JSON Deserialize is an abstract class that enables JSON deserialization into a specific class. Simply extend the jsonDeserialize class and then call the static jsonDeserialize method. Requires all properties to be typed. Array type will be determined by a PHPDoc definition.
Requires >=PHP 8
composer require andrewsauder/json-deserialize
Extend your class from \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\jsonDeserialize
class then call {yourClass}::jsonDeserialize( {stringified json} );
to deserialize the JSON automatically into your class.
Tag properties on your class with the #[excludeJsonDeserialize]
attribute to prevent the value of the field from being deserialized into the class generated by jsonDeserialize()
Tag properties on your class with the #[excludeJsonSerialize]
attribute to prevent that field from being serialized into the output of json_encode()
Tag properties on your class that implement DateTimeInterface with the #[jsonSerializeDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d')]
attribute to force a specific format output. When this attribute is not present, the DATE_ATOM
format is used by default.
The hooks provided allow you ti extend the default functionality of jsonDeserialize. Add hook methods to your class that extends \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\jsonDeserialize
. The hook will be called automatically during the deserialization and serialization lifecycle.
Static method called on a class immediately before deserialization into the class occurs.
protected static function _beforeJsonDeserialize( string|\stdClass $json ): void {}
Called on a newly created instance after deserialization is complete.
protected function _afterJsonDeserialize() : void {}
Called on an instance immediately before serialization to JSON.
protected function _beforeJsonSerialize() : void {}
Called on an instance after serialization to a plain array. The standard export data is provided to the hook and the hook must return an array which will be immediately encoded to JSON.
protected function _afterJsonSerialize( array $export ): array {
return $export;
class myModel extends \andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\jsonDeserialize {
public int $varA = 1;
public string $varB = 'B1';
public string $varC = 'C1';
/** @var string[] */
public array $varD = [ 'D1', 'D2', 'D3' ];
public int $varASquared = 1;
protected function _afterJsonDeserialize() {
//automagically called after self::jsonDeserialize() has finished its deserialization
$this->varASquared = $this->varA * $this->varA;
protected function _beforeJsonSerialize() {
//automagically called before json_encode( {$this} ) serializes object into JSON
$this->varASquared = $this->varA * $this->varA;
class myController {
public function post() {
$jsonString = '{ "varA":2, "varASquared":3, "varB":"B2", "varC":"C2", "varD":[ "D4", "D5", "D6" ] }';
$myModel = myModel::jsonDeserialize( $jsonString );
//$myModel is now an instance of myModel
echo $myModel->varA;
echo $myModel->varASquared; //<-Note that this property is updated in _afterJsonDeserialize
echo $myModel->varB;
echo $myModel->varC; //<-This property's value is not set from the JSON because it has #[excludeJsonDeserialize]
foreach( $myModel->varD as $i=>$v) {
echo $myModel->varD[ $i ];
To enable debug logging, add these lines prior to deserializing. All objects deserialized after will include debug logging to a new log file in the provided path. The logging is expensive but it is useful for determining missing properties on classes or json data.
\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setDebugLogging( true );
\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setDebugLogPath( 'C:/inetpub/logs' );
By default, when logging is enabled, all debugging messages are enabled.
To turn off messages about properties that exist in the class but do not exist in the JSON source:
\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setLogJsonMissingProperty( true );
To turn off messages about properties that exist in the JSON source but do not exist in the class:
\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setLogClassMissingProperty( true );
To turn off messages about properties in the class without a strict type:
\andrewsauder\jsonDeserialize\config::setLogClassPropertyMissingType( true );