- v2.5
This is the source code for my personal portfolio website.
Fire Code - headings and code text
Nunito - normal text
- White - all normal text color
- Oxford Blue - page background color, text color on white background
- Charm Pink - links, nav bar item hover, icon hover color
- Shamrock Green - Charm Pink links hover color
- Viridian Green - project skill text color
- Slate Gray - mobile navbar background color
This is the icon of me on the Home and About pages.
Art credits to my friend wynn.draws.
- 💙 HTML5
- 💜 CSS3
- 💙 JavaScript
- 💜 Flaticon and FontAwesome for the icons
- 💙 Google Domains for the cool domain
- 💜 Netlify for hosting
- 💙 Figma for design and prototyping tools
Annie Wu (anniedotexe)
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me below.
This project was created for educational purposes and for personal use.
- If you are interested in forking this to use as a template for your own portfolio website, please give credit (i.e., in the README) and ensure to update all information and content to be yours before deploying, so you are not displaying my content and information as your own. Thanks.
If you like my content or find this code useful, give it a ⭐ or support me by buying me a coffee ☕💙
Copyright © 2021-2025 Annie Wu. All rights reserved.