A convenient way to get a relevant background for your desktop.
- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:andykingking/stellar.git
cd stellar
- Install dependencies:
# Install Imagemagick.
brew install imagemagick
# Install Elixir/Erlang packages.
mix deps.get
- Build the application:
mix escript.build
- Run the application:
# <filename> is the name of the output file.
./stellar <filename>
# Uses the given URL as the background image.
./stellar -b <url> <filename>
# Uses the given logo location.
# Valid locations:
# - North
# - NorthEast
# - NorthWest
# - West
# - Center
# - East
# - South
# - SouthEast
# - SouthWest
./stellar -l <location> <filename>
# Add verbosity level to output.
./stellar -v <filename>
# Debug level verbosity.
./stellar -v -v -v <filename>