- hoteldeps.jar located in the root of the project contains dependencies for the JDBC driver as well as mail and activation drivers that provide email features. It is required to compile the email engine and is required by both the email engine and query engine at runtime.
- testing.jar located in the root of the project contains dependencies for JUnit and hamcrest. It is required to compile and run test cases.
- Compile required class:
- On Windows:
javac -cp ".;hoteldeps.jar" hotels/*.java
- On UNIX/Mac:
javac -cp .:hoteldeps.jar hotels/*.java
- On Windows:
- Prepare database by running the included Setup script:
- On Windows:
java -cp ".;hoteldeps.jar" hotels/Setup
- On UNIX/Mac:
java -cp .:hoteldeps.jar hotels/Setup
- On Windows:
Setup process will create the required database and populate it according to the information within the included schema.sql script.
It is possible to run test cases without running the Setup script implicitly but then the Setup script must be compiled.
- Compile tests:
- On Windows:
javac -cp ".;testing.jar;hoteldeps.jar" RunTests.java
- On UNIX/Mac:
javac -cp .:testing.jar:hoteldeps.jar RunTests.java
- On Windows:
- Run test cases:
- On Windows:
java -cp ".;testing.jar;hoteldeps.jar" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore RunTests
- On UNIX/Mac:
java -cp .:testing.jar:hoteldeps.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore RunTests
- On Windows:
- Compile required class file with
javac Demo.java
- Run with:
- On Windows:
java -cp ".;hoteldeps.jar" Demo
- On UNIX/Mac:
java -cp .:hoteldeps.jar Demo
- On Windows: