This project is a simple Bulletin Board application built using React and Redux Toolkit (RTK). It allows users to create, manage posts and add reactions to posts.
This project was built as part of an effort to better understand state management using Redux Toolkit, following Dave Gray's React Redux Full Course for Beginners | Redux Toolkit Complete Tutorial on YouTube.
Bulletion Board Demo video! Check it out!
- Add a Post: Allows users to create new posts by providing a title and content.
- Add Reactions to Post: Users can react to posts by adding reactions (Like, heart, rocket).
- Add Local Storage Support: The application preserves its state even after a refresh by storing data in the browser's local storage.
- Set Posts to Local Storage: Automatically saves posts and reactions to local storage for persistence across sessions.
- Delete a Post: Users can delete posts from the bulletin board.
- React-Redux: For integrating Redux with React.
- Redux Toolkit (@reduxjs/toolkit): Simplifies Redux state management.
- Date-fns: For working with dates and times.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling the app.
- Vite: A fast build tool for a modern development experience.
To install and run the project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone .
Install packages:
npm install
Run the project:
npm run dev