# |
Name | Description | Repositories | Packages |
1 | pywatchman | Watchman client for python | 3M | 212 |
2 | XStatic-moment | moment 2.8.4 (XStatic packaging standard) | 2M | 47.8k |
3 | pysocketio | Socket.IO compatible server with Gevent support | 2M | 9.3k |
4 | XStatic-underscore | underscore 1.7.0 (XStatic packaging standard) | 1M | 25k |
5 | django-bsync | browser-sync with the Django development server | 866k | 10k |
6 | requests | Python HTTP for Humans. | 839k | 51.1k |
7 | six | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | 791k | 15.6k |
8 | Flask | A simple framework for building complex web applications. | 679k | 6.6k |
9 | pytz | World timezone definitions, modern and historical | 667k | 4.8k |
10 | Django | A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development an... | 616k | 9.8k |
11 | numpy | NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python. | 615k | 32.3k |
12 | Jinja2 | A very fast and expressive template engine. | 580k | 6.1k |
13 | MarkupSafe | Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup. | 530k | 1.2k |
14 | urllib3 | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more. | 499k | 4.4k |
15 | pyilt2 | A library to access the ILThermo v2.0 database. | 499k | 4.4k |
16 | pyrti | RTIntegration (rti) - Python interface to Request Tracker API REST 2.0 | 499k | 4.4k |
17 | certifi | Python package for providing Mozillas CA Bundle. | 495k | 3.2k |
18 | Werkzeug | The comprehensive WSGI web application library. | 468k | 1.6k |
19 | XStatic-Moment-Timezone | Moment-Timezone 0.5.22 (XStatic packaging standard) | 466k | 5k |
20 | chardet | Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3 | 459k | 2.6k |
21 | click | Composable command line interface toolkit | 456k | 13.8k |
22 | Pillow | Python Imaging Library (Fork) | 412k | 6.7k |
23 | properties-image | properties_image | 412k | 6.7k |
24 | gunicorn | WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX | 409k | 988 |
25 | itsdangerous | Various helpers to pass data to untrusted environments and back. | 386k | 679 |
26 | matplotlib | Python plotting package | 325k | 13.2k |
27 | cssbeautifier | CSS unobfuscator and beautifier. | 320k | 3.4k |
28 | psycopg2 | psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter | 306k | 2.2k |
29 | scipy | SciPy: Scientific Library for Python | 300k | 13.8k |
30 | pyparsing | Python parsing module | 282k | 1.8k |
31 | PyYAML | YAML parser and emitter for Python | 278k | 13.5k |
32 | pytest | pytest: simple powerful testing with Python | 274k | 19.4k |
33 | SQLAlchemy | Database Abstraction Library | 242k | 4.7k |
34 | pymongosl | MongoDB DBAPI Driver | 242k | 4.7k |
35 | attrs | Classes Without Boilerplate | 207k | 2.4k |
36 | djangorestframework | Web APIs for Django, made easy. | 202k | 1.7k |
37 | Pygments | Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. | 201k | 2.6k |
38 | decorator | Decorators for Humans | 192k | 1k |
39 | pylint | python code static checker | 182k | 2.6k |
40 | ipython | IPython: Productive Interactive Computing | 180k | 2.8k |
41 | packaging | Core utilities for Python packages | 180k | 1.6k |
42 | pycparser | C parser in Python | 180k | 612 |
43 | mccabe | McCabe checker, plugin for flake8 | 179k | 416 |
44 | Flask-SQLAlchemy | Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application. | 171k | 705 |
45 | wcwidth | Measures the displayed width of unicode strings in a terminal | 169k | 528 |
46 | colorama | Cross-platform colored terminal text. | 168k | 3.6k |
47 | isort | A Python utility / library to sort Python imports. | 158k | 2k |
48 | lxml | Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt... | 154k | 5.9k |
49 | cryptography | cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and pri... | 151k | 2.7k |
50 | cryptography-vectors | Test vectors for the cryptography package. | 151k | 2.7k |
51 | tornado | Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library,... | 149k | 2.1k |
52 | tqdm | Fast, Extensible Progress Meter | 148k | 6.5k |
53 | lazy-object-proxy | A fast and thorough lazy object proxy. | 142k | 252 |
54 | traitlets | Traitlets Python configuration system | 142k | 469 |
55 | astroid | An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support. | 141k | 361 |
56 | Cycler | Composable style cycles | 141k | 440 |
57 | whitenoise | Radically simplified static file serving for WSGI applications | 140k | 148 |
58 | pickleshare | Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support | 139k | 239 |
59 | jsonschema | An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python | 136k | 2.2k |
60 | prompt-toolkit | Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python | 135k | 739 |
61 | coverage | Code coverage measurement for Python | 133k | 7.6k |
62 | defusedxml | XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules | 133k | 417 |
63 | oauthlib | A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth reques... | 129k | 493 |
64 | future | Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 | 127k | 3.9k |
65 | pycodestyle | Python style guide checker | 124k | 792 |
66 | Sphinx | Python documentation generator | 123k | 8.2k |
67 | sphinxcontrib-devhelp | sphinxcontrib-devhelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp docu... | 123k | 8.2k |
68 | sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp is a sphinx extension which renders HTML help f... | 123k | 8.2k |
69 | sphinxcontrib-jsmath | A sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript | 123k | 8.2k |
70 | sphinxcontrib-qthelp | sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp docume... | 123k | 8.2k |
71 | sphinxcontrib-applehelp | sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help... | 123k | 8.2k |
72 | sphinxcontrib-serializing... | sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml is a sphinx extension which outputs seri... | 123k | 8.2k |
73 | tensorflow | TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone. | 123k | 2.7k |
74 | intel-tensorflow | TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone. | 123k | 2.7k |
75 | pexpect | Pexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications. | 123k | 681 |
76 | Markdown | Python implementation of Markdown. | 121k | 1.8k |
77 | protobuf | Protocol Buffers | 121k | 1.7k |
78 | protobuf-distutils | This is a distutils extension to generate Python code for .proto files... | 121k | 1.7k |
79 | dj-database-url | Use Database URLs in your Django Application. | 120k | 176 |
80 | py | library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities | 117k | 810 |
81 | kiwisolver | A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver | 113k | 349 |
82 | parso | A Python Parser | 113k | 243 |
83 | pyasn1 | ASN.1 types and codecs | 112k | 771 |
84 | pyzmq | Python bindings for 0MQ | 111k | 963 |
85 | zmq | You are probably looking for pyzmq. | 111k | 963 |
86 | pyzmq-static | Obsolete fork of pyzmq | 111k | 963 |
87 | bleach | An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool. | 110k | 639 |
88 | soupsieve | A modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup. | 107k | 254 |
89 | pluggy | plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python | 106k | 570 |
90 | h5py | Read and write HDF5 files from Python | 103k | 2.2k |
91 | mockito | Spying framework | 103k | 0 |
92 | PyJWT | JSON Web Token implementation in Python | 103k | 1.4k |
93 | toml | Python Library for Toms Obvious, Minimal Language | 102k | 1.7k |
94 | nose | nose extends unittest to make testing easier | 100k | 4.8k |
95 | nbformat | The Jupyter Notebook format | 98.4k | 478 |
96 | boto3 | The AWS SDK for Python | 98.3k | 4.2k |
97 | more-itertools | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools | 97.6k | 748 |
98 | appdirs | A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific di... | 97.3k | 1.7k |
99 | mistune | The fastest markdown parser in pure Python | 97.3k | 334 |
100 | Flask-WTF | Simple integration of Flask and WTForms. | 94.4k | 444 |
101 | nbconvert | Converting Jupyter Notebooks | 93.3k | 523 |
102 | Flask-Cors | A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support | 92.3k | 669 |
103 | nltk | Natural Language Toolkit | 90.7k | 1.3k |
104 | pymongo | Python driver for MongoDB | 87.5k | 2k |
105 | WTForms | A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python web devel... | 87.1k | 353 |
106 | joblib | Lightweight pipelining with Python functions | 85.7k | 1.5k |
107 | pandocfilters | Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python | 85.5k | 145 |
108 | html5lib | HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification | 83.7k | 675 |
109 | html5 | HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification | 83.7k | 675 |
110 | seaborn | seaborn: statistical data visualization | 82.8k | 2.3k |
111 | setuptools | Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python package... | 80.6k | 12.7k |
112 | pyflakes | passive checker of Python programs | 80.3k | 592 |
113 | PyFlakesBear | PyFlakesBear bear for coala (http://coala.rtfd.org/) | 80.3k | 592 |
114 | PyMySQL | Pure Python MySQL Driver | 76k | 1.3k |
115 | PyMySQLPlus | Fix bug base on Pure Python MySQL Driver and Inception | 76k | 1.3k |
116 | aiohttp | Async http client/server framework (asyncio) | 75k | 3.7k |
117 | pyrsistent | Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures | 74.4k | 293 |
118 | asn1crypto | Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer with definitions for private keys, pu... | 74.2k | 304 |
119 | asn1crypto-tests | Test suite for asn1crypto, separated due to file size | 74.2k | 304 |
120 | jmespath | JSON Matching Expressions | 74k | 507 |
121 | Babel | Internationalization utilities | 73.9k | 977 |
122 | psutil | Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python. | 73.7k | 3.2k |
123 | qtconsole | Jupyter Qt console | 71.6k | 108 |
124 | Cython | The Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language. | 70.1k | 2.3k |
125 | httplib2 | A comprehensive HTTP client library. | 68.1k | 825 |
126 | autopep8 | A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 ... | 67.3k | 576 |
127 | Flask-Migrate | SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic | 66.7k | 236 |
128 | networkx | Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks | 66.1k | 2.7k |
129 | xlrd | Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) .xls ... | 64.5k | 1.5k |
130 | caffe2 | Caffe2 | 63.6k | 2.6k |
131 | torch | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU accelera... | 63.6k | 2.6k |
132 | atomicwrites | Atomic file writes. | 63.5k | 302 |
133 | s3transfer | An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager | 63.4k | 240 |
134 | blinker | Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling | 63.2k | 460 |
135 | skimage | Dummy package that points to scikit-image | 61.2k | 1.6k |
136 | django-cors-headers | django-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server he... | 61.1k | 166 |
137 | uritemplate | URI templates | 59.8k | 210 |
138 | boto | Amazon Web Services Library | 59.6k | 1.1k |
139 | python3-openid | OpenID support for modern servers and consumers. | 58.4k | 36 |
140 | django-allauth | Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, regis... | 57.7k | 120 |
141 | gevent | Coroutine-based network library | 57.4k | 1.3k |
142 | django-crispy-forms | Best way to have Django DRY forms | 57.3k | 243 |
143 | simplejson | Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python | 56.7k | 2.2k |
144 | tensorboard | TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow | 56.4k | 377 |
145 | tensorboard-data-server | Fast data loading for TensorBoard | 56.4k | 377 |
146 | tensorflow-tensorboard | TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow | 56.4k | 377 |
147 | tb-nightly | TensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow | 56.4k | 377 |
148 | appnope | Disable App Nap on macOS >= 10.9 | 55k | 93 |
149 | absl-py | Abseil Python Common Libraries, see https://github.com/abseil/abseil-p... | 54.6k | 380 |
150 | google-api-python-client | Google API Client Library for Python | 53.2k | 993 |
151 | Flask-RESTful | Simple framework for creating REST APIs | 53.1k | 411 |
152 | django-filter | Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to f... | 52.6k | 398 |
153 | django-filter-ex | Django-filter is a reusable Django application for allowing users to f... | 52.6k | 398 |
154 | greenlet | Lightweight in-process concurrent programming | 52.4k | 337 |
155 | olefile | Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (Structur... | 52.3k | 113 |
156 | google-auth | Google Authentication Library | 51.7k | 512 |
157 | filelock | A platform independent file lock. | 51.5k | 361 |
158 | django-heroku | This is a Django library for Heroku apps. | 50.4k | 6 |
159 | gast | Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version | 49.5k | 180 |
160 | celery | Distributed Task Queue. | 48.8k | 1.1k |
161 | argparse | Python command-line parsing library | 48.6k | 2.4k |
162 | Flask-Script | Scripting support for Flask | 48.4k | 239 |
163 | PySocks | A Python SOCKS client module. See https://github.com/Anorov/PySocks fo... | 46.9k | 353 |
164 | present | A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects. | 46.7k | 2.7k |
165 | black | The uncompromising code formatter. | 46.7k | 2.7k |
166 | blacker | The uncompromising code formatter that respects PEP8. | 46.7k | 2.7k |
167 | async-timeout | Timeout context manager for asyncio programs | 46.1k | 383 |
168 | dnspython | DNS toolkit | 45.8k | 657 |
169 | snowballstemmer | This package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snow... | 45.3k | 194 |
170 | django-environ | Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment var... | 45.3k | 121 |
171 | pip | The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages. | 43.5k | 1.2k |
172 | docopt | Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile | 42.9k | 2.5k |
173 | torchvision | image and video datasets and models for torch deep learning | 42.8k | 956 |
174 | pep8 | Python style guide checker | 42.1k | 694 |
175 | coreapi | Python client library for Core API. | 41.6k | 127 |
176 | alabaster | A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme | 41k | 320 |
177 | google-auth-oauthlib | Google Authentication Library | 40.6k | 357 |
178 | django-bootstrap4 | Bootstrap support for Django projects | 40.4k | 36 |
179 | django-bs4 | simple bootstrap4 support for django | 40.4k | 36 |
180 | itypes | Simple immutable types for python. | 39k | 19 |
181 | coreschema | Core Schema. | 38.9k | 30 |
182 | tox | tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool | 38.6k | 3.2k |
183 | xlwt | Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/X... | 38.4k | 421 |
184 | imagesize | Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file | 38.1k | 168 |
185 | paramiko | SSH2 protocol library | 37.7k | 1.4k |
186 | statsmodels | Statistical computations and models for Python | 37.5k | 1.1k |
187 | Twisted | An asynchronous networking framework written in Python | 37.4k | 1k |
188 | imageio | Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientif... | 37k | 601 |
189 | inflection | A port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python | 37k | 422 |
190 | tabulate | Pretty-print tabular data | 36.6k | 2.3k |
191 | msgpack | MessagePack (de)serializer. | 36.4k | 639 |
192 | msgpack-python | MessagePack (de)serializer. | 36.4k | 639 |
193 | django-debug-toolbar | A configurable set of panels that display various debug information ab... | 36.4k | 160 |
194 | Flask-Mail | Flask extension for sending email | 36.4k | 154 |
195 | QtPy | Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5... | 35.9k | 219 |
196 | jupyterlab | The JupyterLab server extension. | 35.6k | 402 |
197 | toolz | List processing tools and functional utilities | 35.5k | 569 |
198 | pywin32 | Python for Window Extensions | 35.3k | 510 |
199 | pathlib2 | Object-oriented filesystem paths | 34.3k | 488 |
200 | websocket-client | WebSocket client for Python with low level API options | 33.7k | 906 |
201 | frac | Rational approximations to numbers | 33.1k | 6 |
202 | twine | Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI | 33k | 3.2k |
203 | publish | Publish python package to PyPI and Github | 33k | 3.2k |
204 | cloudpickle | Extended pickling support for Python objects | 32.9k | 418 |
205 | XlsxWriter | A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files. | 32.3k | 619 |
206 | xlrd-with-formulas | Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) sprea... | 32.3k | 619 |
207 | XlsxWriterChan | A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files. | 32.3k | 619 |
208 | kombu | Messaging library for Python. | 32.3k | 294 |
209 | numba | compiling Python code using LLVM | 32.1k | 1.3k |
210 | google-pasta | pasta is an AST-based Python refactoring library | 32k | 99 |
211 | PyWavelets | PyWavelets, wavelet transform module | 31.6k | 154 |
212 | drf-yasg | Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django R... | 31.6k | 61 |
213 | drf-yasg-kauffman | Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django R... | 31.6k | 61 |
214 | Flask-Bootstrap | An extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boil... | 31.3k | 90 |
215 | patsy | A Python package for describing statistical models and for building de... | 31k | 222 |
216 | bokeh | Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python | 30.7k | 526 |
217 | GitPython | Python Git Library | 30.5k | 1.8k |
218 | discord.py | A Python wrapper for the Discord API | 30.2k | 3 |
219 | discord | A mirror package for discord.py. Please install that instead. | 30.2k | 3 |
220 | Unidecode | ASCII transliterations of Unicode text | 30.1k | 819 |
221 | amqp | Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib). | 30k | 138 |
222 | contextlib2 | Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module | 30k | 284 |
223 | pycurl | PycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library | 29.9k | 322 |
224 | watchdog | Filesystem events monitoring | 29.9k | 1k |
225 | cssselect | cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0 | 29.7k | 370 |
226 | websockets | An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455 & 7692) | 29.6k | 816 |
227 | sympy | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python | 28.8k | 852 |
228 | incremental | A small library that versions your Python projects. | 28.6k | 101 |
229 | mypy | Optional static typing for Python | 28k | 1.9k |
230 | constantly | Symbolic constants in Python | 27.9k | 58 |
231 | pygame | Python Game Development | 27.6k | 683 |
232 | typing | Type Hints for Python | 27.2k | 1.5k |
233 | unicodecsv | Python2s stdlib csv module is nice, but it doesnt support unicode. Thi... | 27.1k | 332 |
234 | hyperlink | A featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python. | 26.8k | 75 |
235 | dominate | Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML docume... | 26.3k | 55 |
236 | pyy | Python library for creating (X)HTML pages with the use of objects. | 26.3k | 55 |
237 | rope | a python refactoring library... | 26.3k | 116 |
238 | llvmlite | lightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality | 26k | 128 |
239 | pyserial | Python Serial Port Extension | 25.4k | 1.5k |
240 | pywinpty | Python bindings for the winpty library | 25.4k | 20 |
241 | ipaddress | IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library | 25.2k | 451 |
242 | dask | Parallel PyData with Task Scheduling | 25.1k | 767 |
243 | futures | Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3 | 25.1k | 889 |
244 | google-cloud-storage | Google Cloud Storage API client library | 24.9k | 488 |
245 | fcm-django | Send push notifications to mobile devices & browsers through FCM in Dj... | 24.8k | 3 |
246 | marshmallow | A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from nat... | 24.6k | 879 |
247 | ipdb | IPython-enabled pdb | 24.5k | 554 |
248 | visitor | A tiny pythonic visitor implementation. | 24.4k | 14 |
249 | virtualenv-clone | script to clone virtualenvs. | 24.1k | 31 |
250 | text-unidecode | The most basic Text::Unidecode port | 24k | 81 |
251 | Faker | Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you. | 23.8k | 422 |
252 | cytoolz | Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities | 23.7k | 177 |
253 | Flask-Bcrypt | Brcrypt hashing for Flask. | 23.6k | 53 |
254 | vine | Promises, promises, promises. | 23.6k | 74 |
255 | numpydoc | Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format | 23.5k | 681 |
256 | googleapis-common-protos | Common protobufs used in Google APIs | 23.5k | 300 |
257 | astropy | Astronomy and astrophysics core library | 23.3k | 1.1k |
258 | tweepy | Twitter library for Python | 23k | 264 |
259 | Scrapy | A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework | 22.7k | 414 |
260 | pycryptodome | Cryptographic library for Python | 22.4k | 1.2k |
261 | pycryptodomex | Cryptographic library for Python | 22.4k | 1.2k |
262 | spacy | Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python | 21.7k | 684 |
263 | google-auth-httplib2 | Google Authentication Library: httplib2 transport | 21.7k | 285 |
264 | dj-static | Serve production static files with Django. | 21.5k | 27 |
265 | xmltodict | Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON | 21.3k | 1.1k |
266 | gensim | Python framework for fast Vector Space Modelling | 21k | 488 |
267 | pycosat | bindings to picosat (a SAT solver) | 21k | 19 |
268 | ujson | Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python | 20.3k | 935 |
269 | uvloop | Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv | 19.9k | 405 |
270 | json5 | A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format. | 19.8k | 56 |
271 | elasticsearch | Python client for Elasticsearch | 19.7k | 723 |
272 | HeapDict | a heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations | 19.7k | 34 |
273 | botocore | Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. | 19.6k | 304 |
274 | awscli | Universal Command Line Environment for AWS. | 19.6k | 304 |
275 | Bottleneck | Fast NumPy array functions written in C | 19.6k | 107 |
276 | tblib | Traceback serialization library. | 19.2k | 120 |
277 | google-api-core | Google API client core library | 19.2k | 240 |
278 | partd | Appendable key-value storage | 19k | 34 |
279 | pyxdg | PyXDG contains implementations of freedesktop.org standards in python. | 19k | 155 |
280 | locket | File-based locks for Python for Linux and Windows | 18.9k | 33 |
281 | glob2 | Version of the glob module that can capture patterns and supports recu... | 18.8k | 121 |
282 | multipledispatch | Multiple dispatch | 18.6k | 112 |
283 | uvicorn | The lightning-fast ASGI server. | 18.6k | 425 |
284 | QtAwesome | FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications | 18.5k | 53 |
285 | docker | A Python library for the Docker Engine API. | 18.5k | 1.1k |
286 | docker-py | Python client for Docker. | 18.5k | 1.1k |
287 | zict | Mutable mapping tools | 18.2k | 34 |
288 | fastcache | C implementation of Python 3 functools.lru_cache | 18.2k | 46 |
289 | dash | A Python framework for building reactive web-apps. Developed by Plotly... | 18k | 247 |
290 | dash-tokamak | Dash without the annoying bits. Main goals of this fork are (1) to ena... | 18k | 247 |
291 | gym | The OpenAI Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcem... | 17.9k | 614 |
292 | mkl-service | MKL Support Functions | 17.8k | 15 |
293 | w3lib | Library of web-related functions | 17.8k | 103 |
294 | pathtools | File system general utilities | 17.6k | 78 |
295 | graphviz | Simple Python interface for Graphviz | 17.6k | 701 |
296 | spyder | The Scientific Python Development Environment | 17.6k | 33 |
297 | arrow | Better dates & times for Python | 17.3k | 906 |
298 | yapf | A formatter for Python code. | 17.3k | 459 |
299 | geopy | Python Geocoding Toolbox | 17.3k | 299 |
300 | bitarray | efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension | 17.2k | 169 |
301 | bitarray-hardbyte | efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension | 17.2k | 169 |
302 | pipenv | Python Development Workflow for Humans. | 17k | 120 |
303 | DateTime | This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope. Unless... | 17k | 692 |
304 | distributed | Distributed scheduler for Dask | 16.9k | 235 |
305 | Flask-SocketIO | Socket.IO integration for Flask applications | 16.8k | 163 |
306 | django-widget-tweaks | Tweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form ... | 16.5k | 71 |
307 | static3 | A really simple WSGI way to serve static (or mixed) content. | 16.3k | 12 |
308 | djangorestframework-jwt | JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework | 16.2k | 76 |
309 | drf-jwt-db-enabled | JSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework | 16.2k | 76 |
310 | emoji | Emoji for Python | 16.1k | 241 |
311 | sortedcollections | Python Sorted Collections | 16k | 47 |
312 | Shapely | Geometric objects, predicates, and operations | 15.9k | 962 |
313 | eventlet | Highly concurrent networking library | 15.8k | 425 |
314 | ecdsa | ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python) | 15.8k | 396 |
315 | ansible | Radically simple IT automation | 15.7k | 312 |
316 | ansible-core | Radically simple IT automation | 15.7k | 312 |
317 | ansible-base | Radically simple IT automation | 15.7k | 312 |
318 | django-appconf | A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gr... | 15.6k | 307 |
319 | coveralls | Show coverage stats online via coveralls.io | 15.5k | 1.2k |
320 | bkcharts | High level chart types built on top of Bokeh | 15.5k | 14 |
321 | netifaces | Portable network interface information. | 15.3k | 471 |
322 | twilio | Twilio API client and TwiML generator | 15k | 186 |
323 | pyinstaller | PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into... | 15k | 170 |
324 | bottle | Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications. | 14.9k | 520 |
325 | Flask-PyMongo | PyMongo support for Flask applications | 14.8k | 40 |
326 | PyPDF2 | PDF toolkit | 14.8k | 383 |
327 | python-socketio | Socket.IO server | 14.7k | 181 |
328 | conda-build | tools for building conda packages | 14.7k | 22 |
329 | django-bootstrap3 | Bootstrap 3 support for Django projects | 14.6k | 76 |
330 | python-slugify | A Python Slugify application that handles Unicode | 14.5k | 485 |
331 | pydocstyle | Python docstring style checker | 14.4k | 561 |
332 | pep257 | Python docstring style checker | 14.4k | 561 |
333 | queuelib | Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues | 14.4k | 24 |
334 | PyGithub | Use the full Github API v3 | 14.2k | 538 |
335 | astunparse | An AST unparser for Python | 14.2k | 159 |
336 | xgboost | XGBoost Python Package | 14.2k | 400 |
337 | parsel | Parsel is a library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and ... | 14.2k | 93 |
338 | wikipedia | Wikipedia API for Python | 14.1k | 104 |
339 | Flask-Session | Adds server-side session support to your Flask application | 14.1k | 56 |
340 | libsass | Sass for Python: A straightforward binding of libsass for Python. | 14k | 135 |
341 | prettytable | A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visual... | 14k | 954 |
342 | pydot | Python interface to Graphvizs Dot | 13.9k | 358 |
343 | xlwings | Make Excel fly: Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa. | 13.9k | 54 |
344 | aiodns | Simple DNS resolver for asyncio | 13.8k | 247 |
345 | argh | An unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax | 13.8k | 237 |
346 | aiofiles | File support for asyncio. | 13.7k | 472 |
347 | stripe | Python bindings for the Stripe API | 13.3k | 78 |
348 | raven | Raven is a client for Sentry (https://getsentry.com) | 13.1k | 428 |
349 | pydantic | Data validation and settings management using python 3.6 type hinting | 13.1k | 1.2k |
350 | pyTelegramBotAPI | Python Telegram bot api. | 13k | 49 |
351 | django-model-utils | Django model mixins and utilities | 12.9k | 327 |
352 | googletrans | Free Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charg... | 12.8k | 96 |
353 | h11 | A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 | 12.8k | 78 |
354 | imutils | A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing funct... | 12.7k | 162 |
355 | google-cloud-core | Google Cloud API client core library | 12.5k | 121 |
356 | Authlib | The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect serve... | 12.2k | 82 |
357 | distro | Distro - an OS platform information API | 12.1k | 230 |
358 | configobj | Config file reading, writing and validation. | 12.1k | 445 |
359 | plac | The smartest command line arguments parser in the world | 12.1k | 98 |
360 | python-magic | File type identification using libmagic | 11.9k | 557 |
361 | parsimonious | (Soon to be) the fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster | 11.9k | 98 |
362 | google-cloud-logging | Stackdriver Logging API client library | 11.8k | 75 |
363 | peewee | a little orm | 11.8k | 460 |
364 | murmurhash | Cython bindings for MurmurHash | 11.8k | 36 |
365 | preshed | Cython hash table that trusts the keys are pre-hashed | 11.8k | 38 |
366 | cymem | Manage calls to calloc/free through Cython | 11.8k | 44 |
367 | social-auth-app-django | Python Social Authentication, Django integration. | 11.8k | 69 |
368 | Flask-Testing | Unit testing for Flask | 11.7k | 116 |
369 | aiomysql | MySQL driver for asyncio. | 11.7k | 89 |
370 | thinc | A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your fa... | 11.7k | 40 |
371 | cached-property | A decorator for caching properties in classes. | 11.7k | 486 |
372 | python-engineio-client | Engine.IO client | 11.7k | 78 |
373 | starlette | The little ASGI library that shines. | 11.6k | 237 |
374 | marshmallow-sqlalchemy | SQLAlchemy integration with the marshmallow (de)serialization library | 11.6k | 92 |
375 | scandir | scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk() | 11.6k | 147 |
376 | mongoengine | MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoD... | 11.5k | 281 |
377 | flask-marshmallow | Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs | 11.5k | 66 |
378 | validators | Python Data Validation for Humans™. | 11.4k | 555 |
379 | libarchive-c | Python interface to libarchive | 11.4k | 18 |
380 | monotonic | An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3 | 11.4k | 122 |
381 | dataclasses | A backport of the dataclasses module for Python 3.6 | 11.4k | 1.2k |
382 | nbclient | A client library for executing notebooks. Formerly nbconverts ExecuteP... | 11.3k | 36 |
383 | Flask-JWT-Extended | Extended JWT integration with Flask | 11.1k | 67 |
384 | Flask-Sockets | Elegant WebSockets for your Flask apps. | 11.1k | 33 |
385 | gcsfs | Convenient Filesystem interface over GCS | 11.1k | 71 |
386 | comtypes | Pure Python COM package | 11.1k | 74 |
387 | aioredis | asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support | 11.1k | 289 |
388 | pika | Pika Python AMQP Client Library | 11k | 628 |
389 | Flask-HTTPAuth | Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes | 11k | 89 |
390 | channels | Brings async, event-driven capabilities to Django. Django 2.2 and up o... | 10.9k | 128 |
391 | netaddr | A network address manipulation library for Python | 10.8k | 462 |
392 | isodate | An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter | 10.7k | 308 |
393 | pefile | Python PE parsing module | 10.6k | 105 |
394 | textblob | Simple, Pythonic text processing. Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech t... | 10.6k | 148 |
395 | mkdocs | Project documentation with Markdown. | 10.5k | 484 |
396 | Flask-Babel | Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications | 10.5k | 131 |
397 | tensorboardX | TensorBoardX lets you watch Tensors Flow without Tensorflow | 10.5k | 197 |
398 | recommonmark | A docutils-compatibility bridge to CommonMark, enabling you to write C... | 10.4k | 685 |
399 | pyperclip | A cross-platform clipboard module for Python. (Only handles plain text... | 10.3k | 516 |
400 | pyglet | Cross-platform windowing and multimedia library | 10.2k | 193 |
401 | txaio | Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius | 10.2k | 36 |
402 | google-resumable-media | Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads | 10.2k | 55 |
403 | Flask-Admin | Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask | 10.2k | 116 |
404 | schedule | Job scheduling for humans. | 10.1k | 215 |
405 | python-memcached | Pure python memcached client | 10.1k | 223 |
406 | gidgethub | An async GitHub API library | 10k | 8 |
407 | bar | Configurable progress bars/status monitors for Python console applicat... | 10k | 3 |
408 | django-braces | Reusable, generic mixins for Django | 9.9k | 97 |
409 | Telethon | Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3 | 9.9k | 59 |
410 | pyquery | A jquery-like library for python | 9.9k | 366 |
411 | XStatic-Dagre | Dagre 0.6.4 (XStatic packaging standard) | 9.8k | 283 |
412 | aiodocker | Docker API client for asyncio | 9.8k | 15 |
413 | prometheus-async | Async helpers for prometheus_client. | 9.8k | 7 |
414 | CacheControl | httplib2 caching for requests | 9.7k | 385 |
415 | promise | Promises/A+ implementation for Python | 9.6k | 52 |
416 | gnureadline | The standard Python readline extension statically linked against the G... | 9.6k | 51 |
417 | librosa | Python module for audio and music processing | 9.5k | 259 |
418 | django-import-export | Django application and library for importing and exporting data with i... | 9.5k | 67 |
419 | tablib | Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV) | 9.5k | 125 |
420 | hiredis | Python wrapper for hiredis | 9.3k | 206 |
421 | iso8601 | Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates | 9.3k | 545 |
422 | fsspec | File-system specification | 9.3k | 144 |
423 | dropboxdrivefs | Dropbox implementation for fsspec module | 9.3k | 144 |
424 | wordcloud | A little word cloud generator | 9.3k | 128 |
425 | sentry | A realtime logging and aggregation server. | 9.2k | 383 |
426 | jieba | Chinese Words Segmentation Utilities | 9.2k | 307 |
427 | gspread | Google Spreadsheets Python API | 9.1k | 175 |
428 | subprocess32 | A backport of the subprocess module from Python 3 for use on 2.x. | 9.1k | 189 |
429 | kubernetes | Kubernetes python client | 9.1k | 373 |
430 | wasabi | A lightweight console printing and formatting toolkit | 9.1k | 52 |
431 | flask-restplus | Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development... | 9.1k | 117 |
432 | django-static-arrive | Django application contain arrive js files. And arrive js is absorbed ... | 9k | 28 |
433 | gmpy2 | GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python 2.6+ and 3.x | 9k | 48 |
434 | srsly | Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python | 8.9k | 41 |
435 | WebOb | WSGI request and response object | 8.9k | 531 |
436 | paho-mqtt | MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client class | 8.9k | 498 |
437 | blis | The Blis BLAS-like linear algebra library, as a self-contained C-exten... | 8.8k | 26 |
438 | folium | Make beautiful maps with Leaflet.js & Python | 8.8k | 123 |
439 | altair | Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python. | 8.7k | 145 |
440 | django-celery | Old django celery integration project. | 8.7k | 169 |
441 | django-celery-quickfix | Old django celery integration project. | 8.7k | 169 |
442 | duc | Module for validating and transforming data | 8.7k | 298 |
443 | systemd-python | Python interface for libsystemd | 8.7k | 29 |
444 | markdown2 | A fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown | 8.6k | 190 |
445 | dlib | A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis app... | 8.6k | 78 |
446 | django-mptt | Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your ... | 8.6k | 215 |
447 | texttable | module for creating simple ASCII tables | 8.5k | 253 |
448 | argcomplete | Bash tab completion for argparse | 8.5k | 456 |
449 | daphne | Django ASGI (HTTP/WebSocket) server | 8.5k | 19 |
450 | colorlog | Log formatting with colors! | 8.5k | 573 |
451 | pyproj | Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate tran... | 8.4k | 423 |
452 | gitdb | Git Object Database | 8.3k | 73 |
453 | pyramid | The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project | 8.3k | 694 |
454 | smmap | A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager | 8.3k | 57 |
455 | TgCrypto | Fast Telegram Crypto Library for Python | 8.2k | 14 |
456 | pandas-datareader | Data readers extracted from the pandas codebase,should be compatible w... | 8.2k | 88 |
457 | responses | A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library. |
8.1k | 577 |
458 | transformers | State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and Py... | 8.1k | 401 |
459 | pytorch-transformers | Repository of pre-trained NLP Transformer models: BERT & RoBERTa, GPT ... | 8.1k | 401 |
460 | onnxruntime-tools | Transformers Model Optimization Tool of ONNXRuntime | 8.1k | 401 |
461 | httpie | HTTPie: command-line HTTP client for the API era. | 8.1k | 66 |
462 | nodeenv | Node.js virtual environment builder | 8.1k | 57 |
463 | odfpy | Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files | 8k | 40 |
464 | google-cloud-profiler | Google Cloud Profiler Python Agent | 8k | 3 |
465 | fake-useragent | Up to date simple useragent faker with real world database | 8k | 192 |
466 | progress | Easy to use progress bars | 8k | 246 |
467 | DataShape | A data description language. | 7.9k | 19 |
468 | idna_ssl | Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support | 7.9k | 38 |
469 | oauth2 | library for OAuth version 1.9 | 7.9k | 192 |
470 | pyfiglet | Pure-python FIGlet implementation | 7.9k | 364 |
471 | rfc3986 | Validating URI References per RFC 3986 | 7.9k | 161 |
472 | praw | PRAW, an acronym for Python Reddit API Wrapper , is a python package ... |
7.8k | 112 |
473 | graphql-core | GraphQL implementation for Python, a port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScrip... | 7.8k | 130 |
474 | Rtree | R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS | 7.8k | 88 |
475 | fuzzywuzzy | Fuzzy string matching in python | 7.7k | 397 |
476 | gTTS-token | Calculates a token to run the Google Translate text to speech | 7.7k | 14 |
477 | WebTest | Helper to test WSGI applications | 7.7k | 487 |
478 | Flask-JWT | JWT token authentication for Flask apps | 7.7k | 23 |
479 | odo | Data migration utilities | 7.6k | 19 |
480 | progressbar2 | A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progre... | 7.6k | 463 |
481 | blaze | Blaze | 7.5k | 15 |
482 | hypothesis | A library for property-based testing | 7.4k | 555 |
483 | hypothesis-django | Adds support for Django testing to Hypothesis | 7.4k | 555 |
484 | httptools | A collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils. | 7.4k | 85 |
485 | cookiecutter | A command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e... | 7.4k | 264 |
486 | rq | RQ is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and... | 7.4k | 120 |
487 | telegraph | Telegraph API wrapper | 7.3k | 5 |
488 | django-nose | Makes your Django tests simple and snappy | 7.2k | 160 |
489 | public | replace all with @public.add decorator | 7.1k | 239 |
490 | SpeechRecognition | Library for performing speech recognition, with support for several en... | 7.1k | 127 |
491 | pocketsphinx-fork | Forked version of [pocketsphinx-python](https://github.com/bambocher/p... | 7.1k | 127 |
492 | geopandas | Geographic pandas extensions | 7.1k | 436 |
493 | docker-pycreds | Python bindings for the docker credentials store API | 7.1k | 34 |
494 | line-bot-sdk | LINE Messaging API SDK for Python | 7.1k | 10 |
495 | freezegun | Let your Python tests travel through time | 7.1k | 360 |
496 | django-registration | An extensible user-registration application for Django | 7k | 51 |
497 | py-identity-model | OIDC helper library | 7k | 614 |
498 | sendgrid | Twilio SendGrid library for Python | 7k | 92 |
499 | sendgrid-python | SendGrid client | 7k | 92 |
500 | parse | parse() is the opposite of format() | 7k | 243 |
501 | pySmartDL | A Smart Download Manager for Python | 7k | 22 |
502 | python-Levenshtein | Python extension for computing string edit distances and similarities. | 6.9k | 374 |
503 | pymacaroons | Macaroon library for Python | 6.9k | 16 |
504 | pyRFC3339 | Generate and parse RFC 3339 timestamps | 6.9k | 35 |
505 | QDarkStyle | The most complete dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications | 6.8k | 65 |
506 | jsonfield | A reusable Django field that allows you to store validated JSON in you... | 6.8k | 240 |
507 | django-haystack | Pluggable search for Django. | 6.7k | 94 |
508 | django-tinymce | A Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as ... | 6.7k | 67 |
509 | google-cloud-bigquery | Google BigQuery API client library | 6.7k | 233 |
510 | easy-thumbnails | Easy thumbnails for Django | 6.7k | 123 |
511 | CherryPy | Object-Oriented HTTP framework | 6.7k | 307 |
512 | jsonpointer | Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901) | 6.6k | 104 |
513 | Brotli | Python bindings for the Brotli compression library | 6.6k | 97 |
514 | Flask-Uploads | Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask | 6.6k | 15 |
515 | setproctitle | A Python module to customize the process title | 6.6k | 304 |
516 | pybase64 | Fast Base64 encoding/decoding | 6.6k | 33 |
517 | openapi-codec | An OpenAPI codec for Core API. | 6.5k | 20 |
518 | pytest-sugar-bugfix159 | Workaround for Teemu/pytest-sugar#159 | 6.5k | 421 |
519 | Flask-Caching | Adds caching support to your Flask application | 6.5k | 122 |
520 | graphql-relay | Relay library for graphql-core | 6.5k | 23 |
521 | python-mimeparse | A module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matc... | 6.4k | 60 |
522 | django-formtools | A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms | 6.3k | 58 |
523 | click-plugins | An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via s... | 6.3k | 99 |
524 | python-multipart | A streaming multipart parser for Python | 6.3k | 103 |
525 | PyAutoGUI | PyAutoGUI lets Python control the mouse and keyboard, and other GUI au... | 6.3k | 175 |
526 | pytoml | A parser for TOML-0.4.0 | 6.3k | 106 |
527 | dockerpty | Python library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container | 6.3k | 53 |
528 | coloredlogs | Colored terminal output for Pythons logging module | 6.3k | 709 |
529 | moviepy | Video editing with Python | 6.3k | 163 |
530 | django-webpack-loader | Transparently use webpack with django | 6.2k | 26 |
531 | sh | Python subprocess replacement | 6.2k | 520 |
532 | macaroonbakery | A Python library port for bakery, higher level operation to work with ... | 6.2k | 5 |
533 | urbandict | CLI client and a library for urbandictionary.com | 6.2k | 2 |
534 | fire | A library for automatically generating command line interfaces. | 6.1k | 632 |
535 | sentencepiece | SentencePiece python wrapper | 6.1k | 151 |
536 | CairoSVG | A Simple SVG Converter based on Cairo | 6.1k | 113 |
537 | docker-compose | Multi-container orchestration for Docker | 6.1k | 137 |
538 | aws-cdk.lambda-layer-awsc... | An AWS Lambda layer that contains the AWS CLI | 6.1k | 270 |
539 | aws-cdk.aws-databrew | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DataBrew | 6.1k | 270 |
540 | aws-cdk.aws-amplify | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Amplify | 6.1k | 270 |
541 | aws-cdk.aws-apigatewayv2-... | Integrations for AWS APIGateway V2 | 6.1k | 270 |
542 | aws-cdk.lambda-layer-kube... | An AWS Lambda layer that contains the kubectl and helm |
6.1k | 270 |
543 | aws-cdk.aws-iotsitewise | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTSiteWise | 6.1k | 270 |
544 | aws-cdk.aws-ivs | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IVS | 6.1k | 270 |
545 | aws-cdk.aws-devopsguru | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DevOpsGuru | 6.1k | 270 |
546 | aws-cdk.aws-greengrassv2 | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::GreengrassV2 | 6.1k | 270 |
547 | aws-cdk.aws-iotwireless | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::IoTWireless | 6.1k | 270 |
548 | aws-cdk.aws-mwaa | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MWAA | 6.1k | 270 |
549 | aws-cdk.aws-licensemanage... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::LicenseManager | 6.1k | 270 |
550 | aws-cdk.aws-auditmanager | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AuditManager | 6.1k | 270 |
551 | aws-cdk.aws-datasync | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DataSync | 6.1k | 270 |
552 | aws-cdk.aws-emrcontainers | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EMRContainers | 6.1k | 270 |
553 | aws-cdk.aws-mediaconnect | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaConnect | 6.1k | 270 |
554 | aws-cdk.aws-quicksight | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::QuickSight | 6.1k | 270 |
555 | aws-cdk.aws-servicecatalo... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ServiceCatalogAppRegistry | 6.1k | 270 |
556 | monocdk.experiment | An experiment to bundle the entire CDK into a single module | 6.1k | 270 |
557 | aws-cdk-lib | The AWS Cloud Development Kit library | 6.1k | 270 |
558 | aws-cdk.alexa-ask | The CDK Construct Library for Alexa::ASK | 6.1k | 270 |
559 | aws-cdk.aws-accessanalyze... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AccessAnalyzer | 6.1k | 270 |
560 | aws-cdk.aws-apigateway | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ApiGateway | 6.1k | 270 |
561 | aws-cdk.aws-apigatewayv2 | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::APIGatewayv2 | 6.1k | 270 |
562 | aws-cdk.aws-appconfig | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppConfig | 6.1k | 270 |
563 | aws-cdk.aws-applicationau... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling | 6.1k | 270 |
564 | aws-cdk.aws-appstream | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppStream | 6.1k | 270 |
565 | aws-cdk.aws-appsync | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AppSync | 6.1k | 270 |
566 | aws-cdk.aws-autoscaling | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AutoScaling | 6.1k | 270 |
567 | aws-cdk.aws-autoscalingpl... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::AutoScalingPlans | 6.1k | 270 |
568 | aws-cdk.aws-cassandra | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Cassandra | 6.1k | 270 |
569 | aws-cdk.aws-certificatema... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CertificateManager | 6.1k | 270 |
570 | aws-cdk.aws-cloud9 | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Cloud9 | 6.1k | 270 |
571 | aws-cdk.aws-cloudfront-or... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS CloudFront Origins | 6.1k | 270 |
572 | aws-cdk.aws-cloudtrail | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CloudTrail | 6.1k | 270 |
573 | aws-cdk.aws-cloudwatch-ac... | Alarm Actions for AWS CloudWatch CDK library | 6.1k | 270 |
574 | aws-cdk.aws-codebuild | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeBuild | 6.1k | 270 |
575 | aws-cdk.aws-codecommit | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeCommit | 6.1k | 270 |
576 | aws-cdk.aws-codedeploy | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::CodeDeploy | 6.1k | 270 |
577 | aws-cdk.aws-cognito | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Cognito | 6.1k | 270 |
578 | aws-cdk.aws-config | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Config | 6.1k | 270 |
579 | aws-cdk.aws-datapipeline | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DataPipeline | 6.1k | 270 |
580 | aws-cdk.aws-detective | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Detective | 6.1k | 270 |
581 | aws-cdk.aws-directoryserv... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DirectoryService | 6.1k | 270 |
582 | aws-cdk.aws-dms | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::DMS | 6.1k | 270 |
583 | aws-cdk.aws-ecr | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ECR | 6.1k | 270 |
584 | aws-cdk.aws-efs | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EFS | 6.1k | 270 |
585 | aws-cdk.aws-eks | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EKS | 6.1k | 270 |
586 | aws-cdk.aws-elasticache | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ElastiCache | 6.1k | 270 |
587 | aws-cdk.aws-elasticsearch | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Elasticsearch | 6.1k | 270 |
588 | aws-cdk.aws-events-target... | Event targets for Amazon EventBridge | 6.1k | 270 |
589 | aws-cdk.aws-eventschemas | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EventSchemas | 6.1k | 270 |
590 | aws-cdk.aws-guardduty | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::GuardDuty | 6.1k | 270 |
591 | aws-cdk.aws-inspector | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Inspector | 6.1k | 270 |
592 | aws-cdk.aws-kinesisfireho... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::KinesisFirehose | 6.1k | 270 |
593 | aws-cdk.aws-kms | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::KMS | 6.1k | 270 |
594 | aws-cdk.aws-lambda | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Lambda | 6.1k | 270 |
595 | aws-cdk.aws-lambda-nodejs | The CDK Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Node.js | 6.1k | 270 |
596 | aws-cdk.aws-logs | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Logs | 6.1k | 270 |
597 | aws-cdk.aws-medialive | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaLive | 6.1k | 270 |
598 | aws-cdk.aws-mediastore | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::MediaStore | 6.1k | 270 |
599 | aws-cdk.aws-ram | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::RAM | 6.1k | 270 |
600 | aws-cdk.aws-route53-patte... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS Route53 patterns | 6.1k | 270 |
601 | aws-cdk.aws-s3outposts | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::S3Outposts | 6.1k | 270 |
602 | aws-cdk.aws-sdb | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SDB | 6.1k | 270 |
603 | aws-cdk.aws-secretsmanage... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SecretsManager | 6.1k | 270 |
604 | aws-cdk.aws-servicecatalo... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ServiceCatalog | 6.1k | 270 |
605 | aws-cdk.aws-servicediscov... | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::ServiceDiscovery | 6.1k | 270 |
606 | aws-cdk.aws-sns-subscript... | CDK Subscription Constructs for AWS SNS | 6.1k | 270 |
607 | aws-cdk.aws-ssm | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::SSM | 6.1k | 270 |
608 | aws-cdk.aws-stepfunctions... | Task integrations for AWS StepFunctions | 6.1k | 270 |
609 | aws-cdk.aws-timestream | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Timestream | 6.1k | 270 |
610 | aws-cdk.aws-wafregional | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::WAFRegional | 6.1k | 270 |
611 | aws-cdk.aws-wafv2 | The CDK Construct Library for AWS::WAFv2 | 6.1k | 270 |
612 | aws-cdk.cloud-assembly-sc... | Cloud Assembly Schema | 6.1k | 270 |
613 | aws-cdk.custom-resources | Constructs for implementing CDK custom resources | 6.1k | 270 |
614 | aws-cdk.cx-api | Cloud executable protocol | 6.1k | 270 |
615 | aws-cdk.region-info | AWS region information, such as service principal names | 6.1k | 270 |
616 | python-language-server | Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol | 6k | 53 |
617 | jsonpatch | Apply JSON-Patches (RFC 6902) | 6k | 109 |
618 | catalogue | Super lightweight function registries for your library | 6k | 19 |
619 | python-gflags | Obsolete. Please migrate to absl-py instead. | 6k | 78 |
620 | jsmin | JavaScript minifier. | 6k | 141 |
621 | livereload | Python LiveReload is an awesome tool for web developers | 5.9k | 82 |
622 | image | Django application that provides cropping, resizing, thumbnailing, ove... | 5.9k | 60 |
623 | cowpy | A cowsay clone for python in one file. | 5.9k | 10 |
624 | enum-compat | enum/enum34 compatibility package | 5.9k | 99 |
625 | intervaltree | Editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3 | 5.9k | 157 |
626 | kafka-python | Pure Python client for Apache Kafka | 5.9k | 278 |
627 | kafka | Pure Python client for Apache Kafka | 5.9k | 278 |
628 | geojson | Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON | 5.8k | 219 |
629 | jinja2-time | Jinja2 Extension for Dates and Times | 5.8k | 31 |
630 | bandit | Security oriented static analyser for python code. | 5.7k | 363 |
631 | bz2file | Read and write bzip2-compressed files. | 5.7k | 51 |
632 | lightgbm | LightGBM Python Package | 5.7k | 252 |
633 | ipaddr | Googles IP address manipulation library | 5.6k | 115 |
634 | pep8-naming | Check PEP-8 naming conventions, plugin for flake8 | 5.6k | 270 |
635 | supervisor | A system for controlling process state under UNIX | 5.6k | 90 |
636 | biopython | Freely available tools for computational molecular biology. | 5.6k | 1k |
637 | poyo | A lightweight YAML Parser for Python. 🐓 | 5.6k | 23 |
638 | django-reversion | An extension to the Django web framework that provides version control... | 5.6k | 93 |
639 | tf-hub-nightly | TensorFlow Hub is a library to foster the publication, discovery, and ... | 5.6k | 129 |
640 | cement | Application Framework for Python | 5.5k | 121 |
641 | imgaug | Image augmentation library for deep neural networks | 5.5k | 84 |
642 | pylast | A Python interface to Last.fm and Libre.fm | 5.5k | 33 |
643 | flower | Celery Flower | 5.5k | 80 |
644 | python-jsonrpc-server | JSON RPC 2.0 server library | 5.5k | 13 |
645 | flask-mongoengine | Flask-MongoEngine is a Flask extension that provides integration with ... | 5.5k | 49 |
646 | mkdocs-material | A Material Design theme for MkDocs | 5.4k | 220 |
647 | easydict | Access dict values as attributes (works recursively). | 5.4k | 102 |
648 | Flask-Assets | Asset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript f... | 5.4k | 88 |
649 | humanfriendly | Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python | 5.4k | 249 |
650 | pycocotools | Official APIs for the MS-COCO dataset | 5.3k | 88 |
651 | googlemaps | Python client library for Google Maps Platform | 5.3k | 52 |
652 | dateparser | Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages | 5.3k | 340 |
653 | django-treebeard | Efficient tree implementations for Django | 5.2k | 39 |
654 | python-twitter | A Python wrapper around the Twitter API | 5.2k | 91 |
655 | fasteners | A python package that provides useful locks. | 5.2k | 93 |
656 | shared_lock | A python package that provides useful locks. | 5.2k | 93 |
657 | tldextract | Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains ... | 5.2k | 226 |
658 | django-bootstrap-form | django-bootstrap-form | 5.2k | 46 |
659 | Flask-Principal | Identity management for flask | 5.2k | 49 |
660 | Flask-MySQLdb | MySQLdb extension for Flask | 5.2k | 5 |
661 | py4j | Enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects | 5.1k | 104 |
662 | pyaml | PyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized dat... | 5.1k | 385 |
663 | speaklater | implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext | 5.1k | 41 |
664 | wurlitzer | Capture C-level output in context managers | 5.1k | 28 |
665 | graphene-django | Graphene Django integration | 5.1k | 78 |
666 | loguru | Python logging made (stupidly) simple | 5k | 695 |
667 | h2 | HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation | 5k | 74 |
668 | falcon | An unladen web framework for building APIs and app backends. | 5k | 227 |
669 | python-barcode | Create standard barcodes with Python. No external modules needed. (opt... | 5k | 18 |
670 | Flask-Security | Simple security for Flask apps. | 5k | 50 |
671 | Fiona | Fiona reads and writes spatial data files | 5k | 196 |
672 | pyinotify | Linux filesystem events monitoring | 5k | 117 |
673 | django-rest-knox | Authentication for django rest framework | 4.9k | 12 |
674 | hyperframe | HTTP/2 framing layer for Python | 4.9k | 36 |
675 | Unipath | Object-oriented alternative to os/os.path/shutil | 4.9k | 57 |
676 | google-cloud-firestore | Google Cloud Firestore API client library | 4.9k | 62 |
677 | virtualenvwrapper-win | Port of Doug Hellmanns virtualenvwrapper to Windows batch scripts | 4.9k | 0 |
678 | cryptg | Cryptographic utilities for Telegram. | 4.9k | 18 |
679 | hpack | Pure-Python HPACK header compression | 4.9k | 34 |
680 | rdflib | RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful... | 4.9k | 474 |
681 | heroku3 | Heroku API Wrapper. | 4.8k | 8 |
682 | wagtail | A Django content management system. | 4.8k | 274 |
683 | django-imagekit | Automated image processing for Django models. | 4.8k | 47 |
684 | xarray | N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python | 4.7k | 681 |
685 | xray | N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python | 4.7k | 681 |
686 | Pyrogram | Telegram MTProto API Client Library and Framework for Python | 4.7k | 19 |
687 | python-social-auth | Python social authentication made simple. | 4.7k | 47 |
688 | heroku | Heroku API Wrapper. | 4.7k | 3 |
689 | kaggle | Kaggle API | 4.7k | 44 |
690 | pelican | Static site generator supporting Markdown and reStructuredText | 4.7k | 102 |
691 | python-utils | Python Utils is a module with some convenient utilities not included w... | 4.7k | 30 |
692 | webassets | Media asset management for Python, with glue code for various web fram... | 4.7k | 87 |
693 | httpx | The next generation HTTP client. | 4.6k | 557 |
694 | Pyphen | Pure Python module to hyphenate text | 4.6k | 37 |
695 | connexion | Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask | 4.6k | 96 |
696 | natsort | Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python. | 4.5k | 319 |
697 | blessings | A thin, practical wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and posit... | 4.5k | 292 |
698 | pydotplus | Python interface to Graphvizs Dot language | 4.5k | 104 |
699 | ConfigArgParse | A drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set ... | 4.5k | 241 |
700 | behave | behave is behaviour-driven development, Python style | 4.5k | 118 |
701 | branca | Generate complex HTML+JS pages with Python | 4.5k | 20 |
702 | pystache | Mustache for Python | 4.5k | 220 |
703 | Flask-MySQL | Flask simple mysql client | 4.5k | 2 |
704 | python-ldap | Python modules for implementing LDAP clients | 4.5k | 212 |
705 | pycountry | ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions an... | 4.5k | 223 |
706 | constructs | A programming model for composable configuration | 4.5k | 390 |
707 | PasteDeploy | Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers | 4.5k | 178 |
708 | django-registration-redux | An extensible user-registration application for Django | 4.5k | 11 |
709 | frappe | Frappe is recommendation system backend. | 4.4k | 0 |
710 | sniffio | Sniff out which async library your code is running under | 4.4k | 33 |
711 | xhtml2pdf | PDF generator using HTML and CSS | 4.4k | 53 |
712 | pipreqs | Pip requirements.txt generator based on imports in project | 4.3k | 66 |
713 | splinter | browser abstraction for web acceptance testing | 4.3k | 59 |
714 | shortuuid | A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs. | 4.3k | 163 |
715 | audioread | multi-library, cross-platform audio decoding | 4.3k | 35 |
716 | scapy | Scapy: interactive packet manipulation tool | 4.3k | 158 |
717 | imbalanced-learn | Toolbox for imbalanced dataset in machine learning. | 4.3k | 85 |
718 | resampy | Efficient signal resampling | 4.3k | 39 |
719 | Flask-OpenID | OpenID support for Flask | 4.3k | 26 |
720 | pyusb | Python USB access module | 4.3k | 224 |
721 | cligj | Click params for commmand line interfaces to GeoJSON | 4.2k | 32 |
722 | django-tastypie | A flexible & capable API layer for Django. | 4.2k | 101 |
723 | django-kvtags | Extensible key-value tagging for Django | 4.2k | 101 |
724 | cssmin | A Python port of the YUI CSS compression algorithm. | 4.2k | 113 |
725 | cmake | CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to bu... | 4.2k | 89 |
726 | netCDF4 | Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 l... | 4.2k | 552 |
727 | cftime | Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python | 4.2k | 552 |
728 | django-cleanup | Deletes old files. | 4.2k | 10 |
729 | asyncpg | An asyncio PostgreSQL driver | 4.2k | 197 |
730 | sanic | A web server and web framework thats written to go fast. Build fast. R... | 4.2k | 321 |
731 | elasticsearch-dsl | Python client for Elasticsearch | 4.2k | 175 |
732 | XStatic-BootstrapTagsInpu... | BootstrapTagsInput 0.5 (XStatic packaging standard) | 4.2k | 32 |
733 | twython | Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports... | 4.2k | 58 |
734 | django-classy-tags | Class based template tags for Django | 4.1k | 88 |
735 | spotipy | A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API | 4.1k | 99 |
736 | breathe | Sphinx Doxygen renderer | 4.1k | 24 |
737 | Flask-Cache | Adds cache support to your Flask application | 4.1k | 81 |
738 | bump2version | Version-bump your software with a single command! | 4.1k | 317 |
739 | blessed | Easy, practical library for making terminal apps, by providing an eleg... | 4k | 116 |
740 | pyee | A port of node.jss EventEmitter to python. | 4k | 95 |
741 | dictdiffer | Dictdiffer is a library that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries. | 4k | 77 |
742 | httpretty | HTTP client mock for Python | 4k | 250 |
743 | mutagen | read and write audio tags for many formats | 4k | 261 |
744 | flasgger | Extract swagger specs from your flask project | 4k | 65 |
745 | pypng | Pure Python PNG image encoder/decoder | 4k | 93 |
746 | pygraphviz | Python interface to Graphviz | 4k | 191 |
747 | PyTweening | A collection of tweening / easing functions. | 4k | 27 |
748 | transaction | Transaction management for Python | 3.9k | 304 |
749 | PyScreeze | A simple, cross-platform screenshot module for Python 2 and 3. | 3.9k | 27 |
750 | django-grappelli | A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface. | 3.9k | 46 |
751 | influxdb | InfluxDB client | 3.9k | 209 |
752 | icu | Integrated Cognitive User Assistance | 3.9k | 3 |
753 | torchtext | Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch | 3.9k | 77 |
754 | cchardet | cChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector. | 3.9k | 255 |
755 | mechanize | Stateful programmatic web browsing. | 3.8k | 117 |
756 | tfds-nightly | tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorF... | 3.8k | 62 |
757 | pilkit | A collection of utilities and processors for the Python Imaging Libary... | 3.8k | 14 |
758 | nbsphinx | Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx | 3.8k | 541 |
759 | msrest | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. | 3.8k | 280 |
760 | django-guardian | Implementation of per object permissions for Django. | 3.8k | 67 |
761 | pyaes | Pure-Python Implementation of the AES block-cipher and common modes of... | 3.8k | 89 |
762 | mysql | Virtual package for MySQL-python | 3.8k | 35 |
763 | google-cloud-datastore | Google Cloud Datastore API client library | 3.7k | 84 |
764 | Deprecated | Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, function... | 3.7k | 236 |
765 | motor | Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio | 3.7k | 177 |
766 | pypandoc | Thin wrapper for pandoc. | 3.7k | 448 |
767 | django-tables2 | Table/data-grid framework for Django | 3.7k | 48 |
768 | django-tables3 | Table/data-grid framework for Django | 3.7k | 48 |
769 | pypiezo | Tools for controlling piezoelectric actuators. | 3.7k | 48 |
770 | django-tables2-wsgi-fix | Table/data-grid framework for Django | 3.7k | 48 |
771 | PyQRCode | A QR code generator written purely in Python with SVG, EPS, PNG and te... | 3.7k | 81 |
772 | django-autoslug | An automated slug field for Django. | 3.7k | 64 |
773 | django-sekizai | Django Sekizai | 3.7k | 67 |
774 | pyttsx3 | Text to Speech (TTS) library for Python 2 and 3. Works without interne... | 3.7k | 84 |
775 | sacremoses | SacreMoses | 3.7k | 41 |
776 | django-simple-captcha | A very simple, yet powerful, Django captcha application | 3.7k | 33 |
777 | Paste | Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack | 3.6k | 294 |
778 | msgpack-numpy | Numpy data serialization using msgpack | 3.6k | 63 |
779 | py2app | Create standalone Mac OS X applications with Python | 3.6k | 9 |
780 | nibabel | Access a multitude of neuroimaging data formats | 3.5k | 341 |
781 | testfixtures | A collection of helpers and mock objects for unit tests and doc tests. | 3.5k | 252 |
782 | pytest-timeout | py.test plugin to abort hanging tests | 3.5k | 331 |
783 | pynput | Monitor and control user input devices | 3.5k | 161 |
784 | bson | BSON codec for Python | 3.5k | 144 |
785 | php | Handle some of the strange standards in PHP projects | 3.5k | 1 |
786 | django-forms-bootstrap | a simple form filter for using Django forms with Bootstrap | 3.4k | 8 |
787 | cloudinary | Python and Django SDK for Cloudinary | 3.4k | 18 |
788 | moto | A library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto li... | 3.4k | 230 |
789 | Wand | Ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python | 3.4k | 124 |
790 | google-cloud-pubsub | Google Cloud Pub/Sub API client library | 3.4k | 135 |
791 | prawcore | Low-level communication layer for PRAW 4+. | 3.3k | 10 |
792 | yfinance | Yahoo! Finance market data downloader | 3.3k | 57 |
793 | fix-yahoo-finance | Yahoo! Finance market data downloader +fix for Pandas Datareaders get_... | 3.3k | 57 |
794 | nose2 | unittest2 with plugins, the succesor to nose | 3.3k | 208 |
795 | crayons | TextUI colors for Python. | 3.3k | 168 |
796 | django-anymail | Django email integration for Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mailjet, Postmark, S... | 3.3k | 13 |
797 | Flask-PageDown | Implementation of StackOverflows PageDown markdown editor for Flask-WT... | 3.3k | 11 |
798 | parameterized | Parameterized testing with any Python test framework | 3.3k | 167 |
799 | pandas-profiling | Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame | 3.3k | 70 |
800 | gsearch | Google Search unofficial API for Python with no external dependencies | 3.2k | 2 |
801 | cs50 | CS50 library for Python | 3.2k | 1 |
802 | Flask-OAuthlib | OAuthlib for Flask | 3.2k | 61 |
803 | voila | Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications | 3.2k | 33 |
804 | ChatterBot | ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine. | 3.2k | 17 |
805 | pylibmc | Quick and small memcached client for Python | 3.2k | 93 |
806 | htmlmin | An HTML Minifier | 3.2k | 84 |
807 | ddt | Data-Driven/Decorated Tests | 3.2k | 162 |
808 | dropbox | Official Dropbox API Client | 3.2k | 110 |
809 | ffmpeg | ffmpeg python package url [https://github.com/jiashaokun/ffmpeg] | 3.2k | 44 |
810 | web3 | Web3.py | 3.2k | 232 |
811 | veriteos-web3 | Veriteos Web3.py | 3.2k | 232 |
812 | pypinyin | 汉字拼音转换模块/工具. | 3.2k | 184 |
813 | geoip2 | MaxMind GeoIP2 API | 3.2k | 96 |
814 | robotframework | Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and robotic proces... | 3.2k | 345 |
815 | PyLyrics | Pythonic Implementation of lyrics.wikia.com | 3.1k | 4 |
816 | google-cloud-vision | Cloud Vision API API client library | 3.1k | 35 |
817 | sphinxcontrib-httpdomain | Sphinx domain for documenting HTTP APIs | 3.1k | 115 |
818 | pyshp | Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format | 3.1k | 124 |
819 | Quandl | Package for quandl API access | 3.1k | 30 |
820 | xattr | Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes | 3.1k | 45 |
821 | geocoder | Geocoder is a simple and consistent geocoding library. | 3.1k | 72 |
822 | cfscrape | A simple Python module to bypass Cloudflares anti-bot page. See https:... | 3.1k | 51 |
823 | langdetect | Language detection library ported from Googles language-detection. | 3.1k | 140 |
824 | tflearn | Deep Learning Library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow | 3k | 19 |
825 | missingno | Missing data visualization module for Python. | 3k | 46 |
826 | django-filer | A file management application for django that makes handling of files ... | 3k | 126 |
827 | pytest-flake8 | pytest plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements | 3k | 501 |
828 | multiprocess | better multiprocessing and multithreading in python | 3k | 143 |
829 | django-ipware | A Django utility application that returns clients real IP address | 3k | 85 |
830 | covid | Python package to get information regarding the novel corona virus pro... | 2.9k | 1 |
831 | MarkupPy | An HTML/XML generator | 2.9k | 14 |
832 | ua-parser | Python port of Browserscopes user agent parser | 2.9k | 55 |
833 | adal | Note: This library is already replaced by MSAL Python, available here:... | 2.9k | 83 |
834 | icalendar | iCalendar parser/generator | 2.9k | 141 |
835 | playsound | Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependenci... | 2.9k | 85 |
836 | mjml | Python implementation for MJML - a framework that makes responsive-ema... | 2.9k | 254 |
837 | aiogram | Is a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot A... | 2.9k | 31 |
838 | facebook-sdk | This client library is designed to support the Facebook Graph API and ... | 2.9k | 45 |
839 | environs | simplified environment variable parsing | 2.9k | 80 |
840 | rk | The remote jupyter kernel/kernels administration utility | 2.9k | 93 |
841 | albumentations | Fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other l... | 2.9k | 93 |
842 | vobject | A full-featured Python package for parsing and creating iCalendar and ... | 2.9k | 73 |
843 | An API and command-line toolset for Twitter (twitter.com) | 2.8k | 109 | |
844 | atari-py | Python bindings to Atari games | 2.8k | 24 |
845 | jwt | JSON Web Token library for Python 3. | 2.8k | 52 |
846 | zstd | ZSTD Bindings for Python | 2.8k | 18 |
847 | num2words | Modules to convert numbers to words. Easily extensible. | 2.8k | 64 |
848 | MouseInfo | An application to display XY position and RGB color information for th... | 2.8k | 17 |
849 | colorlover | Color scales for IPython notebook | 2.8k | 44 |
850 | flake8-bugbear | A plugin for flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your pr... | 2.8k | 355 |
851 | cufflinks | Productivity Tools for Plotly + Pandas | 2.8k | 45 |
852 | django-mathfilters | A set of simple math filters for Django | 2.8k | 11 |
853 | voluptuous | 2.8k | 289 | |
854 | keyboard | Hook and simulate keyboard events on Windows and Linux | 2.8k | 113 |
855 | pymssql | DB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based... | 2.8k | 164 |
856 | ftfy | Fixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact | 2.8k | 100 |
857 | pytzdata | The Olson timezone database for Python. | 2.8k | 24 |
858 | honcho | Honcho: a Python clone of Foreman. For managing Procfile-based applica... | 2.8k | 37 |
859 | parsedatetime | Parse human-readable date/time text. | 2.7k | 142 |
860 | msrestazure | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific modul... | 2.7k | 215 |
861 | ffmpeg-python | Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering support | 2.7k | 118 |
862 | structlog | Structured Logging for Python | 2.7k | 295 |
863 | python-jose-cryptodome | JOSE implementation in Python using pycryptodome | 2.7k | 9 |
864 | django-redis-cache | Redis Cache Backend for Django | 2.7k | 30 |
865 | django-test-plus | django-test-plus provides useful additions to Djangos default TestCase | 2.7k | 15 |
866 | Pint | Physical quantities module | 2.7k | 335 |
867 | editdistance | Fast implementation of the edit distance(Levenshtein distance) | 2.7k | 83 |
868 | djangocms-admin-style | Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface. | 2.7k | 19 |
869 | djongo | Driver for allowing Django to use MongoDB as the database backend. | 2.7k | 5 |
870 | djongo-mongo-version-fix | Driver for allowing Django to use MongoDB as the database backend. | 2.7k | 5 |
871 | braintree | Braintree Python Library | 2.7k | 19 |
872 | flake8-quotes | Flake8 lint for quotes. | 2.7k | 187 |
873 | maxminddb | Reader for the MaxMind DB format | 2.7k | 31 |
874 | clint | Python Command Line Interface Tools | 2.7k | 333 |
875 | pycares | Python interface for c-ares | 2.6k | 24 |
876 | hyperopt | Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization | 2.6k | 153 |
877 | pyotp | Python One Time Password Library | 2.6k | 107 |
878 | mlxtend | Machine Learning Library Extensions | 2.6k | 56 |
879 | django-jpic-jfu | A Django Library for jQuery File Upload. | 2.6k | 71 |
880 | django-templated-mail | Send emails using Django template system. | 2.6k | 5 |
881 | s3fs | Convenient Filesystem interface over S3 | 2.6k | 188 |
882 | Flask-WhooshAlchemy | Whoosh extension to Flask/SQLAlchemy | 2.6k | 1 |
883 | lmdb | Universal Python binding for the LMDB Lightning Database | 2.6k | 107 |
884 | zappa | Server-less Python Web Services for AWS Lambda and API Gateway | 2.6k | 11 |
885 | vcrpy | Automatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up tes... | 2.6k | 156 |
886 | PyDrive | Google Drive API made easy. | 2.6k | 46 |
887 | PyDrive3 | Google Drive API made easy. | 2.6k | 46 |
888 | ephem | Compute positions of the planets and stars | 2.6k | 82 |
889 | pyephem | Empty package that depends on ephem | 2.6k | 82 |
890 | feedgenerator | Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator | 2.6k | 16 |
891 | django-jsonfield | JSONField for django models | 2.6k | 96 |
892 | holidays | Generate and work with holidays in Python | 2.6k | 54 |
893 | rasterio | Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy | 2.6k | 302 |
894 | Beaker | A Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware | 2.6k | 130 |
895 | apispec | A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAP... | 2.5k | 161 |
896 | azure-storage-blob | Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Client Library for Python | 2.5k | 37 |
897 | azure-storage-common | Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Python | 2.5k | 37 |
898 | azure-storage-file | Microsoft Azure Storage File Client Library for Python | 2.5k | 37 |
899 | azure-storage-nspkg | Microsoft Azure Storage Namespace Package [Internal] | 2.5k | 37 |
900 | django-suit | Modern theme for Django admin interface. | 2.5k | 25 |
901 | Naked | A command line application framework | 2.5k | 32 |
902 | statsd | A simple statsd client. | 2.5k | 149 |
903 | onnx | Open Neural Network Exchange | 2.5k | 151 |
904 | flask-swagger | Extract swagger specs from your flask project | 2.5k | 30 |
905 | lyricsgenius | Download lyrics and metadata from Genius.com | 2.5k | 7 |
906 | pytest-rerunfailures | pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures | 2.5k | 92 |
907 | imageio-ffmpeg | FFMPEG wrapper for Python | 2.5k | 63 |
908 | funcy | A fancy and practical functional tools | 2.5k | 162 |
909 | httpcore | A minimal low-level HTTP client. | 2.5k | 22 |
910 | multitasking | Non-blocking Python methods using decorators | 2.5k | 10 |
911 | google-cloud-language | Google Cloud Natural Language API client library | 2.5k | 23 |
912 | grpcio | HTTP/2-based RPC framework | 2.5k | 129 |
913 | grpcio-tools | Protobuf code generator for gRPC | 2.5k | 129 |
914 | pbkdf2 | PKCS#5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module | 2.5k | 70 |
915 | django-markdown-deux | a Django app that provides template tags for using Markdown (using the... | 2.5k | 14 |
916 | zeep | A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests | 2.5k | 241 |
917 | sklearn-crfsuite | CRFsuite (python-crfsuite) wrapper which provides interface simlar to ... | 2.5k | 73 |
918 | recognizers-text-choice | recognizers-text-choice README | 2.5k | 19 |
919 | recognizers-text-number-w... | recognizers-text-number-with-unit README | 2.5k | 19 |
920 | recognizers-text | recognizers-text README | 2.5k | 19 |
921 | recognizers-text-number | recognizers-text-number README | 2.5k | 19 |
922 | recognizers-text-sequence | recognizers-text-sequence README | 2.5k | 19 |
923 | recognizers-text-suite | recognizers-text-suite README | 2.5k | 19 |
924 | telepot | Python framework for Telegram Bot API | 2.5k | 16 |
925 | check-manifest | Check MANIFEST.in in a Python source package for completeness | 2.4k | 2.1k |
926 | django-dotenv | foreman reads from .env. manage.py doesnt. Lets fix that. | 2.4k | 12 |
927 | Pyrebase | A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API | 2.4k | 19 |
928 | flake8-isort | flake8 plugin that integrates isort . | 2.4k | 115 |
929 | shellescape | Shell escape a string to safely use it as a token in a shell command (... | 2.4k | 38 |
930 | django-contrib-comments | The code formerly known as django.contrib.comments. | 2.4k | 28 |
931 | dse-driver | DataStax Enterprise Python Driver | 2.4k | 124 |
932 | cassandra-driver | DataStax Driver for Apache Cassandra | 2.4k | 124 |
933 | cvxpy | A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems i... | 2.4k | 126 |
934 | telebot | A Telegram bot library, with simple route decorators. | 2.4k | 5 |
935 | google-cloud-translate | Google Cloud Translation API client library | 2.4k | 34 |
936 | umap-learn | Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection | 2.4k | 136 |
937 | rpy2 | Python interface to the R language (embedded R) | 2.4k | 194 |
938 | newspaper3k | Simplified python article discovery & extraction. | 2.4k | 50 |
939 | newspaper | Simplified python article discovery & extraction. | 2.4k | 50 |
940 | translationstring | Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze and Pyramid packa... | 2.4k | 30 |
941 | vaderSentiment | VADER Sentiment Analysis. VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntimen... | 2.4k | 28 |
942 | rlp | A package for Recursive Length Prefix encoding and decoding | 2.3k | 99 |
943 | rusty-rlp | Python RLP serialization/deserialization based on a rapid fast Rust im... | 2.3k | 99 |
944 | rich | Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown... | 2.3k | 535 |
945 | django-multiselectfield | Django multiple select field | 2.3k | 14 |
946 | user-agents | A library to identify devices (phones, tablets) and their capabilities... | 2.3k | 89 |
947 | webargs | Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built... | 2.3k | 78 |
948 | pyssml | Python library for building SSML for Amazon Alexa. Version 0.1.3 inclu... | 2.3k | 0 |
949 | scp | scp module for paramiko | 2.3k | 129 |
950 | schema | Simple data validation library | 2.3k | 279 |
951 | troposphere | AWS CloudFormation creation library | 2.3k | 90 |
952 | hjson | Hjson, a user interface for JSON. | 2.3k | 47 |
953 | hjs | hjs, the missing bit of hjson | 2.3k | 47 |
954 | qiniu | Qiniu Resource Storage SDK | 2.3k | 65 |
955 | google-cloud-speech | Google Cloud Speech API client library | 2.3k | 27 |
956 | roman | Integer to Roman numerals converter | 2.3k | 37 |
957 | pydicom | Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing | 2.2k | 223 |
958 | dicom | Pure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing | 2.2k | 223 |
959 | django-crontab | dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django | 2.2k | 5 |
960 | spamwatch | SpamWatch API Wrapper | 2.2k | 0 |
961 | django-recaptcha | Django recaptcha form field/widget app. | 2.2k | 39 |
962 | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations. | 2.2k | 155 |
963 | m2r | Markdown and reStructuredText in a single file. | 2.2k | 302 |
964 | slacker | Slack API client | 2.2k | 98 |
965 | drf-nested-routers | Nested resources for the Django Rest Framework | 2.2k | 36 |
966 | crypto | Simple symmetric GPG file encryption and decryption | 2.2k | 102 |
967 | pudb | A full-screen, console-based Python debugger | 2.2k | 51 |
968 | django-jet | Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality | 2.2k | 5 |
969 | djangocms-text-ckeditor | Text Plugin for django CMS with CKEditor support | 2.2k | 40 |
970 | Flask-Limiter | Rate limiting for flask applications | 2.2k | 25 |
971 | sounddevice | Play and Record Sound with Python | 2.2k | 88 |
972 | flaky | Plugin for nose or pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests. | 2.2k | 105 |
973 | pysolr | Lightweight Python client for Apache Solr | 2.2k | 48 |
974 | lru-dict | An Dict like LRU container. | 2.2k | 85 |
975 | pykwalify | Python lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation | 2.2k | 84 |
976 | wandb | A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API. | 2.2k | 62 |
977 | rednose | coloured output for nosetests | 2.2k | 94 |
978 | IPy | Class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks | 2.1k | 96 |
979 | placebo | Make boto3 calls that look real but have no effect | 2.1k | 10 |
980 | pylama | pylama -- Code audit tool for python | 2.1k | 129 |
981 | django-localflavor | Country-specific Django helpers | 2.1k | 49 |
982 | django-iban-field | IBAN field for django with validation and optional postgresql in datab... | 2.1k | 49 |
983 | ImageHash | Image Hashing library | 2.1k | 49 |
984 | pytest-pythonpath | pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from command line or config... | 2.1k | 142 |
985 | grequests | Requests + Gevent | 2.1k | 127 |
986 | ratelim | Makes it easy to respect rate limits. | 2.1k | 4 |
987 | yacs | Yet Another Configuration System | 2.1k | 36 |
988 | jellyfish | a library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings. | 2.1k | 75 |
989 | pytest-metadata | pytest plugin for test session metadata | 2.1k | 22 |
990 | django-annoying | This is a django application that tries to eliminate annoying things i... | 2.1k | 50 |
991 | jikanpy | Python wrapper for the Jikan API | 2.1k | 4 |
992 | jws | JSON Web Signatures implementation in Python | 2.1k | 8 |
993 | sphinx-markdown-tables | A Sphinx extension for rendering tables written in markdown | 2.1k | 60 |
994 | pytorch-lightning | PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researcher... | 2.1k | 107 |
995 | pymc3 | Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilist... | 2.1k | 88 |
996 | utils | A grab-bag of utility functions and objects | 2.1k | 18 |
997 | thrift | Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system | 2.1k | 251 |
998 | hstspreload | Chromium HSTS Preload list as a Python package | 2k | 12 |
999 | pysha3 | SHA-3 (Keccak) for Python 2.7 - 3.5 | 2k | 130 |
1000 | torchsummary | Model summary in PyTorch similar to model.summary() in Keras |
2k | 15 |
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