driven/Decorated Tests 3.2k 162
808 dropbox Official Dropbox API Client 3.2k 110
809 ffmpeg ffmpeg python package url [] 3.2k 44
810 web3 3.2k 232
811 veriteos-web3 Veriteos 3.2k 232
812 pypinyin 汉字拼音转换模块/工具. 3.2k 184
813 geoip2 MaxMind GeoIP2 API 3.2k 96
814 robotframework Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and robotic proces... 3.2k 345
815 PyLyrics Pythonic Implementation of 3.1k 4
816 google-cloud-vision Cloud Vision API API client library 3.1k 35
817 sphinxcontrib-httpdomain Sphinx domain for documenting HTTP APIs 3.1k 115
818 pyshp Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format 3.1k 124
819 Quandl Package for quandl API access 3.1k 30
820 xattr Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes 3.1k 45
821 geocoder Geocoder is a simple and consistent geocoding library. 3.1k 72
822 cfscrape A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflares anti-bot page. See https:... 3.1k 51
823 langdetect Language detection library ported from Googles language-detection. 3.1k 140
824 tflearn Deep Learning Library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow 3k 19
825 missingno Missing data visualization module for Python. 3k 46
826 django-filer A file management application for django that makes handling of files ... 3k 126
827 pytest-flake8 pytest plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements 3k 501
828 multiprocess better multiprocessing and multithreading in python 3k 143
829 django-ipware A Django utility application that returns clients real IP address 3k 85
830 covid Python package to get information regarding the novel corona virus pro... 2.9k 1
831 MarkupPy An HTML/XML generator 2.9k 14
832 ua-parser Python port of Browserscopes user agent parser 2.9k 55
833 adal Note: This library is already replaced by MSAL Python, available here:... 2.9k 83
834 icalendar iCalendar parser/generator 2.9k 141
835 playsound Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependenci... 2.9k 85
836 mjml Python implementation for MJML - a framework that makes responsive-ema... 2.9k 254
837 aiogram Is a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot A... 2.9k 31
838 facebook-sdk This client library is designed to support the Facebook Graph API and ... 2.9k 45
839 environs simplified environment variable parsing 2.9k 80
840 rk The remote jupyter kernel/kernels administration utility 2.9k 93
841 albumentations Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other l... 2.9k 93
842 vobject A full-featured Python package for parsing and creating iCalendar and ... 2.9k 73
843 twitter An API and command-line toolset for Twitter ( 2.8k 109
844 atari-py Python bindings to Atari games 2.8k 24
845 jwt JSON Web Token library for Python 3. 2.8k 52
846 zstd ZSTD Bindings for Python 2.8k 18
847 num2words Modules to convert numbers to words. Easily extensible. 2.8k 64
848 MouseInfo An application to display XY position and RGB color information for th... 2.8k 17
849 colorlover Color scales for IPython notebook 2.8k 44
850 flake8-bugbear A plugin for flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your pr... 2.8k 355
851 cufflinks Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas 2.8k 45
852 django-mathfilters A set of simple math filters for Django 2.8k 11
853 voluptuous 2.8k 289
854 keyboard Hook and simulate keyboard events on Windows and Linux 2.8k 113
855 pymssql DB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based... 2.8k 164
856 ftfy Fixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact 2.8k 100
857 pytzdata The Olson timezone database for Python. 2.8k 24
858 honcho Honcho: a Python clone of Foreman. For managing Procfile-based applica... 2.8k 37
859 parsedatetime Parse human-readable date/time text. 2.7k 142
860 msrestazure AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific modul... 2.7k 215
861 ffmpeg-python Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support 2.7k 118
862 structlog Structured Logging for Python 2.7k 295
863 python-jose-cryptodome JOSE implementation in Python using pycryptodome 2.7k 9
864 django-redis-cache Redis Cache Backend for Django 2.7k 30
865 django-test-plus django-test-plus provides useful additions to Djangos default TestCase 2.7k 15
866 Pint Physical quantities module 2.7k 335
867 editdistance Fast implementation of the edit distance(Levenshtein distance) 2.7k 83
868 djangocms-admin-style Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface. 2.7k 19
869 djongo Driver for allowing Django to use MongoDB as the database backend. 2.7k 5
870 djongo-mongo-version-fix Driver for allowing Django to use MongoDB as the database backend. 2.7k 5
871 braintree Braintree Python Library 2.7k 19
872 flake8-quotes Flake8 lint for quotes. 2.7k 187
873 maxminddb Reader for the MaxMind DB format 2.7k 31
874 clint Python Command Line Interface Tools 2.7k 333
875 pycares Python interface for c-ares 2.6k 24
876 hyperopt Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization 2.6k 153
877 pyotp Python One Time Password Library 2.6k 107
878 mlxtend Machine Learning Library Extensions 2.6k 56
879 django-jpic-jfu A Django Library for jQuery File Upload. 2.6k 71
880 django-templated-mail Send emails using Django template system. 2.6k 5
881 s3fs Convenient Filesystem interface over S3 2.6k 188
882 Flask-WhooshAlchemy Whoosh extension to Flask/SQLAlchemy 2.6k 1
883 lmdb Universal Python binding for the LMDB Lightning Database 2.6k 107
884 zappa Server-less Python Web Services for AWS Lambda and API Gateway 2.6k 11
885 vcrpy Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up tes... 2.6k 156
886 PyDrive Google Drive API made easy. 2.6k 46
887 PyDrive3 Google Drive API made easy. 2.6k 46
888 ephem Compute positions of the planets and stars 2.6k 82
889 pyephem Empty package that depends on ephem 2.6k 82
890 feedgenerator Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator 2.6k 16
891 django-jsonfield JSONField for django models 2.6k 96
892 holidays Generate and work with holidays in Python 2.6k 54
893 rasterio Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy 2.6k 302
894 Beaker A Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware 2.6k 130
895 apispec A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAP... 2.5k 161
896 azure-storage-blob Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python 2.5k 37
897 azure-storage-common Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Python 2.5k 37
898 azure-storage-file Microsoft Azure Storage File Client Library for Python 2.5k 37
899 azure-storage-nspkg Microsoft Azure Storage Namespace Package [Internal] 2.5k 37
900 django-suit Modern theme for Django admin interface. 2.5k 25
901 Naked A command line application framework 2.5k 32
902 statsd A simple statsd client. 2.5k 149
903 onnx Open Neural Network Exchange 2.5k 151
904 flask-swagger Extract swagger specs from your flask project 2.5k 30
905 lyricsgenius Download lyrics and metadata from 2.5k 7
906 pytest-rerunfailures pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures 2.5k 92
907 imageio-ffmpeg FFMPEG wrapper for Python 2.5k 63
908 funcy A fancy and practical functional tools 2.5k 162
909 httpcore A minimal low-level HTTP client. 2.5k 22
910 multitasking Non-blocking Python methods using decorators 2.5k 10
911 google-cloud-language Google Cloud Natural Language API client library 2.5k 23
912 grpcio HTTP/2-based RPC framework 2.5k 129
913 grpcio-tools Protobuf code generator for gRPC 2.5k 129
914 pbkdf2 PKCS#5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module 2.5k 70
915 django-markdown-deux a Django app that provides template tags for using Markdown (using the... 2.5k 14
916 zeep A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests 2.5k 241
917 sklearn-crfsuite CRFsuite (python-crfsuite) wrapper which provides interface simlar to ... 2.5k 73
918 recognizers-text-choice recognizers-text-choice README 2.5k 19
919 recognizers-text-number-w... recognizers-text-number-with-unit README 2.5k 19
920 recognizers-text recognizers-text README 2.5k 19
921 recognizers-text-number recognizers-text-number README 2.5k 19
922 recognizers-text-sequence recognizers-text-sequence README 2.5k 19
923 recognizers-text-suite recognizers-text-suite README 2.5k 19
924 telepot Python framework for Telegram Bot API 2.5k 16
925 check-manifest Check in a Python source package for completeness 2.4k 2.1k
926 django-dotenv foreman reads from .env. doesnt. Lets fix that. 2.4k 12
927 Pyrebase A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API 2.4k 19
928 flake8-isort flake8 plugin that integrates isort . 2.4k 115
929 shellescape Shell escape a string to safely use it as a token in a shell command (... 2.4k 38
930 django-contrib-comments The code formerly known as django.contrib.comments. 2.4k 28
931 dse-driver DataStax Enterprise Python Driver 2.4k 124
932 cassandra-driver DataStax Driver for Apache Cassandra 2.4k 124
933 cvxpy A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems i... 2.4k 126
934 telebot A Telegram bot library, with simple route decorators. 2.4k 5
935 google-cloud-translate Google Cloud Translation API client library 2.4k 34
936 umap-learn Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection 2.4k 136
937 rpy2 Python interface to the R language (embedded R) 2.4k 194
938 newspaper3k Simplified python article discovery & extraction. 2.4k 50
939 newspaper Simplified python article discovery & extraction. 2.4k 50
940 translationstring Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze and Pyramid packa... 2.4k 30
941 vaderSentiment VADER Sentiment Analysis. VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntimen... 2.4k 28
942 rlp A package for Recursive Length Prefix encoding and decoding 2.3k 99
943 rusty-rlp Python RLP serialization/deserialization based on a rapid fast Rust im... 2.3k 99
944 rich Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown... 2.3k 535
945 django-multiselectfield Django multiple select field 2.3k 14
946 user-agents A library to identify devices (phones, tablets) and their capabilities... 2.3k 89
947 webargs Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built... 2.3k 78
948 pyssml Python library for building SSML for Amazon Alexa. Version 0.1.3 inclu... 2.3k 0
949 scp scp module for paramiko 2.3k 129
950 schema Simple data validation library 2.3k 279
951 troposphere AWS CloudFormation creation library 2.3k 90
952 hjson Hjson, a user interface for JSON. 2.3k 47
953 hjs hjs, the missing bit of hjson 2.3k 47
954 qiniu Qiniu Resource Storage SDK 2.3k 65
955 google-cloud-speech Google Cloud Speech API client library 2.3k 27
956 roman Integer to Roman numerals converter 2.3k 37
957 pydicom Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing 2.2k 223
958 dicom Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing 2.2k 223
959 django-crontab dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django 2.2k 5
960 spamwatch SpamWatch API Wrapper 2.2k 0
961 django-recaptcha Django recaptcha form field/widget app. 2.2k 39
962 sphinxcontrib-bibtex Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations. 2.2k 155
963 m2r Markdown and reStructuredText in a single file. 2.2k 302
964 slacker Slack API client 2.2k 98
965 drf-nested-routers Nested resources for the Django Rest Framework 2.2k 36
966 crypto Simple symmetric GPG file encryption and decryption 2.2k 102
967 pudb A full-screen, console-based Python debugger 2.2k 51
968 django-jet Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality 2.2k 5
969 djangocms-text-ckeditor Text Plugin for django CMS with CKEditor support 2.2k 40
970 Flask-Limiter Rate limiting for flask applications 2.2k 25
971 sounddevice Play and Record Sound with Python 2.2k 88
972 flaky Plugin for nose or pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests. 2.2k 105
973 pysolr Lightweight Python client for Apache Solr 2.2k 48
974 lru-dict An Dict like LRU container. 2.2k 85
975 pykwalify Python lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation 2.2k 84
976 wandb A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API. 2.2k 62
977 rednose coloured output for nosetests 2.2k 94
978 IPy Class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks 2.1k 96
979 placebo Make boto3 calls that look real but have no effect 2.1k 10
980 pylama pylama -- Code audit tool for python 2.1k 129
981 django-localflavor Country-specific Django helpers 2.1k 49
982 django-iban-field IBAN field for django with validation and optional postgresql in datab... 2.1k 49
983 ImageHash Image Hashing library 2.1k 49
984 pytest-pythonpath pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from command line or config... 2.1k 142
985 grequests Requests + Gevent 2.1k 127
986 ratelim Makes it easy to respect rate limits. 2.1k 4
987 yacs Yet Another Configuration System 2.1k 36
988 jellyfish a library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings. 2.1k 75
989 pytest-metadata pytest plugin for test session metadata 2.1k 22
990 django-annoying This is a django application that tries to eliminate annoying things i... 2.1k 50
991 jikanpy Python wrapper for the Jikan API 2.1k 4
992 jws JSON Web Signatures implementation in Python 2.1k 8
993 sphinx-markdown-tables A Sphinx extension for rendering tables written in markdown 2.1k 60
994 pytorch-lightning PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researcher... 2.1k 107
995 pymc3 Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilist... 2.1k 88
996 utils A grab-bag of utility functions and objects 2.1k 18
997 thrift Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system 2.1k 251
998 hstspreload Chromium HSTS Preload list as a Python package 2k 12
999 pysha3 SHA-3 (Keccak) for Python 2.7 - 3.5 2k 130
1000 torchsummary Model summary in PyTorch similar to model.summary() in Keras 2k 15


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