Two Link Manipulator control in ROS
- ROS Melodic with Gazebo-9 (Desktop-Full Install)
- Anaconda with Python 2.7 version
- Clone the repository to the local machine and change the working branch to 'ctc' OR download the .zip file of this branch
- Place the repository folder in
- Navigate into
folder and open terminal. - Type
and press enter. - Make sure your
file (located in Home Folder) has these lines added in them:source yourpath/ros/melodic/setup.bash
source yourpath/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- After catkin has completed making the workspace, ROS should be able to locate your new rospackage
. To check it, type in terminalrospack find twolinkman
. This should print out the location of thetwolinkman_description
folder. If the rospackage location is not displayed, please contact the collaborators.
- Open a terminal and type
roslaunch twolinkman twolinkman_gazebo.launch
. A Gazebo world should be loaded with a two link manipulator at the center. Minimize this terminal. - Open another terminal and type
roslaunch twolinkman twolinkman_control.launch
. After several logging prints, the logging should stop atStarted controllers: joint_state_controller, rear_joint_effort_controller, front_joint_effort_controller
. Minimize this terminal. - Open another terminal and type
rostopic pub /twolinkman/front_joint_effort_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 1.0"
. This should move the front link of the two link manipulator in Gazebo world. Similarly try to change values of the topics by usingrostopic pub
and monitor angles usingrostopic echo
NOTE : If anything is logged in red color while running any of the above commands, there has been some error. Contact collaborators in such case with the log messages.
- Navigate to Python directory in the repository and open a terminal.
- Type python The same world should be spawned in Gazebo as twolinkman_gazebo.launch file. Minimize the terminal
- Open a new terminal at same location and type python Logging as in twolinkman_control.launch file will be printed, followed by the Gazebo model which will move to desired joint angles and plotting a graph of current and desired joint angles.
- Feel free to look into to change setpoints, gains, frequencies or complete controller. NOTE : While running the python files, module import errors may occur. Keep installing the missing modules using pip. If the problem persists, contact collaborators.
- If the setup has passed the tests mentioned in the above section, you can start collecting dataset for your manipulator model.
- Run the
scripts ends with a prompt requiring input of angle setpoints. Enter angles and the plotting will show the reponse along with performance measurements. - The prompt pops up every 3 seconds.
- The dynamic reconfiguration of PID parameters can be done using
. - Open a new terminal and type
. - From the menu bar, go to
Plugins > Configuration > Dynamic Reconfigure
- Select the controller which you want to tune and adjust PID parameters by typing in the textbox or scrolling the bars and press Enter.
- This enables live PID tuning during simulation of the manipulator.
NOTE: A more user friendly interface is under development.
- SolidWorks - 3D CAD model
- ROS Meloidc - ROS control node
- Gazebo 9 - Simulation environment
- Python 2.7 - Python interface for easy UI
Hearty thanks to Dr. S. N. Sharma for pointing out useful resources to refer to while working on this project. Deep gratitutde towards the mechanical team of the project for developing the experimental setup to test control schemes.