This repository contains the code, checkpoints, and environment trajectory visualizations for the paper ColorGrid: A Multi-Agent Environment for Goal Inference and Assistance. Andrey Risukhin∗ Kavel Rao∗ Ben Caffee† Alan Fan†, University of Washington.
- ∗ and † denote equal contribution
- Correspondence to Ben Caffee ([email protected]).
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd ColorGrid
conda create -n color_grid python=3.12
conda activate color_grid
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the pre-trained weights and place them into the project directory.
To train a follower agent with a "warm-started" leader (pre-trained weight) run
python --run_name <run_name> --total_timesteps <time_steps> --frozen_leader True --warmstart_leader_path leader_iteration=39061.pth --num_envs 16 --num_steps_per_rollout 128 --save_data_iters 1000 --checkpoint_iters 1000 --ppo_update_epochs 4 --seed 0 --block_density 0.10 --goalinfo_loss_coef 0 --asymmetric --log_to_wandb False --use_lstm --positive_reward 2 --negative_reward 1
for a description on the run parameters and other files for running baselines, manually playtesting the environment, etc.
Please feel free to make pull requests.