- .NET Core
- Make sure NuGet Gallery is registered as a source in your NuGet configuration (it is by default).
$ dotnet nuget list source
Registered Sources:
1. nuget.org [Enabled]
- Use
dotnet tool install
$ dotnet tool install --global Andtech.Gooball
- Use
dotnet tool uninstall
$ dotnet tool uninstall --global Andtech.Gooball
goo <command> [<projectPath>] [--follow] [-- <args>]
Gooball commands:
open Open a Unity project with a unity editor
test Run tests on a Unity project
build Build a unity project
run Run arbitrary Unity commands
Parameter | Description | Remarks |
projectPath |
The path to the Unity project. | Default: ./ |
--follow |
(Experimental) Output appended data to console as the Unity log grows. | |
args |
Arguments to pass to the Unity process (e.g. Unity.exe ). |
goo list
goo hide [--in-package <packagePath>] <assetPath>
Parameter | Description | Remarks |
--in-package |
The path to the Unity project. | This folder should contain your package.json . |
assetPath |
The path to the asset. | This will hide the asset and delete the associated meta file. |
$ goo MyProject
$ goo build MyProject -- -executeMethod BuildAll
$ goo test MyProject -- -testResults results.xml
$ goo run -- -batchMode -quit -executeMethod ExportPackages
This hides assets from Unity during the import process (see Unity - Manual: Special folder names for more details)
$ goo hide MyProject/Assets/README.md
$ goo hide --in-package MyProject/Assets/MyPackage MyProject/Assets/MyPackage/Samples
$ goo list
2021.1.24f1 [/mnt/c/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.1.24f1/Editor/Unity.exe]
2021.2.0f1 [/mnt/c/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.2.0f1/Editor/Unity.exe]