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Caesar cipher is a popular substitution cipher wherein every letter of the alphabet is mapped to another letter given by a shift value. For example if the shift is 3, a is mapped to d (d is 3 letters after a), b to e etc. In this repo I have written functions to generate the cipher given text. I have also provided functions to decipher the cipher using popular techniques which are briefly discussed below

Brute force

In this method of deciphering, the cipher text is analysed for each value of shift and n grams computed. The n grams are checked to see if they form legible words. If the n grams form legible words, then we have arrived at the cipher. This method works if the text is of a smaller size

Frequency analysis

In this method of deciphering, the frequency of the letters in the cipher and a regular standard text is compared. The comparison that gives the least error is the shift. This works only if the text is sufficiently large.

Wikipedia Link:

Huge shoutout to Simon Singh and his book, "The Code Book" which got me interested in cryptography!


Caesar cipher encryption and decryption






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