This was Ankush Choubey's first short PHP project for Web Technology subject created in October 2016. I forked this project in January 2018 to make improvements such as adding more features and security. The goal is to make a robust and secure system which can be used by any clinic/Hospital.
Clone or download the repo. Copy the directory to the www/root directory of your webserver. Open up phpmyadmin and create a database called hospital. Import the database.sql file into your database. Then create an admin user then open the site in your browser.
- Front Page Slideshow
- Login / Logout for customer.
- Seperate login for admin (location/hms-admin) - username: admin, password: admin
- Navigation Bar
- Ability to Add patient detail and book appointment.
- CSS using Twitter Bootstrap
- Stringent Access Controls
- Add Stringent Access Controls
- Implement Medicine Stock Controls
- Implement Secure Back-up of Records
- Implement patient reports