##Goal The goals of this project are to:
- create ready-to-go AMI
- deploy application very fast
- speed up development workflow
- easly and fast create and start new machines on test/production environment
- not depends on vagrant boxes available publicly
- Packer v0.8.6:download and follow installation guide http://www.packer.io/intro/getting-started/setup.html.
- Virtualbox v5.0.14 download.
- AWS tools:
- CLI installation
- VM import specification website
- Create your own S3 bucket (through website or CLI
##Build image
- Make you own configuration or use default varaibles.json
- Run script to build the AMI and upload it to AWS:
$ run.sh
- If you want to run packer in debug mode use:
$ runpackerDebug.sh
##TODO(phase II)
- create puppet repo that contains set of puppet modules
- create packer repo that allows us to create an image with specific puppet module installed
- build jenkins with predefined jobs to do everythings remotely
######All was created and tested on Macbook with OS X El Capitan (10.11.3 (15D21)). I don't promise that this will work as it is on every system (especially windows ;P)
######Pull request are welcome!