It is useful to send multiple XHR requests asynchronously and have one final handler to be invoked after all the requests are executed. It is a polymer behvaior and can be easily used with the api based applicaton.
bower install iron-multiple-ajax-behavior
Let's take a situation where user has to call multiple api call and when all the api calls are executed certain action should be taken. This is where iron-multiple-ajax-behavior can be useful, I know promises can do the same thing but this is written as Polymer Library.
#Example Getting data from multiple sources and when all of them are recieved it should show data has been loades successfully. please refere
<link rel="import" href="iron-multiple-ajax-behavior.html">
is: "iron-multiple-ajax-demo",
behaviors: [window.extendedIronMultipleAjaxBehavior],
properties: {
items: {
type: Array,
value: function() {
return [];
dataLoaded: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
ready: function() {
initializeData: function() {
this.dataLoaded = false;
//prepare all requests to be initiated
var requests = [];
for (var index = 1; index <= 10; index++) {
//once we have all requests, fire multiple requests
//the finalResponseHandler will be executed when all the requests are served.
this._sendMultipleRequests(requests, "finalResponseHandler");
getRequestObject: function(index) {
var url = '' + index;
return this._getIronRequestObj(url, "individualDataRetrival");
individualDataRetrival: function(item) {
this.push("items", item);
finalResponseHandler: function(responses) {
//this will be invoked when all the requests are served either with success or failure.
this.dataLoaded = true;
You are good to go now!