Simple test project for neo4j A* performance tests. The loaded OSM is lombardia.osm.bz2. Sadly the file dimension is too big for my github account, anyway you can download this file from this site:; you have to select the italian region Lombardia and download the file .osm.bz2
In order to execute tests you have to properly configure the file under src/main/resources
Above all you have to configure:
- the path where to create the neo4j DB by filling the property: pinf.neo4j.db.path
- the path where to find the OSM file you want to load by filling the property
- A* from node 1 to node 2: 1416 millis
- A* from node 1 to node 300000: 3428 millis
- A* from node 1 to node 525440: 4128 millis
In the file "LaptopInformation.html" you can fidn my laptop information
What I'm wondering is if these low performances are normal or I can improve something or this is the best I can have