This repository includes the Tomcat RESTfull Dragonfly server.
All REST operations can be found on the REST API File
Dragonfly is an intelligent domestic watering system that allows for an autonomous and efficient way of watering plants, by knowing what a plant needs and when it needs.
The system works by disposing plants in a circular pattern and the dragonfly watering unit on the center. A motor rotates the water pipe, allowing each plant to be watered individually. Each vase has its own humidity sensor and the system has a record of which plant is sowed on which vase.
This allows a custom watering regime for different plants. All plants are also registered in Dragonfly's databases, which allows the system to know what that plant's specific water and lighting requirements.
This webserver project uses Jersey, a Java framework that allows an easy binding for REST operations, through annotations.
The project has been run in Tomcat, but any Java web server should work.
Using Maven terminal:
- Start the Tomcat server
- Execute command
mvn -e tomcat7:deploy
on Maven. This will also use the War plugin, which packs all the web content and compiled java classes.
Using IntelliJ:
- Start the Tomcat server
- From the Run/Debug tab, click on
Edit Configurations...
- Click on the plus sign to add a new run configuration and choose
- On the
Command Line
textbox, insert-e tomcat7:deploy
- Click
. After this, IntelliJ will have a clickable Run configuration